In the town of Bam, where the former government forces were stationed, several terrorists escorted a terrified Mi to an office.

"You let go of me, let go of me. I'm just an ordinary Mi countryman, what's the use of you arresting me, I can't help you or anything!"

His face was pale, there were blood stains on his body, and his whole body looked very painful.

"Don't call Mr. William!" Behind the desk, a bearded man looked coldly at the rice guy.

There was a hint of panic on the face of the rice people, but he quickly covered it up.

"My name is Paul, and I'll say you've got the wrong person. The Mi people yelled: "Let me go, I can give you money." I'm here to do business, I've got money!"

The bearded man stood up with a smile: "Mr. William, are you insulting me? Introduction, I'm Zaka's subordinate Ba Yi! I don't want to do anything to you, as long as you hand over your things honestly, I can let you return home safely!"

William shook his head vigorously: "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not William, and I don't know what you want!"

Bayi smiled even more happily: "It seems that you like to play very much, then I will accompany you to have fun!"

As he spoke, he punched William in the stomach, where there was a freshly stitched wound.

William's whole body bent down in pain, curled up in pain like a shrimp.

Blood poured out of the wound and dripped down the clothes.

"You, what are you going to do?" William's face turned pale with pain.

Bayi sneered: "It seems that the wound they stitched up for you is not very good, so I'll help you re-stitch it up, and check your injuries by the way!"

"Someone, put him in the hospital bed and bring a scalpel!" Bai yelled.

The terrorists immediately smirked and placed William on a plank, then secured his hands and feet with ropes.

William screamed, "Don't do this, please don't do this!"

Bayi walked up to him with a sharp dagger: "Now give you one last chance to say what I want!"

William looked at him deadly: "That's the last thing I will save my life, if I say it, you will definitely kill me." Unless you send me away, I'll tell you when I'm safe!"

Bayi smiled faintly: "You are very smart, but... Wrong answer!"

Bayi tore off William's clothes and cut his wounds one by one as he howled.

In another room, Deng Mei, a Huaxia person, heard these screams and was so frightened that she curled up in the corner.

A terrorist looked at her face, smiled lewdly and said, "It's okay anyway, can you do her?"

The leader next to him also smiled: "Yes, but not now." The leader of Bayi still needs to ask her something, and when she finishes asking, she will deal with you as you please!"

Several terrorists all laughed: "The first one, of course, is for you to enjoy, we just need to follow you!"

The leader nodded vigorously: "I have never tasted the taste of a Chinese woman, this woman looks good, and the voice should be very loud, right?"

Deng Mei could understand the local language, she just wanted to die quickly at the moment, and tears were desperately sliding down her cheeks.

But she doesn't even qualify to die now.

His hands and feet were tied, and he couldn't move.

Even with a strip of cloth stuffed in his mouth, it is impossible to kill himself by biting it.

However, Deng Mei has already made up her mind.

Later, as long as they want to insult themselves, they will kill themselves no matter what, and they must not be insulted like that.

"Farewell relatives, farewell motherland!" Deng Mei cried silently, she no longer expected anyone to come to save her.

At the same time, the periphery of the town of Bam.

Chu Feng's car was rapidly approaching Bam Town.

Along the way, as Chu Feng expected, the terrorists set up bayonets and ambushes in key areas.

If they fight all the way, I am afraid that they may not be able to reach it in another day, and they will suffer heavy casualties.

But with Chu Feng's language talent, they were unimpeded along the way.

The IQ of the terrorists is also low and touching, every time Chu Feng moves out of the name of Zaka, each level will obediently give way, and no one dares to doubt it.

Chu Feng seized the weakness of the terrorists' poor contact methods.

In addition, Zaka is so mysterious, very few people can contact him, so Chu Feng is not afraid of being a goof.

"It's Bam Town ahead!" Chu Feng pointed to a lonely town in the desert.

Everyone looked forward, they didn't have Chu Feng's eagle eyes, so they could only vaguely see shadows.

"Captain Chu, shall we rush in directly?" Yang Rui asked.

Chu Feng nodded: "It's to go in, but it's not to rush in." Don't forget, we're terrorists too. When you get inside, you still follow the old rules. If I speak, you can just watch me command!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Chu Feng looked at An Ran: "Contact the Ivia military, as well as our warship." Tell them that we've found Dunmay's location. Please send them reinforcements immediately and send them the coordinates!"

"Yes!" Enron nodded.

Chu Feng knew very well that with just these people, it was impossible to deal with the thousands of terrorists in the town.

Only the intervention of the Ivia military and its own warships will make it possible to destroy them.

The town was getting closer, and everyone's hearts were in their throats.

After passing the card before, he suddenly became pediatric.

Now, they're the ones who really go deep into the tiger's den.

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