Chu Feng returned to the military region and immediately went to find Gao Shiwei and explained the matter in detail.

Gao Shiwei smiled: "You kid can, the five old commanders have all been invited out! The commanders of the other major military regions are all their old subordinates or promoted. They came forward and worked better than anyone else!"

Chu Feng looked at Gao Shiwei: "But I still need your favor, otherwise it will be useless for the five old commanders to come!"

Gao Shiwei nodded: "Let's talk about it, I will definitely help if I can help!"

Chu Feng immediately said: "I think you can invite them all over, whether it's for dinner, or to talk about other things, just invite them over together!"

"No problem!" Gao Shiwei laughed: "It's not easy to let them come, I'm a phone call!"

"Okay, you go and inform a few old commanders, tomorrow a few of them, they will definitely all arrive!"

With Gao Shiwei's guarantee, Chu Feng immediately contacted the five old commanders.

After all, the five of them are not young, and it will take time to get over.

At least let them prepare in advance.

On the evening of the next day, one helicopter after another landed in the headquarters of the Southeast Military Region.

One by one, the commanding commanders got off the plane, and then went to the canteen under the leadership of the officers of the Southeast Military Region.

There are private rooms in the canteen, which are specially used to welcome various leaders.

Before seven o'clock, Commander Tian of the Northeast Military Region was the last to arrive.

"Everyone is here!" Gao Shiwei smiled and said to his assistant: "Serve the food, bring the good wine!"

"Yes!" the assistant immediately turned and walked out.

"I said Lao Gao, we didn't come all the way for you to eat. Commander Tian opened his mouth and said, "No one will send you this meal, let's get down to business!"

Commander Sun of the Northwest Military Region also nodded: "Old Gao, we are all busy." After taking care of things first, we are eating, so that everyone can rest assured. "

Everyone stared at Gao Shiwei tightly.

Gao Shiwei smiled faintly: "You guys, why are they all so impatient? Now that they are all commanders, can't they be a little restless?"

Commander Fu of the Southwest Military Region sneered: "Lao Gao, you guy is a thief." It's still a certainty, so that we can be more assured!"

"That's it!" Commander Tian said with a golden sword: "Okay, the batch of new equipment will be distributed to us, and we will rush over." Don't talk about anything without new gear!"

Gao Shiwei leaned on the back of the chair and said lightly: "Since I have said this, then I will also make a statement." "

"Please come here, I said that I will use the equipment newly issued to us by the Ministry of Southeast Military Region to exchange some good soldiers with you. As for this, I'm talking nonsense, it's impossible!"

The audience was silent, and everyone stared at Gao Shiwei with wide eyes.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and Commander Tian slapped the table and stood up: "Old Gao, are you playing with us?"

Commander Fu was also a hot man, slapping the table and yelling: "Boss Gao, our brothers are not as rich as you in the Southeast Military Region, but it's not something you can play with, you are too much!"

"It's just too much!" everyone yelled.

Gao Shiwei smiled faintly and waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

"Although, I lied to everyone, and I can't give you any equipment. But I called you here today, and the thing that asked for soldiers was true. "

"What about you, you still have to give our soldiers to the Dragon Soul Special Brigade!"

"Grandma!" Commander Sun roared angrily: "The soldiers we have worked so hard to cultivate, you say that you will pick peaches when you pick peaches?

"That's it!" Commander Tian sneered: "If you exchange weapons for them, I can think about it." But if you want to ask for someone for no reason, it's impossible. Which of the soldiers of our military region has not been cultivated by us with a lot of painstaking efforts? You want to take people away when your upper lip touches your lower lip? Old Gao, you are too naïve, aren't you?"

Commander Fu nodded: "Old Gao, we also explained what we said." Today you can either exchange your equipment for it, or you will be exempted from opening your mouth from now on!"

"Let's go!" everyone immediately stood up.

They came for equipment in exchange for talent.

There is no equivalent exchange, and no one wants to waste even a minute here.

Gao Shiwei suddenly said lightly: "Everyone, I advise you not to go." I didn't ask for someone from you, but someone else asked you to hand it over!"

"Who?" Commander Tian sneered: "Do you say the leader? You let the leader come and tell me, if he does, I will release him immediately! As for the others, even if the king of heaven and Lao Tzu comes, they have to get out, and Lao Tzu will not buy his account!"

"It's against you!"

A roar suddenly came from outside, and everyone in the room was shocked.

"Who, who!" Commander Tian's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that the voice was familiar.

Gao Shiwei shrugged, a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the door was opened, and Xiao Cheng was the first to walk in with a gloomy face.

Commander Tian was immediately frightened, he used to start as Xiao Cheng's guard, and later under Xiao Cheng's promotion, he got to where he is today.

Xiao Cheng's majesty is even more majestic than his father's.

Commander Tian is usually fierce, and when he sees Xiao Cheng, he has to be like a mouse seeing a cat.

Behind Xiao Cheng, Meng Shiqi, Qian Dongguo, Wu Dahai, and Tang Sen also walked in step by step.

The commanders of the other military districts all widened their eyes in shock.

Like Commander Tian, they were all subordinates of these old commanders.

At this moment, when he saw the old chief coming, he immediately stood in a row respectfully.

Xiao Cheng walked up to Commander Tian, and the latter was so frightened that he immediately saluted: "Chief!"

Xiao Cheng glared at him: "You just said that the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, and you want him to get out?"

Commander Tian's face was as bitter as an eggplant: "Chief, I, I....."

"What are you?" Xiao Cheng's eyes glared: "It's against you, you can try it!"

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