The bullet hit the motorcycle's fuel tank with precision.

The sniper only felt a violent vibration from the motorcycle under his seat.

Immediately after that, the fierce hug and the flames devoured him completely.

Snipers smashed into the mountains along with burning motorcycles.

Chu Feng put down the gun, and the corners of his mouth hooked up with a sneer.

No one has yet escaped from his guns, and an Evia terrorist, he is not qualified for it.

Chu Feng turned around, just in time to see Yang Rui and Gu Shun staring blankly into the distance, and the two of them were also shocked by Chu Feng's amazing marksmanship.

At a distance of one kilometer, Chu Feng was actually able to blow up a motorcycle.

Yang Rui couldn't believe it, and Gu Shun also felt that he couldn't do it, even if he was paired with Li Zhi as an observer, it would be very difficult to do it.

Chu Feng walked towards them: "How about the casualties?"

Yang Rui paused, and then replied: "We rushed to reinforce you, and we didn't care." But there should be no casualties, everyone evacuated in time!"

Chu Feng nodded and led the two of them back to the main road.

At this time, the whole road was full of smoke, and the car that had not been burned was still on fire.

The road was lined with wounded, both government troops from Ivia and a large number of civilians.

Chu Feng couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene, many of them were seriously injured.

They were covered in blood, some of them had their bodies blown off, and their arms and feet were almost everywhere.

It's like a battlefield after the Great War, and it's hell on earth.

"You guys go and help!" Chu Feng yelled at Yang Rui.

Yang Rui and Gu Shun nodded and immediately ran over to help.

Shi Dafan and Jiaolong's medical soldier Lu Chen were nervously busy.

There were wounded everywhere, and they were almost overwhelmed.

Chu Feng's eyes showed unbearability.

Any person with a conscience will have unbearable feelings in his heart when he sees such a scene.

These are not enemies after all, they are just ordinary people and friendly troops.

But relying on Shi Dafan and Lu Chen alone, in the absence of a professional medical team, these people will definitely die.

Chu Feng sighed, at this time, he could only rely on him.

He immediately called out to the system: "Is there any medical skill, the kind that can save people's lives!"

"Of course there is!" The system replied: "God-level medical technique, combining all the knowledge and experience of future medicine." Once combined, the host will become a miracle doctor!"

Chu Feng hurriedly shouted: "That's it, just give me this." "

"Does the host need to redeem this skill?"


"It costs 2,000 check-in points!"

Chu Feng looked at his sign-in point, which was almost eight thousand, and nodded without hesitation: "Come one, hurry!"

"The system has received it, and the check-in point is being deducted....."

"The skill exchange is successful, and the host now has primary medical skills!"

How can the primary level be enough, and in the current situation, how can the advanced ones be needed.

Chu Feng shouted directly: "Promote me to the advanced level!"

"Host, to upgrade to advanced, you need three thousand sign-in points!"

Chu Feng thought about it, and finally nodded: "I want to be special, anyway, this ability will be useful in the future, upgrade!"

"System received, improving!"

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 18.]

[Constitution: 30]

[Strength: 30]

[Speed: 30]

[Sensitivity: 30]

[Commanding Power: 60]

[Registration point: 3200]

[Skills: Special Gun Use, Special Fighting, Advanced Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Advanced Body of Steel, Advanced Transfiguration Grandmaster, Grandmaster Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill!

Evaluation: Surpassing the A-level strength of the special forces

Chu Feng did not pause at all, and immediately rushed towards the wounded on the side of the road.

Shi Dafan and Lu Chen were busy, and there were still many injured people on the side of the road who were left unattended, including some seriously injured who had broken hands and feet.

Chu Feng squatted in front of an Ensign Evia whose legs had been blown off, his legs were still bleeding, and the whole person's consciousness was blurred.

Chu Feng immediately took out his medical kit, and the medical technique quickly filled his entire brain.

I didn't know what to do, but at the moment, I quickly formed a plan in my mind that could save this person's life.

Chu Feng took out his tools, and his hands were lightning fast to stop the bleeding of the wound first, and then disinfect and bandage.

After everything was done, he took out another piece of adrenaline from the medical kit and gave it to the second lieutenant.

The second lieutenant suddenly came to his senses, gasping for air.

Chu Feng grabbed his hand and said loudly: "Stay awake, you must stay awake, the medical team will come soon, only if you are awake can you live!"

The second lieutenant nodded vigorously, and his eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng immediately rushed to the next seriously injured person, and he also had a rescue plan in his mind as soon as he squatted down.

The super-medical technique existed in his mind like a miniature medical computer.

As long as you see the patient, you can immediately give a solution.

And it can also be improved according to Chu Feng's existing medical conditions.

Within ten minutes, Chu Feng saved five seriously injured people in a row.

On average, one every two minutes, the speed is so fast that even Shi Dafan, who was born in a family of military doctors, smacked his tongue.

Yang Rui and others were even more dumbfounded on the side.

No one expected that Chu Feng could not only command, but also save lives at critical moments, which was much higher than the level of military doctors.

"Oh my God!" Gu Shun said in shock: "This Captain Chu, he is all-powerful! He can even save people, what else can stump him?"

Xu Hong nodded: "No wonder people can be famous in the whole army, that's really not bragging!"

At this moment, Chu Feng turned his head and yelled at them: "What are you doing in a daze, bring me all your medical kits and save people!"

Yang Rui and the others reacted suddenly, and hurriedly gave their medical kits to Chu Feng.

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