Early the next morning, after Chu Feng explained what needed to be done in the team, he immediately drove to the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade with Fan Tianlei.

Their camp has not yet been built, and there are no helicopters yet.

If you want to use a helicopter, you can only borrow it from the wolf's teeth.

Chu Feng had already greeted He Zhijun, and a helicopter was already waiting for them.

As soon as the two arrived, the helicopter immediately took off and flew with them towards the headquarters of the Southwestern Military District.

The helicopter was very fast, and it landed in the headquarters of the Southwestern Military Region more than two hours later.

Fan Tianlei whispered as he walked: "The commander of the Southwest Military Region, who once commanded the battle with the people of southern Xinjiang, is an iron-blooded general. But he doesn't know your Chu family well, so he won't necessarily sell you face!"

Chu Feng nodded: "In the past, the five commanders were afraid that I would enter the army, just because they were afraid that I would get out of the military region. "

"Although my uncle is the deputy minister, the leaders of the major military regions, except for our high commander who has a relationship with my family, the others don't buy our account!"

Fan Tianlei smiled bitterly: "Then according to what you say, I'm afraid we won't gain much from this trip!"

"That's not necessarily!" Chu Feng said: "If you don't ask for help, how can you know what they need?"

Fan Tianlei listened to the clouds, Chu Feng didn't explain much to him, he would naturally know in the future.

The two came to the office of Commander Fu of the Northwest Military Region.

The former general of Rongma has gray hair, but he is still in good spirits.

Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei waited at the door for a long time, because they were holding a regular meeting every morning.

Specifically discuss the training program of the troops.

It took half an hour for the meeting to end.

One by one, the senior officials of the military region came out of the office, and their eyes were not very friendly to Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei.

Fan Tianlei muttered in a low voice: "Captain, they don't seem to like us!"

Chu Feng snorted coldly and strode into the office.

"Commander Fu!" Chu Feng saluted.

Commander Fu nodded coldly: "You are Chu Feng's nephew?"

Chu Feng didn't answer his question, and said directly: "I am Chu Feng, the captain of the Dragon Soul Special Brigade of the Southeast Military Region!"

Seeing that he didn't answer his words, Commander Fu asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"Come to recruit!" Chu Feng was also unambiguous, and directly said his intentions.

The corners of Commander Fu's eyes twitched: "You're welcome, you can still be so arrogant when you come to someone's house to ask for someone?"

Chu Feng Zhengse said: "I was ordered by the Supreme Leader to form a Dragon Soul Special Brigade, which can recruit troops at will throughout the country. "

"Supreme Leader?" Commander Fu snorted disdainfully: "Is there an order?

"No!" Chu Feng replied.

Commander Fu was even more disdainful: "You don't have anything, so you dare to say that it is an order from the Supreme Leader? Just by what you just said, I can arrest you!"

"Then whatever you want!" Chu Feng was neither humble nor arrogant: "Arrest me, you can just go to the headquarters and ask." When the time comes, won't you know everything?"

"I don't want to offend your uncle!"

Commander Fu waved his hand: "You go back!"

"What about my soldiers?" Chu Feng asked.

Commander Fu sneered: "Don't worry, when I ask clearly, I will send you some soldiers." I promise, they're all good soldiers!"

"Okay, then it's goodbye!" Chu Feng saluted, turned around and left.

Out of the door, Fan Tianlei said anxiously: "I said boss, why are you so rigid with him? Talk well, maybe there is some hope!"

Chu Feng smiled: "Old Fan, why are you so naïve? Before we entered the door, people gave us a horse! What he said just now, he made it clear that he wouldn't give us soldiers, what kind of good face do I need to give him?"

Fan Tianlei lamented: "Sure enough, this is the result! This Commander Fu is an old soldier, if he doesn't give face, your uncle won't be able to come." Unless, you can bring in the Supreme Leader, but that's impossible!"

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Okay, don't think about it, let's go to the next one!"

The two got on a helicopter and spent four hours to the command of the North-Western Military District.

The commander of this military district is a soldier who has just risen from the rank of army group and belongs to the local army.

As soon as Chu Feng and Fan Tianlei entered, he interrupted the two of them.

"I know you're here to ask for someone, and I also listened to the Supreme Leader's orders!"

Chu Feng stared at him: "Then can we go and pick someone?"

Commander Sun smiled faintly: "It's okay to pick people, since it is the supreme leader's intention, of course I have to cooperate! However, my troops are training in the field." Several good troops were pulled out. It will take at least half a month to finish!"

"In this way, you will come back in half a month, and I will let you pick and choose at that time!"

Fan Tianlei just wanted to ask the exact time, but Chu Feng grabbed him.

"Okay Commander Sun, we'll come back then, thank you!"

Chu Feng pulled Fan Tianlei out of the headquarters, and Fan Tianlei asked anxiously: "Captain, why don't you ask the specific time?

Chu Feng shook his head: "How can all the troops go out? And it's still more than half a month? Is this going to be stationed in other provinces?"

Chu Feng snorted coldly: "When he said this, he deliberately delayed it." Half a month later, when we came, he had other words. If he can't push it off, he might change someone to us. "

"In short, the Northwest Military Region is the same as the Southwest Military Region!"

Fan Tianlei had a bitter face: "Then, then do we want to come again?"

"I'm not coming!" Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "Let's go, go to the next military region." I'll see what they're going to do!"

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