After Lei Keming left with his special forces team, Lan Zhiguang was not idle here, and quickly mobilized troops to form a new defensive position.

However, when Lan Zhiguang mobilized the troops, he completely ignored his brigade headquarters.

He didn't expect at all that the Dragon Soul Special Brigade, which he feared the most, was carrying out the final sabotage in his brigade headquarters.

Chu Feng scattered everyone, each carrying several drill explosives on their bodies.

These explosives are timed in advance and can be detonated remotely or by themselves after the time.

Ten minutes later, most of the brigade headquarters vehicles were planted with explosive devices underneath.


Next to a command car, Yang Junyu, the commander of the special operations company, suddenly yelled at Xu Sanduo.

Xu Sanduo stopped in a panic, but he didn't dare to turn his head, and the whole person stood straight in place.

Yang Junyu walked over and circled around Xu Sanduo twice, with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "Which unit are you from? Why haven't I seen you?"

Xu Sanduo's lips were trembling, his ability to express himself was not good, and he was extremely nervous at the moment, so he couldn't say a word.

"Let me ask you!" Yang Junyu frowned: "Which unit are you from? What is today's password?"

Yang Junyu's roar immediately attracted soldiers from several special operations companies to come over.

Xu Sanduo was already nervous, but now he was being targeted by several people, and suddenly the whole person began to tremble.

Not far away, Chu Feng looked at Yang Junyu coldly.

This person's eyes are sharp and ruthless, and he looks like an experienced person.

Xu Sanduo has been exposed, no matter how he hides it, Yang Junyu will not believe him.

Chu Feng whispered into the headset, "Sanduo, him!"

"Huh?" Xu Sanduo subconsciously sounded.


Chu Feng also repeated: "him, and beat people when he sees them." Others, get ready to do it!"

"Yes!" the headset responded.

"Yes!" Xu Sanduo also nodded seriously.

The people around Xu Sanduo looked confused, thinking to themselves what this guy was talking to himself?

Yang Junyu was just about to ask another question, but at this moment, Xu Sanduo suddenly raised his gun.

Yang Junyu was also born in the special operations brigade, and subconsciously the whole person fell backwards.

"Da Da Da....."

Xu Sanduo pulled the trigger mercilessly, and the drill bullets suddenly hit all the people around him and smoked white smoke.

After Yang Junyu landed, he continued to roll backwards for two laps, and Xu Sanduo's bullets chased him all the time.

Yang Junyu flipped over to a car in embarrassment before he got safe.

"Someone has infiltrated, kill him, kill him!" Yang Junyu yelled.

The soldiers of the surrounding special operations companies also reacted immediately, and rushed towards Xu Sanduo with guns in their hands.

But at this moment, the soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade hidden in the crowd also appeared one by one.

"Da Da Da....."

"Bang bang bang....."

A shuttle of bullets swept from all over the place, and the people of the Ninth Brigade were beaten with white smoke, and dozens of them were eliminated in an instant.

Yang Junyu yelled angrily: "Guard Company, Police Company, you guys are surrounded from the outside." There aren't many of them, so them all!"

At this time, the police communication company and the guard company on the periphery also reacted.

A large number of soldiers gathered around the brigade headquarters.

The bullets swept like raindrops, and the soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade kept rolling and dodging, and the firepower was quickly suppressed.

Yang Junyu sneered and stood up: "They can't do it anymore, close the siege and annihilate them!"

"What bullshit special forces!" Yang Junyu said disdainfully: "It's just that, we don't need the people of the wolf to come at all, our special operations company can clean you all up!"

Yang Junyu took people and personally surrounded the soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

At this time, the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade had been completely suppressed, and everyone was hiding in different places.

"Captain, there are too many of them, we can't beat them!" Wang Yanbing shouted: "We must rush out of here quickly, otherwise we will be dumplings!"

"Captain, rush!" Zhuang Yan also yelled.

Chu Feng took out the detonator and said with a faint smile: "Everyone can see which side has the most firepower! Wait a while to rush out and destroy them all." Remember, it's a quick fix!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Chu Feng pressed the detonator without hesitation.

All the drill explosives exploded at the same time.

"Boom, boom...."

Huge clouds of white smoke erupted from under the various vehicles, enveloping the entire vehicle in an instant.

The soldiers standing next to the car also suffered and were killed and eliminated together.

Yang Junyu was lucky enough to hide fast, otherwise he would have almost been blown up with him.

The soldiers of the Ninth Brigade were completely chaotic, and the explosion of the entire camp was full of white smoke, which made them not know where to attack for a while.


At this moment, Chu Feng roared.

All the dragon soul special forces immediately rushed out from the hiding place.

"Da Da Da....."

All kinds of machine guns fired wildly, knocking the soldiers of the Ninth Brigade who were already panicked into white smoke.

Yang Junyu was just about to get up, when a figure rushed in front of him like a ghost.

Chu Feng's muzzle was pressed against his head, and he was shot in the head with a thud.

Yang Junyu stood stupidly in place, completely unable to believe that he was killed like this.

Chu Feng passed by him and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "You guys are the special operations company of the Ninth Brigade, it's really nothing more than that!"

When Yang Junyu heard this, his face felt a hot pain!

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