Beijing, the residence of the Xiao family.

Early in the morning, Xiao Cheng had already gone out for a walk, and was playing Tai Chi in the courtyard at the moment.

"Old Xiao, old brother, where are you?" Meng Shiqi's voice suddenly came from the front yard.

Xiao Cheng was still leisurely playing Tai Chi, and when Meng Shiqi came over, he asked unhurriedly: "What are you shouting, howling? Lao Tzu is not dead yet!"

Meng Shiqi stomped his feet: "My old brother, do you still have time to play here? Don't you know, that kid from the Chu family has made a big deal again!"

Xiao Cheng played steadily, and said quietly: "Isn't it that the United Nations is going to issue him a peace ambassador, Xiao Ying has already called me and told me." "

"It's not like this!" Meng Shiqi sighed: "This kid's ability is quite great, and he actually made a simulation trainer." The military department has put up a special propaganda campaign for him, and now it has become a sensation all over the world!"

Xiao Cheng paused and asked in surprise, "You, what did you just say?"

"Simulator!" Meng Shiqi shouted: "Simulator, specially used to train soldiers!"

Xiao Cheng was confused, he was old after all, and he couldn't understand these novelties.

In his opinion, soldiers should be bleeding and sweating with a knife and a shot on the training ground, and that is called real training.

What kind of simulator is it? What is this thing?

Seeing that he didn't understand, Meng Shiqi hurriedly beckoned to the secretary: "Quick, bring the computer to my brother!"

"Yes!" The secretary hurriedly ran over, opened the tablet, and immediately found the video of the military department's propaganda to show Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng was just watching the excitement at first, but after waiting for a while, he was completely shocked by the content of the video.

"This, is this a movie or a TV?" asked Xiao Cheng.

Meng Shiqi sighed: "I had the same idea as you before, but later I learned that this is the training simulator created by Chu Feng. "

He couldn't say any more, so he simply asked the secretary to explain.

The secretary put the computer aside, danced with his hands, and used a lot of body language to finally make Xiao Cheng understand what the thing Chu Feng had designed was.

After Xiao Cheng listened, the whole person was stunned.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Cheng swallowed his saliva fiercely: "This kid still has this ability? I really can't see it, not only can he engage in the military, but he is also a scientific and technological talent?"

Meng Shiqi said: "Brother, what should we do now? This kid has been in the limelight recently, and he is still in such a big limelight. "

"Especially when this simulator was designed, the military department asked him to be the chief designer and promote it to the whole army!"

"In the future, the simulation training of the whole army will be based on the equipment he made. And the response from abroad is also good, I heard that there are already countries that have negotiated with our country and want to buy complete sets of equipment, and even the people of the United States have begun to inquire about Chu Feng's information!"

Meng Shiqi lowered his voice and said, "I only got reliable information when I came, and the Supreme Leader was full of praise for Chu Feng. It is said that he is not only an expert in special operations, but also a pioneer in science and technology of our army. "

"That means, I am very optimistic about this kid, and even my attitude towards the Chu family has changed a lot!"

Xiao Cheng's head was completely in a state of confusion.

He originally thought that after he and Chu Feng reconciled, the five major families and the Chu family would be able to live side by side for a long time.

But now it seems that Chu Feng has risen strongly, and the entire Chu family is also rising.

Especially when Chu Feng's reputation in the military suddenly became so big.

In case the whole army really popularizes the things made by Chu Feng in the future, then his credit is no less than leading troops to fight a war for the country, which is the most real credit in peacetime.

Cold sweat was already breaking out on Xiao Cheng's forehead, and he already knew why Meng Shiqi came to him.

Although the Chu family has risen now, the five old guys are still there, and the Chu family will not do anything to them.

But they will die eventually!

Once they were gone, at that time, how could the younger generation of the five major families still compete with someone as terrifying as Chu Feng.

Perhaps, at that time, all the five major families will become vassals of the Chu family or even disappear.

"Brother, you have an idea!" Meng Shiqi said.

Xiao Cheng looked at him: "You came to me, do you already have an idea?"

Meng Shiqi clenched his fists: "We can't fight the Chu family, and our future generation can't fight." So I think..... When it's time to bow your head, you should bow your head. In this world, there is no family that is always strong!"

Xiao Cheng already understood what Meng Shiqi meant, this was to make the five major families completely bow to the Chu family and bow to Chu Feng, so as to exchange for peace in the future.

Xiao Cheng thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of any way to break the situation.

In the end, he could only nod helplessly: "Okay, you.... You go and make an appointment with Chu Zheng and Chu Feng, and we will feast them!"


A few hours later, Chu Zheng called Chu Feng and told him in detail about the invitation of the five major families.

Chu Feng smiled slightly after hearing this: "Uncle, didn't the five old commanders set up a Hongmen banquet for us again?"

Chu Zheng said lightly: "When Commander Meng called, his tone was very polite, and he had never been so polite to me. I guess you've been in the limelight lately, so they're scared!"

"Then to go or not to go?" Chu Feng asked.

"Go!" Chu Zheng said: "Our Chu family, we should have a break with them, I will go with you!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded: "It's just right, I haven't seen them for a long time!"

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