The military minister's eyes widened in surprise: "Is there anything more realistic?"

Fan Tianlei nodded: "Please come with me!"

Everyone was full of curiosity and followed Fan Tianlei to the control room.

It happened that Chu Feng was also in the control room, and when he saw so many leaders coming, he immediately stood up straight and saluted.

The head of the military department smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, you're welcome." Xiao Chu, we heard that your research is very advanced, but you can show us how advanced it is. "

Chu Feng pointed to the big screen on the side: "Chief, please look, this is a picture projected from the first perspective!"

All the high-ranking military officials looked at the TV together, and they were instantly shocked by the scene.

The snow scene they had just seen was already very realistic, but at this moment, from the first perspective of the training soldiers, it was really as real as being there.

I saw that the snow was full of enemies, and some snow mounds also hid enemies, and even the opponent had two cannons.

The trained soldiers had to kill the enemy, they had to dodge the artillery fire constantly, and they had to keep advancing.

After watching it for a while, everyone was shocked by the real scene.

Chu Zheng asked incredulously: "Xiaofeng, these are all designed by you?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "I am the main designer, and there are two assistants to help me, and the three of us will complete it together!"

"Amazing, amazing!" The Minister of War interjected: "This is as shocking as a blockbuster in the United States, Chu Feng, you are really amazing." It was much more shocking than the ones I visited abroad!"

Fan Tianlei smiled at this time and said, "Chief, if you wear the device, it will feel more real." "

"Oh, is it?" said the War Chief.

Fan Tianlei nodded: "Our Captain Chu has reset those equipment of foreigners and added a lot of equipment and procedures that are not available. Now our soldiers wear the same feeling as they do when they run or shoot. "

"This will increase their nervousness and allow them to conduct better actual combat drills!"

The minister became interested: "It's so good, then it must make me feel it!"

Fan Tianlei looked at Chu Feng, without Chu Feng's order, he didn't dare to say much.

Chu Feng nodded: "Okay, stop training and let the leaders experience it!"

Tang Xinyi nodded and immediately stopped training.

Chu Feng walked towards the training ground with the minister and the others, and all the soldiers who participated in the training saw so many leaders coming, and they all stood quietly to the side.

"Take off your equipment and help the chief put it on!" Chu Feng ordered.

All the soldiers immediately began to unload their equipment.

Chu Zheng saw that these equipment included helmets, vests, equipment for ankles, knees and thighs, and a set on wrists and shoulders.

"So many things?" Chu Zheng asked in surprise, "Is it heavy?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Some weight, simulating thirty kilograms of equipment." With these, you don't have to carry a backpack. Still, we're going to have the soldiers carry forty-kilogram backpacks!"

The minister smiled and asked, "Do any of you want to try it together?"

A lieutenant general smiled and said, "I'll come and see how about the high-tech developed by our Captain Chu!"

Chu Zheng also said: "What my nephew developed, I will definitely wear it." "

Several generals said that they wanted to wear it, and even Gao Shiwei was eager to try.

The soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade immediately dressed them.

Chu Feng asked, "What scene do you want? My simulation system now includes grassland, snow-capped mountains, deserts, hills, mountains, under the sea and airborne operations..."

The minister asked in surprise: "Can you still be airborne?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng said, "You can simulate a gravityless state here, you will float, and the equipment will give you all the sensations of falling!"

The minister smiled: "Then this airborne, let me see how realistic it is!"

"OK!" Chu Feng said a few words to the radio, and everyone immediately withdrew.

After a few moments, all the scenes suddenly changed, and the surrounding sky turned into a blue sky.

Immediately afterwards, the simulation field appeared weightless, and everyone slowly floated.

The minister said excitedly: "It's quite real, I feel like I'm on a plane." "

Chu Zheng nodded: "I just don't know what it's like to skydive later!"

In the next second, the VR glasses on their helmets automatically attached to their glasses, and a prompt sound sounded in their ears: "Now, start skydiving!"

As soon as the voice was finished, the scene in front of everyone's eyes suddenly changed, and at the same time, the equipment they wore simulated all the sensations of skydiving, and fell down with them.


The minister and the others were not ready, and suddenly saw the earth approaching them quickly, and at the same time, the weightlessness from their bodies made the blood flow backwards all over their bodies.

"Open the umbrella, open the umbrella!" the minister yelled.

Another general shouted, "But how to open the umbrella, I don't know!"

A few people were in a hurry, dancing in the air.

A moment later, several people were all smashed to the ground, and there was a sharp pain in their equipment, which made them dizzy.

Chu Feng hurriedly rushed over to untie down the equipment of several people: "Are you okay everyone?"

The head of the military department gasped and said bitterly: "I, I almost thought I was dead! Oh my God, this thing is too real, isn't it?"

Another general sat on the ground with his butt on his butt: "I really thought I was dead when I just smashed the ground." The pain that came from me made my heart almost explode. My mother, Chu Feng, your equipment is too good!"

Chu Zheng looked at Chu Feng with palpitations: "It's terrible, my heart is still trembling!"

Fan Tianlei smiled on the side: "Chiefs, you just say, is this equipment good?"

"Good!" the minister was the first to shout: "This is the best equipment I have ever seen, and even the best equipment in the world!"

"I decide!" the minister shouted, "this set of equipment must be promoted throughout the army. Chu Feng, you are the chief designer. "

Chu Feng's eyes widened in surprise, he really wanted to say no, isn't this looking for something to do for himself!

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