With Chu Feng's encouragement, Fan Tianlei's work efficiency immediately doubled.

That night, Fan Tianlei actually brought another batch of sponsors.

Just after Chu Feng finished talking to him, Fan Tianlei probably realized that he was too important, so he had to behave well and let Chu Feng feel that he was indeed really important.

So he went to the relevant local leaders!

In order to increase his weight, he also deliberately pulled the Gao General Brigade of the Armed Police Corps over.

The armed police have the most dealings with the local authorities, and sometimes the armed police have to trouble the military's special forces for things that cannot be solved.

This kind of joint relationship, the Gao Zong team can't help but come.

The two went to Shi Chang's office and made a request straight to the point.

Shi Chang was also very embarrassed, because Fan Tianlei opened his mouth widely, and his mouth was 10 million, and this number scared the Gao team.

None of their armed police dared to ask for so much money from the local authorities, and you dare to open your mouth so loudly when you come up from the army?

However, they don't know Fan Tianlei, this guy is based on the principle of being able to bargain, first say a big number, and then slowly pay it back.

Sure enough, in the end, under the repeated counteroffers of the Gao Zong team and the Shi chief, the deal was completed with a municipal government allocation of 3 million, and the municipal construction team came out to help with the construction.

Fan Tianlei's comical operation brought back the money that night, and the municipal construction team also drove into the venue.

Chu Feng was completely shocked by this guy's ability!

Although this guy's military ability is not good, his other abilities are still very strong.

No wonder his ex-wife is so successful in business, there must be credit for this guy.

With Fan Tianlei's help, Chu Feng's small life was very comfortable.

It's like there's an old mom and an accountant plus an assistant and a driver...

Except for military training, leave the rest to this guy, and he is sure that he will be able to complete it successfully.

Chu Feng found that he had found a treasure boy.

Fan Tianlei can be called a gold medal brother.

Early the next morning, as soon as the members of the red blood cells were training, the three engineering teams began their busy work.

Chu Feng stretched his waist and took a toothbrush and basin to wash.

When he returned, a guard was waiting for him.

"Report to the captain, there are two female soldiers at the door who want to see you, and they said they are here to report!"

"Female soldiers?" Chu Feng opened his mouth wide, his dragon soul had just been formed, and the sign had not been hung out yet, when would he recruit people?

Moreover, it is still a female soldier who came?

The guards hurriedly said, "They said you called them over!" "

"Or am I calling it?" Chu Feng looked confused: "Call them in!" "

"Yes!" The guards turned and left.

Chu Feng had completely forgotten what he had reported on by calling female soldiers.

Chu Feng went back to the room to change his clothes, and An Ran had already polished his shoes.

"I heard you called a female soldier to report?" An Ran asked, "Is it for us?" "

Chu Feng shook his head: "I completely forgot that there was such a thing, let's wait until I come in and take a look!" "

An Ran sneered: "A young master like you, you must have seen too many women, and you can't even remember yourself!" "

Chu Feng shrugged: "No way, the person is handsome, the family is rich, and the most important thing is that I am still very talented." Women love me! "

"Get out!" Enron smashed the scorpion at him.

Chu Feng hurriedly put on his shoes and walked out with a smile.

When I got to the door, I immediately saw two female soldiers with backpacks standing at the door.

When the two saw Chu Feng, they immediately saluted: "Good chief!" "

As soon as he saw the faces of the two, Chu Feng immediately remembered.

Aren't these the two female soldiers he recruited in the exercise: Xia Lan and Xiaoying!

"It turned out to be the two of you, I thought it was who's coming!" Chu Feng smiled: "Welcome, welcome!" "

Xiaoying pouted: "Chief, you shouldn't have recruited us and forgotten about us, right?" "

Chu Feng smiled awkwardly: "How is it possible, I have been thinking about you all the time!" "

Xia Lan snorted: "Liar, if you think about us, why haven't you transferred us over for so long?" "

Chu Feng rubbed his hands awkwardly, and quickly diverted the topic: "By the way, our brigade has just been established. Your medical team will definitely give you the best place in the future! "

"Come on, come on, you're tired too, let's arrange barracks for you first. When everyone comes back, you're getting to know each other! "

Chu Feng finally diverted the topic and took the two female soldiers to live first.

After more than an hour, the red blood cell soldiers ran back out of breath.

Chu Feng immediately gathered everyone, and Xia Lan and Xiaoying stood behind him.

Chu Feng coughed: "Let me introduce to you, this is Xiaoying, and this is Xia Lan." They are the health workers transferred from the Red Arrow Brigade, and from today on, they are members of the health team of the Dragon Soul Brigade! "

"Welcome, everyone, welcome!"

Everyone immediately applauded, especially Zhuang Yan, who couldn't close his mouth when he looked at Xiao Yingle.

But Xiaoying only glanced at him and looked away.

Somehow, when Xiaoying came to the Dragon Soul, the first thing that came to mind was to be able to see Chu Feng.

It wasn't until she came here that she remembered that Xiao Zhuang was also here.

Chu Feng clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone will know each other in the future." Xia Lan and Xiaoying will train with the team in the future. However, their training volume has been halved, after all, they are a medical team! "

"Yes!" He Chenguang and Zhuang Yan yelled at the same time.

When Chu Feng was away, the two of them were in charge of training.

"Disband!" Chu Feng turned around and left.

But before he could take a few steps, a person quickly chased after him: "Captain, I have something to look for you!" "

Chu Feng turned his head and saw that it was Shi Dafan.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng asked.

Shi Dafan made a bitter face: "I'm a hygienist, and now there are two more, so what should I do?" "

Chu Feng glared at him: "You still want to be a hygienist?" "

Shi Dafan nodded: "Yes, my ancestral military doctor, what should I be if I don't be a hygienist?" "

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, then you go and cut your bird!" "

"Good!" Shi Dafan nodded, but was immediately shocked again: "What? "

Chu Feng glared at him: "In the health team, only those without birds are allowed." If there are birds, they will fuck Lao Tzu to fight! "

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