Five old commanders came out, and early the next morning, the commanders of the major military regions took the initiative to contact Chu Feng and asked him to arrange time to pick people at any time.

Commander Tian changed his irritable temper when he first met, and told Chu Feng with a smile that the special operations brigade of their military region had been fully prepared, and he was waiting for Chu Feng and them to come to the door to select people.

Commander Sun also contacted Chu Feng and said that all the people they had gone out to train had returned, and now Chu Feng could go to any unit in the entire military region by himself, and it would be okay for the military region to send someone to accompany him.

The attitude of the commanders of several large military regions has taken a 180-degree turn.

This made Chu Feng have to admire, it was still the five old commanders who came out of the horse to work, and a sentence was more useful than his broken leg.

As for the next matter of running and breaking his leg in the selection of soldiers, Chu Feng naturally handed it over to Fan Tianlei to deal with.

Chu Feng had to admit that Fan Tianlei still had a very vicious vision when picking people.

The soldier he can fancy must be the strongest in that unit, and he has a lot of potential in the future.

He Chenguang and the others were so favored by him, and then dug them up.

It turns out that the person he likes is very powerful in itself.

Chu Feng had this idea, and immediately called Fan Tianlei over and handed over this glorious and arduous task to him.

Fan Tianlei nodded excitedly immediately, he was willing to go all out to complete the work assigned by Chu Feng.

"Captain, this kind of thing is what I am best at. "

"As long as it's a good soldier, I can see it at a glance. No matter how other people's troops hide, I can find out. "

"Leave this matter to me, the top soldiers of each military region will definitely be dug up by me, don't even think about hiding any of them!"

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Old Fan." I'll leave this matter to you at ease. However, I'm afraid you're too tired. Look at it, now you have to manage the construction of the camp and recruit troops, is your body a little unbearable..."

When Fan Tianlei heard this, he immediately puffed up his chest: "Captain, don't worry, I'm in good health!"

"It's a lot of work, I'm doing a lot of work, and I'm not tired at all. "

"It's rare that you can afford me, I must work hard, and I won't be tired. Captain, you can go and do other things in peace, and I'll leave these to me!"

Listening to Fan Tianlei's hug, Chu Feng smiled faintly in his heart.

This old boy is obsessed with power.

Chu Feng gave him so many opportunities to grasp actual power, and he naturally would not give it up.


At the Jinling Police Department, Wen Changlin was directing a transnational operation on the spot in the information headquarters.

Two undercover agents, armed with audio and video equipment, have infiltrated the local drug cartel and have found clues to the scorpion.

Wen Changlin turned back and forth in the command center with his hands behind his back.

On the large screen, a very dim image was displayed, which was captured by the informant's tiny camera hidden in the clasp and transmitted back by local agents.

"Where are they going?" Wen Changlin walked back and forth several times, and he couldn't understand the route anymore.

His informant had been walking in the woods for a long time.

It seems like back and forth is the same place.

Just when Wen Changlin was anxious, a big river suddenly appeared on the video.

There was a boat on the river, from which at the moment a deafening sound of gunfire was being heard.

The entire information command was stunned, and Wen Changlin hurriedly rushed over and shouted, "What the hell is going on? What happened?"

"I don't know!" said a police officer helplessly: "I can't contact the online person now, so I don't know what's going on at the scene!"

Wen Changlin was still about to speak, when suddenly something strange appeared on the informant's side.

In the meantime, he seemed to fall down on his back to the sky, and the video was directed at the sky.

From another angle of the video, Wen Changlin and the others clearly saw that two more people had fallen.

It's just that they were shot in the head, and they fell backwards with blood spraying blood on their foreheads.

Wen Changlin's head thumped loudly.

A shocking voice echoed in his head: the informant has been discovered, something has happened!


In the camp of the Dragon Soul Special Brigade, Xiao Ying and Wu Xin stood behind Chu Feng.

All the team members stood in a row, standing in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng coughed and roared, "The two behind me are the Blood Wolf Commando from the capital. From today onwards, they will be a member of our Dragon Soul Special Brigade!"

"Because our brigade has not yet been formed, they have no position for the time being. Welcome everyone, Xiao Ying and Wu Xin!"

Everyone applauded enthusiastically.

The name of the Snow Wolf Commando, they have all heard of it.

It was a very good special operations unit in the special police of the armed police.

Those who can come out of there are definitely not ordinary people.

Xiao Ying and Wu Xin immediately saluted everyone.

Although they are the children of a family, they have been in the army for many years and have long been accustomed to military life.

They know very well that if they want to gain a foothold in the army, they must have excellent military ability, and they must also get along with everyone.

On the battlefield, it is never a one-man war.

Without a group of good helpers, they are nothing.

"Please take care of us in the future!" Xiao Ying said loudly: "In terms of training, if we are lagging behind, please help us more!"

Wu Xin also said: "You are all the old-timers of the dragon soul, we are two newcomers, please take care of it!"

He Chenguang smiled: "You're welcome, the Dragon Soul is here, everyone is a family." "

Chu Feng was just about to speak, when suddenly there was a sharp sound of brakes from behind.

Chu Feng turned his head suddenly, only to see an Audi car braking all the way, almost sliding in front of him before stopping. 、

Wen Changlin rushed out of the car, pulled Chu Feng and shouted anxiously: "Brother Chu, something happened, something happened on the other side of the Mekong River." I finally know now why the scorpion is going to the Golden Triangle, he really went to do big things!"

Chu Feng frowned tightly: "Don't worry, say something slowly!"

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