At around ten o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng's phone rang.

Chu Feng picked it up and saw that it was Wen Changlin, who he had been waiting for for a long time.

"Mr. Wen, how is the situation?" Chu Feng asked straight to the point.

Wen Changlin said with a smile: "It's exactly what I estimated, the leaders of the headquarters have approved it, and I heard that many senior leaders are in favor of arresting these social tumors." "

"I just received an order from the head of the headquarters, and all the police forces in the country have been assembled, and I am waiting for information from your side. "

"No matter where those people are, we will arrest them as soon as possible. "

Chu Feng nodded slightly, with this privilege given by the police, he could let go of his hands.

Chu Feng turned on the computer, and the page just stayed at the ultimatum he sent yesterday.

At this time, more than 600,000 messages have been left below this ultimatum.

Most of them are supporting the military to catch these rumor-mongers, and to bring a lot of peace to society.

But there are also a lot of guys who are not afraid of death who leave a message below, and any military is simply scaring people.

They think that the Internet is not a real-name system, and if they leave a message on a certain computer, they can still find it all?

Chu Feng looked at these comments, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I'll let you see, no matter where you are, I can find you!"

Chu Feng immediately started working, his hands tapping quickly on the keyboard.

The keyboard crackled, and the only thing left in the room was the crisp sound.

"Take a pen and write it down!" Chu Feng shouted coldly.

Tang Xinyi and An Ran immediately rushed over with a pen and paper.

As soon as Chu Feng figured out a person's name and ID number, they immediately began to record.

After filling a piece of paper, the two immediately went to search for the specific information of these people, and then sent it to Wen Changlin.

Underneath each person's profile, it's clear exactly what they said, when and where they posted it.

With Chu Feng's hacking technology, he can not only track down which server these people are operating from, but also use the cameras on their computers or mobile phones to take pictures of them for evidence.

An hour later, Wen Changlin's desk had hundreds of more documents.

"Sort these materials immediately!" Wen Changlin yelled at his subordinates: "Anyone who makes too many inappropriate remarks will be arrested." For the rest, you can slow down a little. After the sorting is completed, it will be sent to the various police departments for them to arrest!"


In the entire information center, more than 100 police officers were busy nervously.

When Chu Feng came from the information, they immediately began to sort, and after the sorting was completed, it was distributed to police stations all over the country.

Police stations across the country have also launched arrests.

In one northern province, a bureau chief received six faxes with clear names and addresses.

The director said coldly: "Send it to each police station, immediately start arresting, and definitely not let them run away." "

"Yes!" the subordinate took the fax and immediately went to execute.

In a province in the northwest, in an Internet café in a small county town, four policemen suddenly walked in, and the network administrator was so frightened that he immediately stood up.

"Comrade policeman, we are operating legally, and everyone is using their ID cards to access the Internet1"

"It's none of your business, sit down!" a policeman waved at him, and the webmaster immediately sat down honestly.

The four policemen searched around and finally came to a corner and surrounded a mustache in his thirties.

The mustache looked at the policemen with a surprised expression: "Everyone, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" a police officer took out a fax and put it in front of his eyes: "This is you, right? These insulting words to the army and the people's soldiers were sent out of nothing, right?"

The mustache's face suddenly turned pale: "I, I'm just having fun, making fun....."

The police officer snorted coldly: "Insulting soldiers for no reason, and spreading rumors without factual basis." It's good that you're having a good time, let's go, let's go to the prison and play slowly!"

The mustache had a bitter face, and he regretted being taken away by several policemen.

At the same time, in a company building in the South.

A private boss was angry at his subordinates: "Look at your performance, look at what you have done? It's been two months, there hasn't been a single order, and you're all eating dry food!"

The employees were scolded by him and didn't dare to look up, and they all stared at the ground in a daze.

The more the boss scolded, the more angry he became: "Who have I recruited, what kind of sin did I create in my last life, why did I meet you?"

The door suddenly opened, and two policemen walked in solemnly, and everyone's eyes turned to the police.

"Who is Li Fugui?" a policeman asked.

The boss, who was still grumpy just now, immediately smiled all over his face: "Comrade policeman, it's me, I'm Li Fugui!"

The policeman picked up the fax and looked at it, and said coldly: "Li Fugui, you are suspected of insulting the military and slandering the military on the Internet. Now I would like to ask you to go back and assist in the investigation, and come with us!"

Li Fugui was stunned, he just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction in his heart, and when he saw the news, he immediately pounced, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

Seeing that the police came to arrest him, Li Fugui stepped back with a bitter face: "Comrade policeman, I know it's wrong, can you let me go?"

The policeman who arrested him sneered: "Do you know it's wrong? Didn't you follow the post a few hours ago and say that you will never be caught?"

Li Fugui's face was even more bitter than an eggplant: "How did I know, you can really find me!"

The policeman looked at him solemnly: "The Internet is not a place of lawlessness, as long as you break the law, no matter where you are, we can catch you!"


A day passed, and a full-scale search and arrest was launched across the country.

With the continuous support of the information provided by Chu Feng, the work of the police was carried out smoothly, a large number of water troops were captured, and several black hands behind the scenes were also arrested.

The next thing, Chu Feng didn't want to care.

No matter what the identity of those black hands is, he can be sure that these people will not be much better for the rest of their lives.

Chu Feng leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath.

He did not want to preserve his reputation, but to preserve the reputation of all military personnel.

In his mind, the military is always sacrosanct.

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