Chu Feng asked the village chief to sit down and pointed to the two nearby mountains: "My plan is very simple, that is, to cut down all the existing trees and sell them for money first. Then plant all the fruit trees and make these mountains fruit mountains!"

"But first, you have to have the right to cut down trees!"

The village chief hurriedly said: "A notice has been issued from above, it is okay to cut down trees, but they must be planted immediately, and barren mountains must not appear." In the method you mentioned, as long as you finish cutting down and planting fruit trees, you will be fine!"

Li Daniu touched his head and asked, "However, the fruit tree costs a lot of money." Even if we sell the trees on the mountain, we won't be able to buy so many fruit trees!"

The village chief also nodded: "Also, we are all croppers, we grow crops in the mud on weekdays, and we have never served fruit trees. When the time comes, what if all the fruit dies?"

"Also, even if we have fruit, where will we sell it? If it all rots on the trees, the loss will be too great, and we mountain people can't afford it!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "I have already thought about these things for you!"

The village chief and Li Daniu looked at Chu Feng in surprise.

If these things can be solved, then of course they are willing to do it.

Everyone knows that fruits must be more expensive than crops.

Being able to grow fruits is naturally a good way to make a fortune.

Chu Feng said lightly: "I'll provide the fruit tree, it's free." The money you get from cutting down trees, you are responsible for buying fertilizer, which is considered start-up capital!"

"Also, I'll find you a professional technician. They will train you, and the village chief will have to find competent people from the village to learn. "

"Finally, once your fruit is ripe, I will provide you with some units to sell. The fruit from the first two years will definitely be marketable!"

"Later, I'll ask our technicians there to help you set up an online store with some publicity. When the time comes, you can just ship it online!"

"Specifically, I will arrange it, so you don't have to worry about it!"

The village chief and Li Daniu were confused.

In the end, they didn't understand what the network was not on, but they understood, the fruit tree seedlings were free, and there were technicians to train, and finally the fruit was produced and there was a market.

The village chief excitedly grabbed Chu Feng's hand: "Leader, you are the benefactor of our village." I don't know how to rewrite you, later I will let each family set up your immortal ranking, burn three incense sticks to you in the morning and evening, and pray for you every day!"

Li Daniu shouted: "Village chief, we also want to enshrine the leader in our ancestral ancestral hall with a golden body, so that future generations will follow and worship him together!"

The village chief nodded: "Yes, yes, why didn't I think of it." That's it, I'll arrange it later!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Two, don't be so troublesome. The reason why I help you is because Erniu is my soldier. You guys are good, he can be a soldier with peace of mind!"

Li Da Niu said stubbornly: "Chief, don't worry, I will educate Erniu well when I go back." In the future, I will be a soldier in the army, don't worry about my family, we are all fine. "

Chu Feng called several people in front of the two of them again.

These include Wen Changlin, Lan Zhiguang and Lei Keming.

After all, it's a big project and it takes a lot of money.

Just looking for someone, Chu Feng was afraid that they wouldn't be able to afford it.

Let several families contribute together, so that the burden is not very large.

The three families that Chu Feng found were all asking for him.

Their funds are sufficient, and one family is two or three million things, and the three of them readily agreed.

Wen Changlin also said that he must support the families of the military.

The fruits produced in this village were covered by the police department for the first three years, and the money must be given at the highest market price.

As for the technician problem, Lei Keming solved it, and one of his classmates was an academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the province.

Sending a few capable technicians is not a problem.

Chu Feng finished the phone call and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's all arranged." The seedlings can be delivered in three days, and the technicians will be there in about time!"

"Exist, you quickly arrange for someone to cut down the tree and sell the tree. Also, organize some lean and experienced people who are ready to learn the technology!"

The village chief and Li Daniu thanked Chu Feng for their kindness, and sent him to kneel.


For the next few days, the whole village was busy.

The village chief organized more than half of the labor force to go up the mountain to cut down trees.

At the same time, more than thirty experienced young people were organized to prepare for study.

Three days later, as Chu Feng said, a large number of fruit trees were transported into the village.

A carload of technicians also entered the village.

The villagers' energy suddenly became more sufficient, and what they did was in full swing.

With Chu Feng's help, the training in the village was also carried out in an orderly manner.

The whole village is showing a thriving atmosphere.

On this morning of the sixth day, Chu Feng had just finished breakfast when his phone suddenly rang.

Connected to the phone, Gao Shiwei's serious voice sounded on the other end: "Your vacation is over, hurry up and bring your people back, there is an important task!"

Chu Feng was stunned, Gao Shiwei had never called him so urgently.

When you call while you're on vacation, something must have happened.

"Commander Gao, what happened?" Chu Feng asked.

Gao Shiwei suppressed his anger and said: "Pirates, our freighter was attacked by pirates when it passed through the high seas. These damn pirates also kidnapped our crew and looted our goods. Headquarters instructs, let's send special forces to rescue us immediately!"

"You, the one I chose, come back quickly!" Gao Shiwei roared.

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