The lieutenant general of the military department praised Chu Feng firmly, almost forgetting that there was still Zhao Changshan.

It wasn't until Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming walked in that everyone's attention was taken away from Chu Feng's body.

The first to stand up like thunder was Commander Liu, who rushed to the two of them almost at a trot, and roared angrily at the two of them.

The saliva was like rain, and the faces of the two people were very wet.

"Look at what kind of battle you are fighting? Dull, inflexible, timid....."

"You are also called the commander? The two of you are combined, you are not as smart as Chu Feng's ass, how did you get to where you are today?"

"Look at your appearance, weren't you fierce and confident before the exercise? What's wrong now, why don't you speak, wilt? How can I bring out soldiers like you?"

Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming kept their heads down when they were scolded, but they were ten thousand unconvinced in their hearts.

Before the exercise began, Commander Liu was even more fierce and confident than them.

And if the two of them don't perform well together, can you, Commander Liu, promote them to their current position?

Why the two of them have been able to get together until now, does anyone know better than you, Commander Liu?

Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming knew that this was Commander Liu who was angry and wanted to find someone to vent.

The two of them, as subordinates, had already prepared before they came in, and this time they would definitely use Commander Liu as a punching bag.

When Commander Liu was angry enough, the lieutenant general of the military department came over with a smile.

"Lao Liu, you can't blame them all. The purpose of the exercise is to find out the shortcomings of each unit. Is correction progress?"

Commander Liu got down the stairs, then he snorted coldly, and pointed at Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming: "Did you hear it? Study hard, you are already too backward, and if you don't study, you will be eliminated!"

Gao Shiwei was not happy to hear it, and snorted coldly next to him: "Lao Liu, I think your thinking is very bad." As the saying goes, if a soldier bears, there will be a nest of bears. I see that you, the commander, are the first to learn!"

"How about it, if you don't worship me as a teacher, I'll teach you!"

Commander Liu's face was red and his neck was thick, and when he saw Gao Shiwei's smile, he wanted to beat him to death.

But it's still that sentence, he has no confidence.

Gao Shiwei won, and his subordinates were praised so highly by the head of the military department, what could he say here.

The lieutenant general of the military department coughed and hurriedly came to do peace.

He called the two sides together and evaluated the gains and losses of both sides in the exercise.

But the main thing is to praise Chu Feng's side!

After almost an hour of commentary, the summary meeting of the exercise was concluded.

A few big leaders still have to sum up their experience, so let Chu Feng and them disperse first.

Chu Feng and Zhao Changshan left the headquarters.

It was only at this time that Zhao Changshan had time to shoot Chu Feng's rainbow fart.

"Brother Chu, I really can't open it, you still have such a high attainment in military command. "

Zhao Changshan gave a thumbs up: "I admire you now, this time you made me open my face, and I must have no problem selecting the division leader at the end of the year!"

"Brother, no matter what you want to help in the future. Tell me, I have to go to the soup and the fire!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, and before he could speak, Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming walked directly towards them.

Zhao Changshan saw that the posture was wrong, and immediately stopped in front of Chu Feng.

"Old Lan, what's the matter, are you not convinced?" Zhao Changshan squinted at Lan Zhiguang.

He and Lan Zhiguang are old classmates and old rivals for many years.

The relationship between the two is delicate, good in private, but competitive at work.

Lan Zhiguang had a gloomy face: "Lao Zhao, it's none of your business, I want to talk to Chu Feng!"

Zhao Changshan snorted coldly: "Old Lan, Brother Chu is my brother, what are you doing at me!"

Lan Zhiguang glared at him: "Can you solve my business?"

Zhao Changshan was also angry: "I can't solve your Lan Zhiguang's matter?" Come on, it's all at me!"

Lei Keming coughed: "Brigade Commander Zhao, you misunderstood, we are sincerely here to ask Captain Chu for advice." You really can't solve it!"

Zhao Changshan was stunned, and Chu Feng was also stunned.

Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming came over aggressively, but they actually came to ask for advice?

The two of them didn't see it anyway!

Lan Zhiguang took a deep breath and suddenly saluted Chu Feng.

Lei Keming on the side also followed and saluted.

This scene made the eyes of all the soldiers around them widen in shock.

"Captain Chu, the two of us are convinced of losing this time, and we don't have any money at all!" Lan Zhiguang said solemnly: "Your tactics, we haven't figured it out yet!"

"Especially your psychological tactics surprised us. "

"You have taken our hearts and minds so tightly that we didn't even expect them, and you have expected them in advance. "

"On that basis, we are obedient to you. "

Lan Zhiguang looked at Chu Feng sincerely: "Captain Chu, if we had any misunderstandings before, please understand." Now, we're asking you how exactly you won against us, and there's a lot more to it that we really want to know!"

Zhao Changshan opened his mouth wide in surprise.

In his impression, Lan Zhiguang is the kind of person who doesn't admit defeat even if he dies.

Unexpectedly, he was able to pull down his face and ask Chu Feng for advice in front of so many people.

Lei Keming looked at Chu Feng sincerely: "Captain Chu, can you allow us to treat you to a meal?" First, we want to make amends to you. Second, please give us some questions!"

"Captain Chu!" Lan Zhiguang shouted: "If you don't agree, I will stand here and not leave!"

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face.

Unexpectedly, during an exercise, he made friends with two important officers in the army.

This is a good opportunity to subdue them, and Chu Feng naturally will not let it go.

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded: "However, you have to choose a restaurant I like!"

Lei Keming and Lan Zhiguang were overjoyed, and their faces were about to smile.

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