The exercise had entered its third day, but the Red Arrow Brigade and the Dragon Soul Brigade continued to disappear, making Lan Zhiguang anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Knowing that there is an enemy, but not seeing the enemy, this mood is like an ordinary person fighting with a person, both sides are ready to start, only to suddenly disappear the other party.

The mood is almost identical.

Lan Zhiguang is very worried now, afraid that the Red Arrow Brigade will suddenly come out of the ground and directly give his troops a hard blow.

The entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade was in full array, and basically did not close its eyes for three days, just waiting for when the Red Arrow Brigade would come out.

While they were staring straight ahead, the Red Arrow Brigade had successfully made a large circle through the city zone and appeared directly behind the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

Zhao Changshan commanded the troops to advance quickly and quickly approached the Ninth Brigade of the Synthesis.

At the same time, drones were dispatched to reconnoiter the distribution of the various units of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade before the large force approached.

Soon, the drone transmitted back the approximate distribution location of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

Zhao Changshan couldn't control where to focus on at this time.

His troops were already smaller than those of the Ninth Brigade.

What he has to do now is to strike hard at the Synthetic Ninth Brigade and consume their personnel and vehicles.

Knowing nothing about the Ninth Synthetic Brigade, Zhao Changshan ordered his three main regiments to open fire together.

Countless tanks, self-propelled guns and wheeled guns opened heavy fire, and under the guidance of the fire control system, they accurately hit the camp of the Composite Ninth Brigade.

"Boom, boom..."

The artillery shells of the exercise fell at the designated place, and the various units of the Ninth Brigade suddenly emitted thick white smoke.

Lan Zhiguang stood up in shock and yelled: "What's the situation?

The entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade was in chaos, and everyone was stunned.

How could they be killed without even seeing the enemy?

However, the advanced equipment of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade was not vegetarian, and two minutes later, it was found that they had been attacked from the rear.

The chief of staff ran over and shouted: "Brigade commander, the Red Arrow Brigade has suddenly appeared behind us. Our troops on the left and right flanks are under their covering bombardment, and they are charging towards our center!"

"What?" Lan Zhiguang opened his mouth in surprise: "Red Arrow Brigade..... How could they be behind us?

The chief of staff said bitterly: "But they just appeared! What should we do now, our casualties are increasing!"

Lan Zhiguang clenched his fists, he knew very well that if the mechanized corps of the Red Arrow Brigade rushed up in one go, his troops would be completely finished.

At this time, the advantageous terrain he occupied turned against him.

Because he did not have time to turn all the troops around in a short time.

By the time he redeployed, the Red Arrow Brigade would have already been hit.

"Withdraw, inform all troops to retreat back and redeploy!" Lan Zhiguang roared angrily: "Let the Army Aviation Regiment send Wuzhi to block them and prevent them from catching up!"

"Yes!" roared the Chief of Staff.

Lan Zhiguang looked at the camp with white smoke everywhere, and he was almost mad with anger.

"Old Blue, you must not mess up at this time!" Lei Keming rushed over: "This time is the best time for their special forces to attack! They are very likely to take advantage of the chaos to sneak attack!"

Lan Zhiguang's eyes were about to erupt with fire: "You said that they attacked at night, but I waited for two nights and disappeared." Now they say they will come now, old Lei, what should I believe to you?"

Lei Keming's face was a little unsightly, but he still insisted: "This time, this time it will definitely work!"

Lan Zhiguang looked at him helplessly: "I think you have this time, you might as well go to the headquarters of the Red Arrow Brigade." "

Lei Keming patted him on the shoulder: "You believe me, if you retreat to a safe position and they still haven't come, then I'll go to the headquarters of the Red Arrow Brigade!"

Lei Keming said firmly: "I trust my intuition, this time, the Dragon Soul Brigade will definitely come!"

Lan Zhiguang saw Lei Keming's determined appearance, and could only choose to believe him once.

Who called Lei Keming a veteran special forces?

Moreover, in the past exercises, he Lan Zhiguang was also cleaned up by others.

If you don't believe him now, who else can you trust?

Soon, the entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade urgently retreated under the sneak attack of the Red Arrow Brigade.

However, they have lost more than a regiment of troops and even more than one regiment in equipment.

Without a formal battle, they died so badly that everyone's hearts were holding their breath.

At the same time, the exercise director department.

Commander Liu of the Central Plains Military Region jumped to his feet anxiously: "You cheat, this is cheating!"

He pointed at Gao Shiwei and shouted: "Old Gao, no wonder I can't find your troops, it turns out that they are all out of the scope of the exercise and are marching from the city." This is serious cheating, and I don't accept this kind of result!"

Gao Shiwei didn't bother to pay attention to him, looked at the lieutenant general of the military department and said: "The real war is not limited to form. Does it mean that when we reach a real war, we still have to fight according to the textbook?"

"The exercise was originally designed to bring into play the greatest imagination of military commanders, so that they could improve their tactics and tactics, and this was the essence of the exercise. "

Commander Liu yelled angrily: "If you use strong words and quibble, you are cheating." Anyway, you're cheating, yes..."

"Okay!" Lieutenant General of the Military Department interrupted Commander Liu's words and said in a deep voice: "I think what Lao Gao said is right, the exercise is war. In real combat, your enemies won't follow suit. They will use all kinds of means just to defeat you!"

"Lao Liu!" the lieutenant general said with a smile: "At this point, your subordinates are too rigid. They just stare at the front of them, forgetting the world they are in!

The chief referee spoke, and Commander Liu suddenly had nothing to say.

Gao Shiwei looked at him proudly: "I told you a long time ago, until the last moment, who will kill the deer, don't say it too early!"

Commander Liu glared at him fiercely: "You also know that it is not the last moment, so what are you doing now." Who's dead, let's see!"

At the same time, in the sky of the exercise area, two helicopters were circling and flying.

Chu Feng looked at the battle situation below, and a smile gradually condensed on the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone get ready to prepare!" Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "The time for us to make a move is almost here!"

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