"Big brother!" Xiao Ying and Wu Xin poured a glass of wine for Chu Feng: "We are your subordinates, and we are also your younger brothers!"

"When you get to the army, you still treat us as your soldiers, and we won't have too many requirements. "

"But privately, we are your brothers. I will go to the soup for you!"

"Big brother!" several others also picked up their glasses.

Chu Feng was no longer hypocritical, picked up the wine glass and touched them heavily: "Thanks to the fact that a few brothers can afford it, I will recognize you brothers." In the future, if you need the help of my eldest brother, just say that if you can do it, I will do my best!"

"!" the six roared, gulping down their glasses of wine.

"Okay!" Xiao Cheng patted the table and smiled: "Bold enough, your kid's courage reminds me of your grandfather." At the beginning, a few of our brothers also became confidants like your grandfather!"

Wu Dahai sighed: "It's a pity, Brother Chu left early." A hero like him is really jealous!"

Qian Dongguo said with a smile: "But Brother Chu is lucky, you see how good his grandson is, much stronger than our grandson combined." He's a blessing!"

Meng Shiqi nodded: "It is useless whether the individual is strong or not, the key is that after a hundred years, his children and grandchildren can still dazzle, this is really strong." Chu Feng, you really did it!"

Chu Feng said humbly: "Thanks to the grandfathers who can afford it, I, Chu Feng, will definitely not disappoint your hopes." My Chu family has become the first family, and I will not forget the five of you!"

Xiao Cheng and the others nodded silently.

With Chu Feng's assurance, they were also a lot more relieved.

Although they have experienced the rivers and lakes, they do not believe what others say.

But at this time, who could they believe if they didn't believe Chu Feng?

After a hundred years, apart from Chu Feng, who else can take care of their children and grandchildren?

"Come, let's make this glass of wine together!" Xiao Cheng stood up with a smile: "Let's respect Chu Feng and the Chu family together!"

Everyone stood up, and Chu Feng raised his wine glass high: "Respect our great Huaxia!"

Everyone was stunned, Xiao Cheng was the first to react, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, respect Huaxia, respect our great Huaxia!"

"!" everyone yelled.

More than an hour later, full of wine and food, Chu Feng stood up and resigned, claiming that there was still something going on in the army.

Xiao Cheng didn't keep a few people, the matter had been negotiated, so they naturally wanted to let Chu Feng feel free.

Chu Feng gave Xiao Ying and Wu Xin a holiday and asked them to accompany their respective grandfathers back.

Xiao Cheng proposed to send Chu Feng to the airport by car, but Chu Feng politely refused, his reason was to chat with Chu Zheng for a few words.

Xiao Cheng and several people got into the red flag car and left first under the protection of the guards.

After they left, Chu Zheng also waved his hand to his driver and asked them to follow behind, and he and Chu Feng hung out for a while, which was considered to be a dissipation.

In this way, Chu Feng and Chu Zheng walked in front.

Chu Zheng's two cars followed, and the guards stood guard on both sides of the road, but they always kept a distance of 100 meters from Chu Zheng.

The uncle and nephew walked to the back sea, and the two walked slowly forward in the breeze.

For a long time, neither of them spoke.

It wasn't until halfway through that Chu Zheng suddenly said, "The changes in the past two years, you really surprised me!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Uncle is well-informed, what wind and waves have not been seen, what can surprise you?"

"You're very surprising to me!" Chu Zheng glared at him: "Seeing your current achievements, I feel that I have lived half my life in vain. "

Chu Feng laughed: "Uncle, you are too exaggerated!"

"It's not an exaggeration at all!" Chu Zheng sighed: "I really didn't expect that I would be able to leave!"

"In the past, I always thought that if you are sick, you can't do anything else except have a good brain, maybe God will pity you if you live to be thirty years old!"

"But now, not only have you become a special warfare expert, but you have also made so many combat exploits, and now you are even involved in science and technology!"

Chu Zheng shook his head: "You really refreshed my perception of you! You tell me honestly, have you been pretending for so many years?"

"I can't say pretend!" Chu Feng said casually: "My name is thick and thin, a blockbuster, and soaring into the sky." "

He could only say this, and he couldn't tell Chu Zheng that he was not the original him, just an outsider who had occupied the body of his nephew.

It is estimated that if he said it, Chu Zheng would dare to send him to a mental hospital.

Chu Zheng smiled bitterly: "You are young, but the city is deeper than me. "

"You know very well that our family is not as good as the five major families, so we are careful to seek common ground while reserving differences. When you can make a splash, when you can explode, when you are out of control, no one can stop you!"

"Until now, even the five major families have been subdued..... You kid, I'm really inferior to you!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched awkwardly.

He had never thought about it so much.

He just has a system of bull ratios, so he keeps living like this.

Chu Feng really wanted to tell Chu Zheng that he was just thinking too much.

Chu Zheng suddenly said: "I'm old, and I can't keep up with a lot of thinking. "

Chu Feng looked at him in surprise: "Uncle, what nonsense are you talking about, you are now in the prime of life, and you can still mention it!"

Chu Zheng waved his hand: "No, compared to you, I'm already old." I can't control this family ship anymore. Therefore, I have decided to hand over the position of the head of the family to you in advance!"

Chu Zheng stared at Chu Feng: "From now on, it will be up to you to lead the family and continue to move forward!"

Chu Feng's eyes widened in surprise, he definitely didn't expect that he would encounter so many things today.

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