The entire Synthetic 9th Brigade was hit hard by the missile battalion of the Red Arrow Brigade.

A battalion that came to the rescue and Lei Keming's Sky Wolf Special Brigade were all wiped out.

The news immediately reached the exercise director's office, and the entire director's department was in an uproar.

No one expected that the Red Arrow Brigade had been transferred to the rear of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade as a whole, and their missile battalion actually launched missiles from its original position to destroy the command headquarters of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

This can only show one problem, that is, when the Red Arrow Brigade was transferred as a whole, this missile battalion found a place where no one could find it to hide.

When they were needed, they suddenly appeared again, and then dealt the most lethal blow to the Synthetic Ninth Brigade.

Commander Liu sat down in the chair in despair.

This is really over, even Lei Keming and his men are all finished, and it is impossible for the Synthetic Ninth Brigade to fight back.

There is no command, no special forces.

Although the remaining troops of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade are still numerous, they have become headless flies.

There was no unified command, and all kinds of advanced weapons could not play a role, so they could only be used as mobile targets for the Red Arrow Brigade.

Gao Shiwei walked up to him with a smile: "What do I say, Lei Keming will definitely finish playing, I, Gao Shiwei, never say big things, because I have confidence in my subordinates!"

Commander Liu looked at him with a depressed expression: "You won, you are the boss, now everything you say is right!"

Gao Shiwei laughed and said, "When the drill is over, Lao Liu, you must educate those two boys well." Don't be so crazy, give me a war letter before the drill starts, and it will annoy my soldiers!"

"If they weren't so crazy, maybe my men would have shown mercy, and this exercise would have continued for a while. Didn't your brother have to be so ugly back then!"

Commander Liu looked at Gao Shiwei's villain's triumphant appearance, and his teeth itched with anger.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you brother for reminding me, when the drill is over, I will definitely educate them well." Next time, promise not to make the same mistake. "

Gao Shiwei sneered in his heart: You have another time, this time you haven't passed, what can you do next time!

The lieutenant general from the military headquarters saw that the two were about to quarrel again, and hurriedly said: "Now that the Ninth Brigade of the Composite Brigade has basically fallen behind, let's report the situation to the rest of their troops!"

Gao Shiwei spread his hands indifferently: "Yes, just report it." They have already beaten Lao Liu's troops so hard, and I can't kill them, right! "

Commander Liu's teeth itched, if his eyes could kill people, now Gao Shiwei is afraid that he has been killed hundreds of times.


A few minutes later, the exercise director conveyed the real-time situation of the battlefield to the various units that were fighting.

The headquarters of the Red Arrow Brigade, Zhao Changshan, heard the news, and his mouth was almost closed with a smile.

"Hahaha, Lan Zhiguang, this stupid person, I never dreamed of it, I invited such a powerful master to help!"

Zhao Changshan said proudly: "Isn't he going to teach me how to be a man? Isn't he going to destroy me? Now it's okay that he was beheaded with his special forces!"

"This man just can't talk big. The price of big words is huge!"

The chief of staff said excitedly: "Brigade commander, since their brigade headquarters is gone, there will be no one to command the remaining three regiments." Shouldn't we concentrate our forces now and divide the encirclement?"

Zhao Changshan nodded: "Their three regiments are not weaker than ours. If we unite again, we can still fight us!"

Zhao Changshan coldly ordered: "The Dragon Soul Brigade has already helped us a lot, and now it's time for us to do it ourselves." All units were ordered to quickly deliver a comprehensive blow to the right flank of the Ninth Composite Brigade. "

"Within three hours, I'm going to eat all that regiment on their right flank!"

"Yes!" roared the Chief of Staff.

At the same time, the three regiments of the Ninth Brigade were also completely shocked when they heard the news that the brigade headquarters had been completely destroyed.

"Bang!" the commander of the first regiment slapped the table and roared angrily: "A small special forces unit actually took our entire brigade headquarters." Brigadier Commander, Brigadier Commander, why are you so careless?"

Ma Hanyuan, the commander of the first company, immediately rushed out and said: "Regiment commander, those special forces knocked out our brigade headquarters, and they definitely didn't go far." Let me take the men after them, and I promise to annihilate them all. "

The regimental leader's eyes turned, and new ideas raced in his mind.

If the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade are allowed to leave this time, then the face of their brigade will be completely lost.

And he is confident that this special forces will definitely not withdraw from the battlefield.

Before the exercise is completely over, they will inevitably help the Red Arrow Brigade continue its operations.

With such a force by their side, it is a thorn in the back, and who knows what they will do.

"Commander, let me go..."Ma Hanyuan begged.

The regiment commander nodded: "Okay, you take a company to pursue." Although they are special forces, they are all infantry. You have a company of tanks, you can crush them to death!"

Ma Hanyuan immediately turned around and rushed out of the command headquarters and returned to the first company to gather all the tanks.

"Niu work hard!" Ma Hanyuan yelled at the soldier king of their brigade: "We each have a team, I am in front, and you are behind." In any case, we must kill that special forces!"

Niu tried hard to put on his hat: "Don't worry, old horse, the two of us will join forces." Don't say it's a special forces, even if it's a special elite, take them all!"

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