Having inherited the position of the head of the family, Chu Feng's mood was very happy, and he and An Ran took a special car back to the Dragon Soul Brigade after dealing with some mundane things.

In the car, Chu Feng kept looking out the window and didn't say a word.

"What's the matter, Chu Feng, do you have anything on your mind?"

An Ran asked about Chu Feng curiously, breaking the silence in the car.

"Ahh Nothing!"

Chu Feng was stunned and said to An Ran with a smile.

In fact, he was preparing a big plan in his heart, and the things that he promised Enron at the beginning had now completed all the conditions, and it was time for Chu Feng to prepare for it.

At the thought of what he was about to do, he couldn't wait.

In order to keep this surprise, he was not ready to disclose the news to An Ran in advance, after all, Chu Feng still had the thoughts of the young master of the family in his bones, and he still liked to be romantic.

He said lightly in his heart.

"I want Enron to be the center of everyone's eyes!"

After returning to the military region, An Ran left Chu Feng's side first because of the work in the laboratory, and Chu Feng took advantage of An Ran's absence to immediately start implementing his plan.

He came to the playground, at this time, the team members were training hard, he slowly walked over, clapped his hands and gathered.


He Chenguang shouted.

Everyone lined up in a row, facing Chu Feng.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

He Chenguang stepped forward to ask Chu Feng, Chu Feng tilted his head and glanced at the team members behind him, revealing the corners of his mouth raised, and whispered in the other party's ear.

"I'm proposing tonight, and I want you to prepare something for me. "


He Chenguang shouted and quickly covered his mouth.

He asked, surprised.

"Captain, are you going to talk to Sister An Ran?"

He Chenguang joked mischievously.


Chu Feng raised his fist, wanting to teach He Chenguang a lesson, Chu Feng didn't like this kind of joke very much, but in his heart he only recognized An Ran, a woman.

He Chenguang took a step back and scratched the back of his head and asked.

"Captain, what are we going to do?"

Chu Feng thought about it, muttered in He Chenguang's ear, and told the other party all the plans he had thought of in advance.

This matter cannot be completed by Chu Feng alone, and the team members must be asked to help carry it out.

After He Chenguang listened, he gave Chu Feng a thumbs up, and responded with an expression of admiration.

"Captain, you're really powerful!"

"Of course. Chu Feng looked chic and threw a wink at He Chenguang.

"Don't worry, I'll go and prepare now. He Chenguang tasted it for a moment, and then asked Chu Feng.

"Captain, don't we all need to train?"

Chu Feng said lightly when he thought that this dispatch was the matter of the entire Dragon Soul Brigade.

"Today, I should give you all a day off, relax and relax, some players in the province should say that I am strict again. "

Hearing this good news, He Chenguang was as sweet as eating honey, and saluted Chu Feng, "Captain, don't worry, I, He Chenguang, promise to complete the task." "

After speaking, He Chenguang began to explain the matter.

And Chu Feng's next order to prevent An Ran from finding out, he had to ask for help from someone - Tang Xinyi.

"Why should I cover for you, what's in it for me to propose?"

Tang Xinyi looked reluctant, she was 10,000 unwilling in her heart for Chu Feng to propose to An Ran.

Chu Feng said with a smile.

"Only you can do this, and I have more to do. "

But Tang Xinyi was still very reluctant, and there were three big words unhappy written on her face.

"This man is so desperate, can't you see that the old lady also likes him?"

Tang Xinyi stared at Chu Feng's eyes, in fact, Chu Feng also knew very well in his heart that Tang Xinyi had all kinds of good feelings for himself, but who made him so infatuated with An Ran, which also made him helpless.

Seeing that Tang Xinyi had not answered whether he agreed or not, Chu Feng tilted his mouth, turned around and prepared to leave.

"If you don't want to, forget it, I'll just find someone else, and you're not the only woman in this Dragon Soul Brigade. "

Seeing that Chu Feng was really leaving, Tang Xinyi was ruthless in her heart and stopped Chu Feng.

"Okay, I promise you won't be able to!"

Chu Feng turned around and said with a smile.

"I knew you were going to promise me. "

Tang Xinyi looked at his back hatefully: "You stupid, your eyes are blind, can't you see that I like you?" stupid, stupid, big stupid!"

After that, let Tang Xinyi go to the laboratory to accompany An Ran and help Chu Feng delay time.

Chu Feng was calculating the preparation of things in his heart, and it would be better for him to stand and watch where it would be held.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and suddenly he set his eyes on the roof of the administration building.

Chu Feng's mind began to imagine that when it was night, he could take An Ran to the top of the building to enjoy the moonlight, and then he would surprise the other party, and finally give her a huge surprise.

Chu Feng picked up the phone and called Lei Zhan.

Who knows, before Chu Feng could speak, Lei Zhan had already said what Chu Feng wanted to say.

"Captain, we have already started preparations here, and I asked all the members of the Fire Phoenix to help out, after all, women will know women better. "

Chu Feng smiled knowingly, he had more important things to hand over to Lei Zhan.

"You put down the work at hand first, you immediately take people to our air base to pull out all the nine Wuzhi-10s for me, prepare streamers for me on them, and train them to arrange a formation for me, I will need it when the time comes." "

"I'll go!" Lei Zhan sighed in surprise, "Our Captain Chu is so romantic, he even uses a helicopter, it's okay." "

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, there are only a few hours left. "

Chu Feng looked at his watch nervously, there were less than three hours before the time, and Chu Feng set the time at nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there was a quarrel outside the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Chu Feng walked over suspiciously to inspect what the situation was.

It was found that the team member standing guard was arguing with a truck driver outside the door.

"Uncle, no one of us here proposes marriage, let alone fireworks, you sent the wrong address!"

The uncle outside the door looked at the bill in his hand, carefully checked it and found that there was no problem.

"Young man, I'm honest, I didn't lie to you, I really said that it was sent here, and the address was correct. "

Chu Feng hurriedly walked over, forgetting that there was still this stubble.

"That's right, that's right, I ordered it!"

Looking at the three or four trucks outside the door, they were full of fireworks that they needed.

Chu Feng took the bill of goods in his uncle's hand and signed it, turned his head and said to the team members.

"It's me who proposes. "

After hearing this, the team members were about to be stupid.

"Team... Captain you proposed.... Congratulations!"

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