In the camp of red blood cells, the soldiers who were soaked in sweat and their uniforms surrounded Chu Feng in the middle with a smile.

Since Chu Feng came back, they begged Chu Feng to explain a series of things about going abroad in detail.

When it came to the fact that the special forces of Silla and the United States were beaten, everyone cheered excitedly, as if they were there in person.

"That's the way it is, as soon as I came back, I was promoted to colonel. And next, we need to expand a new special operations brigade based on our red blood cells. "

"The level, it will be the same as the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade. Although it is a brigade, it is actually a brigade-level unit. "

"Great!" Wang Yanbing said excitedly: "Brother Feng, our troops have been upgraded, and you have also been upgraded, so should we also upgrade?" "

Zhuang Yan rubbed his hands: "Brother Feng, we should all become officers, right?" "

Chu Feng laughed: "Don't worry, everyone has a share." But before you do, you're going to go out on a mission with me! "

"Mission?" Everyone stood up excitedly: "What task?" "

They have learned all the skills, and they have long been gearing up to come up with a mission to test their abilities.

Exercises alone cannot test strength at all.

Come up with a real mission, kill a terrorist or a drug dealer or something, this can really test the level.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know when the mission comes down!" Chu Feng stood up: "Now, we have to think about how to form a new special brigade first!" "

Everyone stood up together, He Chenguang patted his chest and said, "Brother Feng, if you have anything to explain, just give me the order, we promise to complete the task!" "

"Yes, Brother Feng, you can explain what you have, we promise not to embarrass you!"

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "What you have to do now is to train with your life." I'll give you a training material, and you give me a good practice before I go out on a mission and the team is formed! "

"By the time the recruits come, you'll all be veterans. Don't be inferior to recruits in military quality by then, then you will be disgraced! "

Song Kaifei laughed and said: "How is that possible, during the time that Brother Feng, you are gone, we have been training hard day and night." Now everyone's level has been raised by a notch compared to the exercise! "

Tang Xinyi nodded: "This sentence is true, everyone's progress is obvious to all." I can guarantee that if any unit of the Wolf's Tooth Special Operations Brigade comes now, we can abuse them with our own strength alone! "

"Yes, abuse them!" Everyone yelled.

Chu Feng smiled: "I believe you, but there are many limits in the human body that can be broken through." Keep training, talk about it when the recruits come! "

He Chenguang immediately roared and led the troops to the training ground quickly.

An Ran deliberately stayed, smiled and walked to Chu Feng to sort out his military uniform.

"Long time no see, you seem to have lost weight!" An Ran gently stroked Chu Feng's face, and there was a trace of distress in his eyes.

"It seems to be a lot darker!"

Chu Feng grabbed her hand and said with a faint smile: "No matter how dark I am, as long as I have you in my eyes!" "

An Ran smiled and smashed his fist in the chest: "This earthy love story, it's really awkward to say it from your mouth.... But I like it! "

Chu Feng laughed: "Okay, you go to training quickly, I still have to go to the brigade headquarters!" "

An Ran nodded: "Okay, what's the matter, let's talk about it at night!" "

She turned to leave, Chu Feng slapped her hard on the buttocks, and walked towards her car with a smile.

Driving the car, Chu Feng came all the way to the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade.

When the guards at the door saw him, their eyes widened in surprise.

Some time ago, Chu Feng was a major, and he actually became a colonel so quickly?

Chu Feng smiled and greeted the stunned guards.

The guards reacted suddenly, and they were so frightened that they immediately saluted: "Good chief!" "

Chu Feng nodded and walked straight towards He Zhijun's office building.

"Report!" Chu Feng yelled outside He Zhijun's office.

"Come in!" He Zhijun said lightly.

Chu Feng pushed the door in, and when He Zhijun saw that it was him, he stood up with a smile.

"What kind of report are you shouting when you come, the two of us are now at the same level. The military rank is the same, the position is the same, there is no need to be so polite! "

Chu Feng straightened up and saluted He Zhijun vigorously: "Old leader, I was brought out by you." Even if I am a general in the future, you will always be my old leader. If a soldier doesn't even have this concept, then he is not worthy of being a Chinese soldier! "

He Zhijun's eyes were full of relief.

There are fewer and fewer soldiers like Chu Feng who respect their teachers and respect their ways.

He Zhijun had a sense of déjà vu, the soldiers of his era were all like Chu Feng.

"Okay, you're welcome! Don't call me the old leader in the future, call me Lao He kind! He Zhijun pulled Chu Feng to sit down.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Lao He! You're older than me, so it's kind to call you like that. "

He Zhijun laughed: "You, you are the best soldier I brought out." I was under pressure to let you stay, and it was the best decision I ever made. This thing is enough for me to blow for a lifetime! "

Chu Feng said lightly: "Old leader, you helped me so much at the beginning. I'm coming to you today just to ask you to help me once! "

"Call Lao He, otherwise don't talk about helping!" He Zhijun said.

Chu Feng nodded helplessly: "Lao He!" "

He Zhijun laughed: "Say, what's the matter?" The High Commander has already greeted me, and I will do my best to help you, and there is no room for ambiguity! "

Chu Feng coughed: "Then I'm welcome..... I want to transfer Fan Tianlei to my side. "

"Do you want Fan Tianlei to be your little brother?" He Zhijun asked curiously.

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