Chu Feng began to name names, and half of the veterans of red blood cells were named.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong and others were all named.

Chu Feng put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "You guys have a rest for twenty days, and you will come back in twenty days to rotate the remaining veteran players!"

"As for the new comrades, you can train with peace of mind. Every year I will give you a chance to visit your family!"

Chu Feng smiled: "Do a good job, wait until you change the rank of non-commissioned officer on your shoulders to an officer." After making meritorious service to get a house, then going home can be regarded as a real homecoming!"

"So, don't envy the veterans. Now that you are a member of the Dragon Soul Brigade, as long as you work hard, within a year, you can all get what you want!"

Chu Feng's words immediately filled the recruits with enthusiasm.

The recruits all know that Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing have only been promoted for half a year.

Half a year ago, the military rank of these two people was not as high as most of the people present.

But now, he is already a serious officer, and he has also got a house in the army.

That's the motivation.

No matter how hard and tired they are, as long as they look at the people, the recruits are immediately motivated.

Chu Feng clapped his hands: "If you have the name, pack up now, and I'll send you back!"

"Others, keep training!"

Zhuang Yan yelled, and immediately turned around with the rest of the people, and began the day's drill.

The veterans who were named quickly rushed to the dormitory to pack up their salutes.

They are happy like children coming home from school, and every corner of their faces is full of smiles.

Chu Feng called Fan Tianlei over: "Old Fan, I'm going to go out for a few days." I'll take care of the team's affairs!"

Fan Tianlei nodded: "Captain, don't worry, leave it to me here, you can go out for as many days as you want." "

For Fan Tianlei, Chu Feng is still relieved.

This old boy has a good set of managers, and he also likes to manage people.

Let him train with recruits, he can't ask for it.

Chu Feng went to say goodbye to An Ran again, and then took the veterans who had been named to board the train and drove towards the train station.

Although this time it was a holiday for the veterans, Chu Feng himself could also take a rest.

But he didn't want to go home, and there wasn't much in that house anyway.

With the exception of the servants, everyone else was busy at their respective posts and rarely went home once a year.

Chu Feng wanted to walk around, which could be regarded as a distraction for himself.

After buying train tickets for everyone, Wang Yanbing pulled Chu Feng: "Captain, why don't you go to me for a few days!"

Chu Feng looked at him in surprise: "You don't want to stay well when you go back, what do you want me to do?"

Wang Yanbing said bitterly: "My family.... I'm alone. Also, I don't have a good reputation in that area. If you go, I can go back with peace of mind!"

Li Erniu also walked over: "Captain, or you can go." When you're free, come to my house to play. "

He Chenguang also said to Xu Tianlong: "Yes, captain, you can go to Yanbing's house, so that he can go back alone and be alone!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, then I'll go back with Wang Yanbing." "

Everyone agreed, and after visiting their homes, they went to Li Erniu's house to gather together.

Chu Feng and Wang Yanbing took the train to the city where he was.

It's a laid-back town, in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the big city.

"Yanbing, where is your home, let's take a taxi!" Chu Feng said.

Wang Yanbing shook his head awkwardly: "Captain, I'll find you a hotel to stay in first." "

"Why?" Chu Feng asked in surprise: "Since they have all come to your house, of course they are going to your house, what is it to stay in a hotel?"

Wang Yanbing said with a bitter face: "My family.... It's been a long time since I've been home, and I don't know what it's like. You're from everyone's background, I'm afraid....."

Chu Feng smashed his fist in the chest: "What do you say, we are brothers." Even if your house is an earthen kiln, it's just a place to sleep, what do you think of me?"

Wang Yanbing shook his head: "I didn't mean that..... The main thing is that I had a bad reputation before, and I'm afraid that when we go back, people won't give you a good face. So, I want to go back and explain first, you can only save face when you go!"

Looking at Wang Yanbing's hypocritical appearance, Chu Feng immediately understood everything.

Wang Yanbing was very dissatisfied with his past self.

After being tempered by the army, he wants to appear in the eyes of the neighborhood with a new look.

To put it bluntly, it is to return home.

He was afraid that Chu Feng would go with him, and the neighbors would have any unexpected moves, so he would not be able to save face.

Chu Feng saw through this, and laughed: "If you don't misunderstand, isn't this simple, you wait a minute!"

Wang Yanbing watched Chu Feng take out the phone, and then dialed a string of numbers.

"Hey, Brother Zhao, it's me!" Chu Feng smiled: "I'm here for your territory, but I have something to do now, and I need your help!"

Zhao Changshan, who was on the other side of the phone, said with a smile: "Brother Chu, what are you polite to me, just say something if you have something!"

Chu Feng immediately said the current difficulties: "So, I want to ask you to come and support me!"

"I thought it was a big deal, where are you, tell me the address, and I'll let people go right away!"

Chu Feng looked at the street sign and immediately told Zhao Changshan the address.

Wang Yanbing saw Chu Feng hang up the phone, and hurriedly asked, "Captain, you, are you calling Brigade Commander Zhao?"

Chu Feng nodded: "This is one of the stations of the Red Arrow Brigade! Wait, someone will come to pick us up soon!"

Wang Yanbing nodded, he had always believed in Chu Feng's words.

The two of them waited in place for a full twenty minutes, when suddenly a row of warrior vans appeared at the end of the street.

Pedestrians on the street gave way one after another, and the military vehicle drove domineeringly to Chu Feng and stopped.

A colonel jumped out of the car and ran to Chu Feng to salute: "Chief, I am Qian Dasheng, the commander of the 76th Regiment of the Red Arrow Brigade, and I was ordered to come to report!"

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "It's hard work!"

Qian Dasheng said with a smile: "Our brigade commander said, no matter what we do, we will fully cooperate!"

Chu Feng looked back at Wang Yanbing, who was already scared: "What are you doing in a daze, get in the car, go!"

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