Government forces in Ivia soon arrived, and the terrorists were quickly routed under their powerful offensive.

Although Xhaka is strong, he has many subordinates.

But after all, these people are a rabble, and their combat effectiveness is too weak compared to the government army or the rebels.

It's okay to carry out a terrorist attack, but if it's a frontal battle, they don't count at all.

In less than ten minutes, all the terrorists scattered and fled.

The commander of the government army immediately ordered an attack on all fronts, and the fierce bombardment of the ten guns they brought with them blocked almost all the escape paths of the terrorists.

Terrorists who tried to flee were either blown up into fireballs by shells or killed on the spot.

Chu Feng also withdrew from the battlefield with three tanks, and quickly planted the Huaxia military flag on the tanks to avoid accidental injury.

Chu Feng jumped down from the tank and looked at the already one-sided battlefield from a distance, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Captain, have we done a good deed?" Wang Yanbing leaned over and asked.

Chu Feng nodded: "Count, you have saved the lives of many, many people." "

Wang Yanbing smiled proudly: "Then are we considered the saviors of this country?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Count, from now on, they will burn high incense for you and make offerings to you, you are their living Jesus!"

Everyone laughed.

It was a war that did not belong to them, but they fought with peace of mind.


Two hours later, the gunfire on the battlefield gradually thinned out.

More than 1,000 terrorists were taken prisoner with their heads in their hands.

And their leader, Zaka, was tied up and thrown into a car.

Chu Feng looked from afar, and could see the bitter hatred on Zaka's face, obviously he was very dissatisfied with the current situation.

Government forces were busy cleaning up the battlefield.

The number of weapons seized from terrorists is piling up, and the number is constantly increasing.

At this moment, a major came over and shook hands with Chu Feng cordially: "Hello Captain Chu, I'm Major Roy. Thank you so much for catching Xhaka this time. You don't know how much it means to our country to catch Xhaka!"

Chu Feng said lightly: "It is our duty to fight terrorism. Moreover, we are all friendly countries, and it is also appropriate to help you!"

Roy looked at him with admiration: "There's nothing going on here, I'll leave the rest to my people to deal with." If you want to go back, the helicopter is already waiting for you!"

Chu Feng nodded, shook hands with Colonel Roy, and immediately took his people back by plane.

Next, as long as Chu Feng handed Deng Mei back and reported the information of the yellow cake, his task would be completely completed.

The helicopter slowly lifted into the air and flew towards the place where the sun had set.

The afterglow of the setting sun stretched their shadows, and everyone leaned back on the plane a little tired.

Yang Rui stared at Chu Feng for a long time, and finally couldn't help but say, "Captain Chu, I have a reluctant request, and I don't know if I can say it!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Captain Yang, don't be polite, although we are not in the same military branch, we have also fought side by side, we are friends of life and death, let's talk about it directly!"

Yang Rui smiled awkwardly: "This operation touched me a lot. To be honest, I really admire your Dragon Soul Brigade. Especially you, Captain Chu, I am extremely impressed by your combat ability, combat awareness, etc.!"

Chu Feng laughed: "Captain Yang, you don't just want to send me a rainbow fart, right?"

Yang Rui shook his head: "What I said is from my heart! Compared with you, the Jiaolong Commando has exposed too many flaws!"

"So, I hope you can agree, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can let me lead people to continue to fight side by side with you and complete the mission together!"

Chu Feng opened his mouth in surprise: "Perform a mission together?"

Yang Rui nodded: "I originally wanted to train with you, but then I thought about it, we can learn more things by performing tasks together!"

"For example, this mission, I have summed up a lot. Including methods of warfare, combat skills, and our lack of individual soldiers. "

"That's it, it's enough for us to go back and practice for a year and a half!"

Gu Shun interjected: "It's sniper technique, I asked He Chenguang, what he told me, I'll go back and digest it for at least half a year!"

Yang Rui continued, "Captain Chu, so I beg you. If you have a mission next time, can you bring us with you? We can do it, just let us learn a little bit from the sidelines!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked up into a smile.

Although the Jiaolong Commando is a navy, it is also a unit in the Chinese army sequence.

If they are stronger, they will make Huaxia's national defense strength stronger.

And when you carry it on a mission, you can also help yourself, so why not do it.

"Okay, I promised you1" Chu Feng nodded: "If there is a task next time, I will definitely inform you in advance!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Yang Rui's face: "Really, then, then I thank you, all the members of the Jiaolong Commando Team thank you."

Chu Feng laughed: "Don't thank me, if you want to thank you, just invite us to a good meal!"


The plane landed in the harbor after dark.

Deng Mei's husband and children have been waiting for her for a long time.

As soon as they saw her come back, they immediately rushed up, and the family hugged each other excitedly.

Deng Mei's husband ran over and thanked Chu Feng for his kindness, and almost knelt down to thank him for saving his life.

Gao Yun finally persuaded him to leave.

"Captain Chu, you did a beautiful job!" Gao Yun looked at Chu Feng with a smile: "You have given our country a long face this time! Caught the internationally renowned terrorist Zaka, not only our country has face, but the Ivia government also has to thank you!"

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Does the country want to give me any medals?"

Gao Yun shook his head: "I don't know what the country gives you." But what Ivia is going to give you, I guessed it!"

"What?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

Gao Yun smiled: "Their chief of staff and secretary general are already waiting for you, and it is said that they will give you the highest glory of Evia!"

Chu Feng's mouth opened wide in surprise.

What is the highest glory? It won't be money!

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