The night was dark, and there was no light.

A cold wind blew, and Lan Zhiguang, who was frozen, shivered a little.

But his eyes were blazing, and he stared intently at the night ahead, as if he could see through the night.

"Lao Lan, you've been standing here for a long time, go back!" Lei Keming walked over: "It's cold now, you'll get sick if you stand outside!"

Lan Zhiguang shook his head: "No, the Red Arrow Brigade must be holding back and preparing to come and attack at night." They didn't show up all day, they must have come out at night, and I had to stay here!"

Lei Keming shook his head: "The possibility of the Red Arrow Brigade coming is not at all as likely as the Dragon Soul Brigade coming." Night is the best time for special operations. "

Lan Zhiguang looked at him suspiciously: "Really, are you sure?"

Lei Keming smiled: "Have you forgotten that I am the best special forces? If it were me, I would also choose to act at night." In broad daylight, it is basically impossible to break into your ten thousand armies. "

"The best time to act is only at night. "

"So, let's go back to the camp and wait for the Dragon Soul Brigade to come from the Casting Net."

Lan Zhiguang thought about it, he was waiting here, it was better to go back to the camp and wait for the Dragon Soul Brigade to come.

If the special forces are solved, he will have no worries, and when the time comes, he can let his troops continue to advance and directly push the Red Arrow Brigade.

However, Lan Zhiguang still ordered all the troops to be on guard to prevent the Red Arrow Brigade from sneaking up.

After making two preparations, Lan Zhiguang went back with confidence.

Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, the night passed.

Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming stayed up until the sun came out, their eyes were bloodshot, and they didn't see anyone sneaking up on them.

The Dragon Soul Brigade didn't come, and the Red Arrow Brigade didn't show up.

The entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade waited in vain for a night, and everyone who stayed up was drowsy.

"Damn, what do this Zhao Changshan and the Dragon Soul Brigade want to do?"

Lan Zhiguang finally couldn't hold it back, and scolded: "Will they fight or not? The exercise has started for a whole day, what are they going to do?"

Lei Keming also looked puzzled, he didn't understand the opponent's routine at all now.

It's been a day and a night, and it stands to reason that the other party should make a move, even if it's to knock out a regiment-level headquarters of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

But they didn't move, which made the always calm Lei Keming a little nervous.

"Old Lei, what do you say now?" Lan Zhiguang roared.

Lei Keming frowned, and after a long while, he said, "Send someone out to find it, first find out where they are!"

Now there is only this way left, and Lan Zhiguang immediately ordered the reconnaissance company to go out to search for the movements of the Red Arrow Brigade.

On the other hand, the exercise director department was also in a hurry.

On this day and night, the planes of the director's department had already searched the entire exercise area.

But not to mention the Red Arrow Brigade, they didn't even find a hair.

The sudden disappearance of a brigade was a shock to these high-level leaders of the director's department.

Commander Liu drank tea and said coldly: "Old Gao, you Red Arrow Brigade really know how to play." Thousands of people, so many cars, disappear when they say they disappear? Honestly, do they have some secret base hidden underground?"

Gao Shiwei looked at him with disdain: "Do you think it's a tunnel war when you resist Japan? There are so many people and cars, and there are also underground bases, you have watched too many blockbusters in the United States, right?"

Commander Liu shrugged: "Then how do you explain that they suddenly disappeared?"

"I don't know!" Gao Shiwei snorted coldly: "Before the end of the exercise, even if I know, I won't tell you, this is a military secret, understand?"

Commander Liu smiled disdainfully: "It's still a secret, you can pretend to be it." "

The lieutenant general of the military department smiled bitterly: "Boss Gao, this is the most peculiar exercise I have ever seen." You Red Arrow Brigade are really good at playing, and you even disappeared after playing!"

Gao Shiwei said with a smile: "This is the charm of war, no one knows what will happen next until it ends!"

Gao Shiwei looked at the gradually rising sun, and his heart was also full of doubts: This Red Arrow Brigade, as well as Chu Feng, where did they go?


In the early morning, the streets of the county seat are a little deserted.

The commuters hurriedly rode their bikes, bought a breakfast on the side of the road, and hurried on the road again.

Elderly people come out of the park with easy steps.

At this time, they have finished their morning workout, carrying their things and preparing to go grocery shopping.

On the main road, two traffic policemen put on horse clips and prepared for today's duty.

At that moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

The two looked at each other in shock, and the first thought in their minds was an earthquake!

But then, they were shocked to see that tanks were turning from the other side of the road, marching quickly in a neat line.

The two were stunned, and one tank after another hit the road, they had never heard of it in their lives, let alone seen it.

But the two of them only froze for a moment, and immediately ran to the road to maintain order.

With such a large number of troops, although they did not know what was happening, they had to ensure that the troops could pass smoothly.

The common people also consciously stepped aside, and were in awe of these steel giants.

Zhao Changshan sat on a tank, blowing the oncoming cold wind, with a smile on his face: "That kid Lan Zhiguang, I definitely didn't expect that Lao Tzu had already left the exercise area and was rushing behind his ass!"

"This silly boy must still be waiting for me there!"

The chief of staff on the side said with a smile: "It's still Captain Chu's idea, if we go hard, I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses!"

Zhao Changshan laughed and said: "I really can't see that this kid Chu Feng not only knows how to fight, but also uses soldiers." I didn't expect this trick. "

The chief of staff asked curiously: "By the way, where did Captain Chu go?"

Zhao Changshan shrugged: "The ghost knows where he went, can the special forces do things like ordinary people! But I think he must have gone to find Lan Zhiguang's bad luck!"

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