Chapter 252 Troop Gathering

Seeing that Lin Feng would never let himself go in, Zhang Haiyan had no choice. Although she is a successful businessman, the army is not anywhere else, and if you say that you will not be allowed to enter, you really can't get in.

Lin Feng brought the cake in, after all, it was a wish of someone's mother, although they couldn't let their mother and daughter meet, but a birthday cake was still okay.

Back in the method room, Lin Feng put the cake on the table, "Let's make the female soldiers happy at night, and inform the cooking team to make a bowl of noodles for Ye Cunxin!"

In the office, Lin Feng said to Niu Dili, which reminded Lin Feng that if anyone has a birthday in the future, remember to ask the cooking class to make a bowl of noodles.

After three months of training, more than 100 rookies are left, Lin Xiaoxiao, Tan Xiaolin, Ye Cunxin, He Lu, Tian Guo, Shen Lanni, Tang Xiaoxiao, Qu Bi Li Azhuo, Ouyang Qian 9 people, the Fire Phoenix Special Combat Team has also been formed, captain He Lu, instructor Tan Xiaolin. Tan Xiaolin has also entered her role.

Looking at the nine people in front of him, Lin Feng said: "After three months of intensive training, there are only nine of you left among the more than a hundred rookies.

It shows that you have the basic requirements for special combat members, but it is not enough for you to become a member of the Fire Phoenix, and you still have a lot to learn in the next time.

The special driving of vehicles, the driving of helicopters, the installation and removal of explosives, how to make improvised explosives, etc.

, so you have only gone through three months of basic physical training, and you can't be regarded as a real special forces, you still have a long way to go in the future, don't think that you will not be eliminated in the future, if other training is not up to standard, you will still be eliminated, understand?"


The nine rookies roared.

"Today, let's rest and adjust!" Lin Feng said, and then the lord left, he was going to be busy with his own affairs, the decoration was almost over, and the troops were about to be rebuilt, and there were still a lot of things.

The rookies completely let go this afternoon, and there was actually hot water when they were washing, which made these female soldiers happy, took a good bath, and changed into clean clothes.

At dinner, there was a birthday cake on the table of the female soldiers.

"Is this someone's birthday!you!you!or you!" Ye Cunxin and the others came to the restaurant and saw a cake on their table, so they asked.

"It's not!"

was asked by Ye Cunxin and shook his head to confirm that it was not his birthday, this was Lin Feng and they entered the restaurant to eat.

"Today is Ye Cunxin's birthday, which was sent by her mother. Lin Feng said: "But we are a confidential unit, so we didn't arrange for you to meet your mother." That's all there is to it. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, except for Xiaoxiao and Ye Cunxin, the female soldiers had the wrong eyes, the big dog is the big dog, and they actually gave a cake with their hearts, and the cooking class then gave Ye Cunxin longevity noodles, and the female soldiers had a happy dinner and birthday cake, they all knew that the big demon king was in a good mood today to give them a rest, and the rest of the day was probably not easy!

After dinner, Lin Feng called Xiaoxiao to his office.

"Brother, what are you looking for me?" Xiaoxiao asked as soon as she arrived at Lin Feng's office.

Looking at Xiaoxiao, who was still so arrogant, Lin Feng shook his head and was speechless about this girl.

"Looking for you, I want to ask you what to do with Chenguang? Mom asked, and why are the grandparents old? Lin Feng asked Xiaoxiao about the main purpose of calling Xiaoxiao, "Also, do you really want to be in the special combat team? Our army has a rule that if you and Chenguang get married, they can't be in the special forces at the same time." "

"Brother, I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry. Do you want to marry your precious sister so much, I won't marry now, and Chenguang didn't propose to me. Xiaoxiao hugged Lin Feng's arm and said.

"You girl!" Looking at Xiaoxiao's appearance, Lin Feng smiled speechlessly, "You just know it in your own heart, if you don't marry for the rest of your life, my brother and your sister-in-law will support you, okay!"

"Xiaoxiao, you're here!" He Chenguang came to the office and saw Xiaoxiao in Lin Feng's office.

"You annoying guy, I don't want to pay attention to you!" Xiaoxiao said to He Chenguang arrogantly, Wang Yanbing and they were all snickering on the side, they all knew Xiaoxiao, and they both knew their relationship, relatively speaking, they were all more spoiled Xiaoxiao, who didn't like a cute sister, because of their duties during training, so they had to be treated equally, and now it's different.

"By the way, how is the old cow and Bai Yu, when are you going to get married!" Lin Feng asked Niu Diligently.

"The two of them! You didn't see that affectionate show just now, Captain, and you are about to kill us. Wang Yanbing said on the side.

"Who let you be a light bulb, knowing that they haven't seen you for a long time, you don't have the eyesight to get to the side, you deserve it!" Lin Feng smiled: "You should also hurry up and find a girlfriend, and get out of the ranks of single dogs as soon as possible!"

"Alright, I'll go see how the new office building is doing. Lin Feng left after speaking, and the new office building Lingyun and they are also stepping up the time to install various equipment.

Seeing Lin Feng leave, Wang Yanbing and the others also left with the sight, leaving the space for the two lovers.

Time is passing day by day in the busy, and the training of rookies is now full of tricks, driving training in the morning in the training tactics and afternoon, all kinds of difficult driving training, and they are abused so much. What a single wheel drive, driving in all conditions.

Towards the end of the renovation, the time of the troops was reported from the headquarters, and the first to come was the historic Red Army. Next came the armored regiment, then the army aviation, and the falcon brigade. This is because the army aviation and fighter units are not only aircraft, but also a large number of logistical support personnel.

On this day, a captain-sized military convoy came from the original station from the highway, they set off three days ago, which is equivalent to giving them a training task, and Lin Feng arranged for the chief of staff to wait at the highway. At this time, an off-road vehicle drove out of the highway, and when he saw a colonel waiting with several officers next to him, Liu Jun knew that this was the person who came to pick them up.

After the car came out of the exit, it came directly to the side of the car and stopped, and Liu Jun and the political commissar hurriedly got out of the car.

"Hello!" Liu Jun and Wang Litao hurriedly said hello.

"Hello, I am Hao Jian, chief of staff of the Mountain Leopard Brigade, and you are Commander Liu and Political Commissar Wang Litao! Hao Jian introduced himself.

"Hello Chief of Staff! It's not hard, they're all soldiers, they should be. Political Commissar Wang said.

"The brigade commander and political commissar are waiting at the station, there have been a lot of things recently, so the brigade commander and political commissar entrusted me to pick you up, let's go first, otherwise the road will be blocked, you follow my car, because the location of the troops is a bit out of place, and it is not easy to find." Hao Jian said.

"Okay, the chief of staff has worked hard for you to lead the way. Head Liu said.

Then they all got into their cars and prepared to go.

In Hao Jian's car, after Hao Jian got into the car, Staff Officer Song immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to notify the sentinels at the various intersections of the highway to return to the troops, because it was a regiment-level troop transfer, so there were more cars in this car, and the traffic police reported in advance, and the traffic police also assisted in directing traffic at various intersections.

After the notice of Staff Officer Song, with the green light all the way after the convoy started. The sentry on duty at the junction also got into the car to pick them up and left after the long motorcade had passed. The people were also surprised to see such a large-scale troop movement. The convoy made its way to the new station without any obstacles.

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