Hearing Li Erniu's emotion, He Chenguang and the others were choked with anger.

"Erniu, you are a full man, don't you know that a hungry man is hungry?" Wang Yanbing interjected his waist: "We are all a group of bachelors, are you stimulating us?"

Song Kaifei rolled up his sleeves: "It's too much, Li Erniu, you're too much." It's easy to think about the end of this matter. Introduce a few girls to me, and forget about it!"

Li Erniu's eyebrows fluttered and said: "There are many girls here, you can take them all if you want, and I will give them all to you." You'd better take them all away, it's annoying!"

"Yo he!" Xu Tianlong frowned: "Erniu is provoking us in disguise, brothers, can you bear this?"

Several people immediately rushed up, carried Li Erniu directly, and then walked towards the small pond on the side.

Li Erniu was so frightened that he shouted: "What are you going to do? Quickly let me down, let me down!"

Several people had already walked to the edge of the pond, and He Chenguang said: "Comrade Erniu asked us to put him down, everyone prepare!"

Several people roared, grabbed Li Erniu's hands and feet, and threw him directly into the pond.

As soon as Li Erniu fell into the pond, the girls around him immediately surrounded him like crazy.

"What are you doing, the little soldier still dares to smash the chief, you don't want to live?"

"Brother Erniu, can you swim, won't I come to save you!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and save Brother Erniu!"

He Chenguang and the others were bloody, and they were at a loss when they were scolded by a group of girls.

He Chenguang's face was sprayed with saliva, and Wang Yanbing was scratched several times.

But they are girls, and they can't fight back, and they are completely surrounded by girls like a little daughter-in-law at the moment.

Chu Feng laughed on the side, and by the way, he stopped Liu Bing, who was going up to help: "Let them make trouble by themselves!

Liu Bing smiled bitterly: "You, you are definitely the head of the family, outsiders will definitely not be able to stand it!"

"Chenguang, what should I do now?" Wang Yanbing shouted: "I'm not good at dealing with women!"

He Chenguang also shouted: "If you don't do it, I'll do it?" Hurry up and let Erniu scold these women, and they will listen to Erniu's 1."

Several people yelled into the water together: "Erniu, where are you dead, let these women go away!"

Li Erniu was splashing in the water when he suddenly heard someone shouting at him.

Looking at the shore, Li Erniu suddenly blossomed.

He shouted at the shore: "Throw them down too, these minions are simply the opposite, throw them down!"

The girls were originally going to please Li Erniu.

Hearing him shout like this, he immediately rushed up, grabbed He Chenguang's hands and feet, and threw them directly into the river.

He Chenguang and the others couldn't resist, so they could only be thrown into the water one by one, and they were covered in mud.

Li Erniu laughed and walked ashore: "Yes, deserved, let you toss me!"

He Chenguang and the others were covered with mud, all like mud monkeys.

They watched Li Erniu go ashore, and then they were quickly surrounded by a large group of girls.

"Damn!" Wang Yanbing smashed his fist into the mud: "I thought this kid was not having a good time in the mountains!

Song Kaifei said bitterly: "I didn't come if I knew it, not only was I abused, but I was also thrown into a mud monkey, and now I have to watch people hug each other.... Why is our life so miserable?"

After Li Erniu went ashore, all the girls immediately undressed him.

Li Erniu himself was also taken aback: "Hey, what are you doing..... Why are you still taking off your pants, don't move, don't move, oops, who's moving me underneath?"

The girls smiled and said, "Brother Erniu, you are all trendy, let's change your clothes." Otherwise, if you catch a cold later, it won't taste good. "

Seeing this scene, He Chenguang and the others were even more angry.

If it weren't for a group of women there, they would have rushed over and beaten Li Erniu to death.

Blessed are you!

At this moment, a sudden roar came from Li Erniu's house.

As if frightened, all the girls turned around and ran away.

Chu Feng turned his head to look and saw a fairly good-looking girl running over angrily with a stick.

"Cuifen!" Li Erniu looked at Cuifen who rushed towards him with a smile, as if he had seen a savior: "You're finally here, it's great!"

"Cuifen?" He Chenguang and the others also widened their eyes.

It turns out that this is the Cui Fen that Li Erniu chatters day and night.

"Looks good!" Wang Yanbing nodded.

Xu Tianlong touched his chin: "She looks innocent, she is a good girl!"

Just when they were evaluating Cui Fen, Cui Fen had already rushed to Li Erniu's front and kicked him in the chest, kicking Li Erniu into the quagmire again.

Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths wide in shock.

No one expected that Cui Fen would be so strong.

Li Erniu clutched his chest and shouted bitterly, "Cuifen, what are you doing here?"

Cui Fen blushed and pointed at him and shouted, "You, you nasty.... Undressing with so many women, you, you, you shameless!"

Li Erniu only noticed at this time that he was only dragged with a pair of pants!

He wanted to explain, but Tryffin had already dropped the stick and turned to run.

Li Erniu climbed ashore with an aggrieved face, looked at Cuifen's back, and shouted with a bitter face: "Cuifen, it's not what you think." They are the ones who want to take off my clothes..."

But Cui Fen left without looking back, and ignored Li Erniu at all.

Li Erniu walked to Chu Feng's side with a bitter face: "Captain, me, what should I do?" I originally thought it would be a good thing to come back as an officer, but I didn't expect to make so many moths. Captain, you're smart, help me figure it out!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "There is a way, I'm afraid you won't!"

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