At the Jinling Police Department, Wen Changlin was reading the documents sent by his subordinates.

The phone on the table rang suddenly, and Wen Changlin picked it up casually: "Hey, I'm Wen Changlin!" "

"Mr. Wen, I'm Chu Feng!"

As soon as he heard Chu Feng's voice, Wen Changlin immediately put down the work in his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, it turned out to be you." This time, you are majestic, on behalf of the country to welcome back the martyrs, and I heard that you have also been promoted? "

"I've been promoted to a captain, that is, a brigade-level cadre, it's not worth mentioning!"

Wen Changlin swallowed his saliva fiercely, and the brigade-level cadres were about to catch up with him.

He, the chief of the police department, is only at the rank of deputy division according to the rank of the unit.

You were promoted to a brigade-level cadre at such a young age, and it's not worth mentioning?

Wen Changlin resisted the urge to beat people, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, congratulations, Brother Chu is so promising at a young age, and his future is limitless!" "

Chu Feng smiled: "Mr. Wen is free, I want to invite you to dinner!" "

Wen Changlin immediately stood up: "I'm free, I'm free, but I have to invite Brother Chu to dinner." You have been promoted, and you are famous overseas, I must come to this meal! "

The two grabbed a few words, and in the end, Wen Changlin came to invite them, and they chose a famous local hotel in Jinling.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei came late.

Wen Changlin went up with a smile and shook hands: "Brother Chu, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" What's the matter, Lao Fan is here too? "

Chu Feng pointed at Fan Tianlei: "Now he is my deputy captain, and in the future, the work in my team will be helped by Lao Fan." Mr. Wen, take care of it! "

Wen Changlin smiled and shook hands tightly with Fan Tianlei: "It should be me who asked you to take care of it more!" Your special brigade is even higher in specification than the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade. If there is any big thing in the future, I want you to carry it more! "

"Mr. Wen is polite, are we a family of military police!" Chu Feng smiled politely.

"Alright, let's stop standing outside, let's go in and sit down!"

Wen Changlin led the way and took Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei to the second floor.

An elegant private room can seat just four people, and the table is already full of smelly dishes.

Wen Changlin opened three bottles of Dream Blue, and smiled with a bottle for each person: "This is our local good wine, let's not get drunk today!" "

Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei glanced at each other.

They should not have drunk, after all, special forces are emergency combat units and may have a mission at any time.

However, in order to fool Wen Changlin, this wine must be drunk today.

Taking advantage of Wen Changlin's time to open the wine, Chu Feng whispered: "You flicker, I'll drink." Division of labor and cooperation, get him done tonight! "

"Good!" Fan Tianlei smiled extremely treacherously.

Wen Changlin opened the wine, poured it for Chu Feng with a smile, and then poured it for Fan Tianlei again.

Chu Feng hurriedly blocked: "The two of us, one must be sober." Mr. Wen, you should know that we are special forces! "

Wen Changlin patted his head: "My fault! If you're all drunk, if there's a task, then I'm a sinner!" "

"Thank you, Mr. Wen, for your understanding!" Fan Tianlei said with a smile.

Wen Changlin poured himself a full fill, and picked up his wine glass with a smile: "Come, congratulations to Brother Chu for being promoted to the third level in a row." I have never seen you promoted so fast in my life, and you can only be promoted so fast during the war years! "

"However, for the things you did, even if you were to be promoted to four levels, it should be!"

Wen Changlin laughed and said, "Brother Chu, take a bite!" "

Chu Feng nodded: "The feelings are deep, thank you Mr. Wen for your hospitality, let's do it!" "

Before Wen Changlin could react, he saw Chu Feng raise his head and drink the wine in one gulp.

Wen Changlin was a little confused, was he so fierce as soon as he came up?

But Chu Feng is dry, and he is embarrassed not to drink it.

Cocking his neck, he also killed it in one bite.

Fan Tianlei had already re-poured wine for the two of them with a smile.

Before Wen Changlin could slow down, Chu Feng picked up the wine glass and said, "Mr. Wen, thank you for taking care of you." If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Here, toast! "

Without waiting for Wen Changlin to speak, Chu Feng drank it dry.

Wen Changlin smiled bitterly, thinking to himself, what am I taking care of you? You're good if you don't have a pit, thank me for being a fart?

But Chu Feng was dry, and he could only drink this inexplicable glass of wine head-on.

They drank big gulps of goblets.

Two cups of belly is equivalent to drinking half a catty of wine.

No matter how good Wen Changlin was, he drank so violently, and his head began to feel a little dizzy at this time.

Chu Feng is indeed fine at all, he has internal strength, and after the alcohol enters his body, it runs quickly, and most of it has been digested at this time, just like a normal person.

Fan Tianlei poured wine for the two of them again, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wen, I heard that you are going to find our captain to solve the scorpion?" "

Wen Changlin ate two mouthfuls of food pads to cushion his stomach, and immediately nodded when he heard this: "Yes!" But last time Brother Chu had something, so....."

"Now he's fine!" Fan Tianlei said: "And in order to help you, our captain has summoned the good players in the team to train day and night. Now, just wait for your message! "

"Really?" Wen Changlin opened his mouth in surprise: "Commander Gao agreed?" "

Chu Feng nodded: "You can act at any time." "

Fan Tianlei smiled: "Such a good thing, you should have a toast!" "

Wen Changlin smiled and picked up the wine glass: "It must be done!" "

Chu Feng laughed and drank it all with him.

Fan Tianlei was full again: "As long as we go out, this operation will definitely be successfully completed." Even if the scorpion has three heads and six arms, he can't escape! "

Wen Changlin laughed: "Yes, yes, Brother Chu is out of the horse, there must be no problem!" "

"!" Chu Feng shouted happily.

Wen Changlin was already happy, grabbed the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Under Fan Tianlei's flickering, the two drank five glasses in a row, and more than two catties of wine were already in their stomachs.

Wen Changlin had already begun to float: "Brother Chu, you, if you have any difficulties, just tell my brother." I don't have any other skills, help you deal with the problem, I can do it! "

Fan Tianlei hurriedly said: "We really have something to look for you today, but I'm afraid you won't agree!" "

"Yes, you have to promise, say!" Wen Changlin waved his hand.

Fan Tianlei smiled: "We want to expand the barracks, but the funds are very short, I hope Mr. Wen can be very busy!" "

"That's it!" Wen Changlin waved his hand: "How much money does it cost, I'll get it for you." Our military and police family, your business is my business! "

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "Mr. Wen, this is not a small amount, you won't regret it, right?" "

"Whoever repents, whoever is is a grandson!" Wen Changlin smiled and said, "I promise not to regret it!" "

Fan Tianlei took out a document from his bag and pushed it in front of Wen Changlin with a smile: "Then Mr. Wen, you can sign it, let us rest assured!" "

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