Chu Feng knew that the matter was urgent, and he had to get Deng Mei away before the other party could react.

He stared at the leader, almost forcing him into a corner: "Does Xhaka need to report to you when he does something? How many people does he send, do you need to report to you, do you not want to live?"

After speaking, Chu Feng pulled out a pistol and put it on the leader's head: "Are you going to disobey Zaka's order?"

The surrounding terrorists stood up one after another, but when they heard that Chu Feng was on the order of Zaka, everyone looked at them dryly, and no one dared to step forward.

The corners of the leader's eyes twitched a few times, and he waved helplessly to his subordinates on the side: "Take them to arrest people and take that damn Chinese woman away!"

Chu Feng patted his face, led Yang Rui and the others to follow behind the terrorists, and walked to the room where Deng Mei was held.

Deng Mei saw someone suddenly come in, and she was so frightened that she yelled, she thought she was here to insult her.

"Grab her and take her to the car!" Chu Feng yelled loudly.

Yang Rui and Yuan Lang immediately rushed over, set Deng Mei up directly and walked out.

Chu Feng shouted as he walked: "Damn woman, your country does not bow to Zaka. So, they have to pay for it. In the name of the Lord, we will cut off the head of you, the devil, and wash away the sins of the Chinese people with your blood!"

When the surrounding terrorists heard this, they shouted with ecstasy, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

These people are united either by being poor or by being religiously brainwashed.

Chu Feng grasped this weakness of theirs, so he could easily take Deng Mei away.

After sending Deng Mei to the car, Chu Feng let the car drive away immediately, and he took Yang Rui and Yuan Lang back again.

"Where is Bayi, Zaka has something to bring him!" Chu Feng asked the leader of the terrorists who had stopped him before.

The leader pointed in one direction: "He's interrogating that Mi Guoyan, where you hear the loudest screams, he's there!"

Chu Feng immediately led people over.

Until now, he had not received any further instructions from Gao Yun.

But the yellowcake must not fall into Xhaka's hands.

Such a dangerous person, once something falls into his hands, it will only cause great danger.

Therefore, Chu Feng decided to take away the information of the yellow cake first.

Following the direction pointed by the leader, Chu Feng soon heard a desperate scream.

He walked over with Yang Rui and Yuan Lang, and was stopped by terrorists at the door.

"It was Xhaka who asked me to come to Bayi!" Chu Feng said unceremoniously.

The guard nodded, and let him walk in alone.

The room smelled of blood.

William struggled painfully on the plank, and his whole body was convulsing in pain.

His wound had been opened, and a lot had been pulled out of it, and his face was extremely pale.

And Bayi was like a butcher, with blood all over his body, and his eyes were staring at Chu Feng like demons.

"Who are you?" asked Bayi, "Who let you in?"

Chu Feng asked coldly, "Do you know the whereabouts of the yellow cake?"

Bayi looked at him deadly: "I ask you, who are you?"

Chu Feng smiled coldly, and suddenly rushed over with an arrow step, pushing his whole person against the wall.

Chu Feng stuck his neck: "Let me ask you, where is the whereabouts of the yellow cake?"

Bayi's eyes widened in disbelief: "You, are you from Huaxia?"

"It seems that you didn't find it!" Chu Feng slapped him in the face, and the guy who hit him fell to the ground and fainted directly.

Chu Feng walked to the side of the plank, and William was already dying.

Chu Feng took off his scarf and revealed his true face: "I am the Huaxia Special Forces, give me the information about your yellow cake!"

William looked at him deadly, and kept saying, "Save me, save me..."

Chu Feng looked at his wounds, shook his head and said, "I can't save you, your internal organs have been destroyed, and you will die in a few minutes!"

William's eyes were full of unwillingness: "Zaka, you demon!"

Chu Feng stared at him: "Give me the yellow cake, I promise you, destroy Zaka, and avenge you." Plus, I can help you fulfill a last wish!"

William also felt that he was hopeless, but he didn't want to die like that.

"I have a sum of money, please, for my son. "

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded!

William said: "The necklace on my chest, the secret is inside. Remember, you have to kill Xhaka!"

Chu Feng picked up the necklace and studied it carefully for a while, and found that there was a miniature USB flash drive hidden inside.

By the time he looked at William, he was dead.

Chu Feng put away his things and turned around and went out.

With Yang Rui and Yuan Lang, the three of them quickly walked out of the office building.

But as soon as they walked out, Bayi suddenly opened the window on the second floor and yelled outside: "They are Huaxia, kill them, kill them!"

The terrorists around froze for a moment, but then reacted and raised their guns at Chu Feng and the others.

"Detonate!" Chu Feng yelled into the headset without hesitation.

The four of Xu Hong, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately pressed their respective detonators.

"Boom, boom....."

All of a sudden, explosions rang out all over the town of Bam.

Many places where people gathered exploded particularly violently, and one by one the terrorists were blown into the air, and fierce flames surged everywhere.

The whole town was completely chaotic, and Chu Feng yelled: "Go to the tank, quickly!"

The three cars immediately started and rushed forward while the terrorists were in chaos.

The dozen or so terrorists who were in front of the car were all knocked out.

The pickup truck ran over their bodies and rushed forward at a rapid pace.

Bayi shouted anxiously on the second floor: "Quick, kill them, kill them!"

"Da Da Da..."

There was a fierce exchange of fire on the tank's side, and more than three or four people guarded the tank, bringing down the terrorists who rushed over and wanted to grab the tank one by one.

At this moment, Chu Feng and their car rushed over.

Chu Feng yelled: "Who will drive a tank?"

"We all will!" almost everyone yelled.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "All into the tank, this is the king of land warfare." We really want to thank these terrorists for providing us with such a good weapon for free!"

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