Chu Feng walked up to Gao Yun: "Captain Gao, the information has been obtained....."

He told Gao Yun in detail about Xia Nan's explanation.

Gao Yun's brows suddenly furrowed: "Yellow cake? This is a very important situation, and the female reporter didn't even tell us." Does she want to stop the terrorists on her own?"

Chu Feng looked at him: "What should we do next?"

Gao Yun hesitated for a moment and then said, "In this way, you first lead the team to Bam Town and rescue Deng Mei." As for the matter of the yellow cake, I will report to the above, and I will inform you of the specific arrangements!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay!"

He turned around and was about to lead the team to set off, Yang Rui hurriedly walked over at this time: "Captain Chu, I ask to fight!"

"You?" Chu Feng looked him up and down.

Yang Rui was a little embarrassed: "I know, you can't look down on the strength of our Jiaolong." But we also have combat experience and can definitely help. Hope you can take us with you!"

Gao Yun also leaned over to Chu Feng at this time and whispered, "Help, bring a few people, even if it is to teach them." You are so powerful, give our navy a little face!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, if he said he didn't want to, it would be not to give Gao Yun face.

All his next actions need the support of the navy, and it is not good to refute Gao Yun's face.

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, take your people with me!"

Yang Rui saluted excitedly: "Thank you, Captain Chu!"

"Less nonsense, let's go!" Chu Feng turned around and jumped into the car.

Yang Rui waved his hand, and the people with him also quickly jumped into the car.

Gao Yun had already contacted the Ivia military, and they sent a company that was waiting for Chu Feng and the others on the way to Bam Town.

Chu Feng's convoy drove out of the harbor and drove quickly in the direction of Bam Town.

Two hours later, they met the Ivia military on the road.

Next, the convoy of the Ivia military led the way towards the town of Bam.

The further you go home, the more bumpy the road becomes.

The special forces must hold on to the handles, otherwise their bodies will be turned out of the car.

In the afternoon, the convoy came to an abrupt halt.

Chu Feng poked his head out and saw a sentry post in front of him, and there were still a lot of cars parked on the road.

Captain Evia, who was escorting, quickly ran over: "There is a roadblock ahead, all vehicles must be checked!"

Chu Feng asked in surprise, "We also want to check?"

The captain shook his head: "We don't need to, but the road is blocked, so we can only wait slowly!"

Chu Feng was speechless, if this was in the country, the military vehicles would definitely go around the front directly, and the civilian vehicles would definitely give way.

It is no wonder that these small countries are so backward and poor, their efficiency is so slow that even the army can be blocked from carrying out its tasks.

They don't lag behind, that's really the sky has eyes.

The captain said, "Why don't you come down and smoke a few cigarettes, the search ahead is over, and you will be here soon!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, you go get busy!"

The captain saluted, turned and ran forward.

Wang Yanbing hurriedly took out a cigarette and lit it for Chu Feng: "These gringos, it's so unbelievable, even the military vehicles are blocked." "

Chu Feng smoked a cigarette and smiled and prepared to speak.

But at this moment, a rapidly approaching shrill sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

Chu Feng's nerves suddenly tensed, and he yelled: "There is an attack, get out of the car, get out of the car!"

He was the first to jump under the car, and Wang Yanbing and the others were not slow to react, and jumped under the car quickly.


Just as they got out of the car, a mortar shell hit a car on the road, blowing up the whole car to a height of more than three meters, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"There's an attack, get out of the car, hide!" Chu Feng yelled at the top of his throat.

The people of the dragon soul have all gotten out of the car, and the special forces of Jiaolong are not slacking off, and they have begun to jump out of the car.

But the Ivia military and ordinary civilians were not so quick to react.


One bomb after another was fired from a distance, and three Evia military vehicles were blown up in succession on the main road.

A bus was also shelled, and half of the carriage was blown out.

"Boom, boom....."

Mortar shells kept falling, and all the cars on the road became live targets, and one after another was blown away.

Many of those who didn't have time to escape were blown away by the shockwave, and the desert was littered with severed limbs.

Chu Feng ran to the side of the blown up bus and saw that it was full of blood, stumps and broken arms, and even intestines were hanging on the bus.

But there are still a lot of people in the car, and some civilians are struggling in pain.

Chu Feng saw the last bomb of the bus at a glance.

It's a dud, but if it explodes, everyone in the bus will be killed.

"Xu Hong, Xu Hong!" Chu Feng yelled.

Xu Hong quickly rushed over: "Captain Chu, what's the matter!"

Chu Feng pointed to the bus: "Go and defuse the bomb and buy them some time!"

"Understood!" Xu Hong rushed into the bus desperately.

Chu Feng looked at the mortar position in the distance, and there was an angry fire in his eyes.

He grabbed a sniper rifle from He Chenguang's body, drove a car and drove quickly in the direction of the mortar position.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and Chu Feng's eagle eye could already clearly see the figure of the terrorist.

"Bastard, Lao Tzu sent you to heaven!" Chu Feng's face was full of hatred and anger.


At this moment, a bullet directly flew Chu Feng's hat.

Chu Feng was shocked and immediately jumped out of the car.

At the moment of his jump, the windshield was shattered and a hole was punched in the driver's seat.

If Chu Feng had jumped late, he would have been hit at the moment.

With the level of his Vajra body, he can't stop this bullet at all, and he will definitely be injured.

"I'll go to your uncle, and the sniper!" Chu Feng spat at the foam, grabbed his gun and rushed forward.

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