Chu Feng didn't expect the villagers to be so simple.

Only an hour had passed, and he had been drinking as much as he was, and he was starting to get a little drunk.

The villagers didn't have any extra words, and drinking with Chu Feng was directly a drink.

Chu Feng was also embarrassed to take a sip, so he could only dry it with them one by one.

Fortunately, Li Erniu's father checked and released the people he thought were important, and the others could only stand aside.

"The leader is really good at drinking!" Li Erniu's father, Li Daniu, said with a smile: "It is said that the second king in our village can drink, compared to your amount of alcohol, he is far behind!"

Wang Yanbing said arrogantly: "That's for sure, our captain is not drunk with a thousand cups, where is this?"

Chu Feng glared at him: "You love to talk so much, why don't you come and drink later?"

Wang Yanbing was so frightened that he hurriedly shook his hand: "Where can I drink like you, I would have drunk to death a long time ago!"

Li Daniu said happily: "Don't drink if you can, leader, too much wine will hurt your body." I'll stop it all when I come to toast later, and you can just drink some water!"

Chu Feng nodded at Li Daniu, thinking that Erniu's father would still be a man.

As soon as he thought of Erniu, Chu Feng immediately turned his head to look at him: "Why are you still sitting here?" Didn't you say that you would be a man at night?"

Several other people also turned their heads: "Yes, Erniu, why are you still here?

Li Erniu pouted: "I, I'm embarrassed, there are so many people!"

Song Kaifei said disdainfully: "Everyone is busy drinking now, who has the time to care about you." "

"That's it!" He Chenguang said, "Everyone wants to drink with the captain now, and you have been ignored." Hurry up and don't waste a great time!"

Wang Yanbing rubbed his hands: "Erniu, you really don't know the blessing in the blessing, such a good girl, if you don't go up, others will grab it first." When the time comes, don't regret it!"

As soon as Li Erniu heard this, he immediately stood up: "Who dares!

Chu Feng kicked him on the ass: "Then don't hurry up!"

Li Erniu mustered up his courage and quickly walked to the table where Cuifen was sitting.

Cuifen saw that it was him, and turned her head to the side angrily.

"Cuifen, come with me, I have something to tell you!" Li Erniu plucked up the courage to say.

Cui Fen snorted angrily: "I have nothing to say to you, you can find those old ladies!"

Li Erniu was immediately anxious when he heard this, grabbed Cuifen's hand, pulled her and walked into the house.

Cui Fen had Li Erniu's strength, and she was immediately pulled into the house by him involuntarily.

Chu Feng and the others watched the door of the house close, and they all laughed evilly.

"Tonight, Erniu won't be able to come out!" Chu Feng picked up his wine glass: "Oh, we have another adult here!"

Wang Yanbing pouted: "What's there, my brothers will definitely find a better one in the future!"

"That's it!" Song Kaifei pouted: "In the future, I will definitely find a big beauty and be a groom every day!"

Chu Feng laughed: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come that day." "

In the house, Cui Fen broke free of Li Erniu's hand and shouted angrily: "You hurt me!"

Li Erniu hurriedly leaned over: "Where does it hurt? I didn't make much effort, why did it hurt?"

Cui Fen looked at his concerned look, and thought about the events of the day, and kicked it angrily.

Li Erniu was kicked by her and retreated several steps, and shouted in surprise: "What are you kicking me again, I didn't mean it!"

Cui Fen sat on the edge of the bed and said angrily: "So many old ladies like you, why are you still looking for me? You go to them, they are so good-looking, much better than me!"

Li Erniu rushed in front of her, raised his hand and said, "Cuifen, I swear to you." I Li Erniu only likes you in my life, and other women are not as good-looking as you. In my eyes, you are a fairy!"

Cui Fen sneered and laughed, and squinted at Li Erniu: "I will deceive people all day long, if I were a fairy, would I still live here?"

Li Erniu smiled and said, "Don't I have a house in a big city? From now on, you will live there, that is where the immortals live!"

Cuifen's heart was suddenly moved: "Really, in the middle of a big city?"

Li Erniu nodded: "Around, there are big supermarkets, big parks, schools and hospitals." Our captain said that it was the center of the city, and that we could go anywhere we wanted. There is a metro, buses, everything is very convenient!"

Tryfen's face was full of smiles of excitement.

But after a few moments, her smile suddenly disappeared.

Li Erniu asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Cui Fen shook her head: "That's your house, not mine." Besides, there are so many girls chasing you, it's hard to say whether it will be my turn!"

Li Erniu grabbed her shoulder excitedly: "Cuifen, didn't I say it, I like you in my heart." "

Cuifen's eyes purred, "Can you guarantee it?"

"Of course I can!" Li Erniu said excitedly: "I promise, you are the woman in my life!"

After speaking, Li Erniu kissed him directly.

Cui Fen was startled, and before she could react, she was stuck by Li Erniu.

Cui Fen immediately began to resist, and hit Li Erniu's chest hard with both fists.

But she didn't know that the more she resisted, the more excited Li Erniu became.

Now Li Erniu only remembers Chu Feng's words in his mind: raw rice is cooked and ripe.

"Cuifen, now, I want you to be my woman. "

Li Erniu gasped for breath and threw Cuifen down directly.

Cui Fen tried her best to resist at first, but after Li Erniu went straight in, the whole person lost his resistance.

There was a lot of noise outside, and in the house, Li Erniu had already become a real man.

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