When the hound heard the vulture's words, he angrily took out his gun and pointed it at his head, scolding: "Don't fucking think I don't know, you are the one who the black cat arranged to spy on me by my side!" "

The vulture saw that the hound had already known his identity and did not hide it, he said: "Hound, in today's situation, whether you and the Huaxia police fight or not is a dead word, if I were you, you would be more heroic, and you can still pull a cushion back if you don't keep it, and even have a glimmer of life." "

The hound was trembling at all, damn, that bastard of the black cat, he had worked hard in China for him for so many years and helped him pass on information.

Why do this to me! Why do this to my brothers!

Seeing that the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more of them, the hound knows that it will really be useless to take action if he doesn't take action, so he can only sit and wait.

So the hound ordered: "Brothers, fight with the Huaxia police!" "

This is because someone has already retreated, stood up and persuaded him: "Brother Dog, it's not good, there are so many policemen, how can we be opponents, and we haven't done anything hurtful, we won't betray the death penalty, let's stay in Qingshan without worrying about running out of firewood..."

As soon as the words fell, this subordinate who was still persuading the hound was snatched and killed by him, and the others were stunned on the spot.

The Hound shouted to everyone: "Brothers, the time has come to be loyal to K2, we are the heroic K2 mercenaries, and this group of Chinese soldiers is not our opponent at all." If you look at the guns in your hands, they are the most advanced weapons in the world.

Think about the glory and wealth you can get after completing this mission, don't be afraid of the number of them, rush with me! "

After saying that, the hound fired a shot at the police, and then everyone rushed to the police who surrounded them as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and then the hound pointed his gun at the vulture and scolded: "Let your people also get on me, and the explosives are tied to the front of the body!" "

The vulture wanted to refuse, but seeing the hound's almost crazy eyes, he knew that if he didn't do what he wanted, the madman would be the first to collapse himself.

The vultures could only resign themselves to arranging their own men to use such a suicidal charge.

In fact, the people under the vultures are a bunch of crazy human flesh bombers, they are ready to die on the first day they join K2, and the black cat gives them what they want, and they will use this life to repay the black cat.

So he gave an order, and the group of death squads who were supposed to blow up the venue of the World Youth Games shifted their targets and pointed the finger at the officers and soldiers of the Chinese armed police in front of them.

But what they didn't expect was that snipers had already been arranged on the buildings around the overpass, and this group of suspicious characters had long been targeted, and they became the target of killing at the first time they had any abnormal movements.

Bang bang bang!

Every shot is like fireworks in the night sky.

The soundproof walls on both sides of the overpass can just stop the tragic situation of human purgatory on the overpass.

The hound thought about the situation when his men rushed to the police, but what he didn't expect was that the vulture's death squad was so unhelpful that it would die in one shot.

But he didn't start it immediately, and put on a posture of going to fight the Huaxia police to the end.

was stopped by a subordinate: "Brother dog! We can't stand it! "

The other is to blow a hole in the two-tone wall of the overpass and say: "Brother dog, we cover you, you go first." "

The hound originally planned to use this group of people as his bait, but what he didn't expect was that this group of people actually took the initiative to cover for themselves, which made the hound happy, and he said: "Brother..."

"Brother dog, let's go, thanks to your care in the past few years, let's go!"

After that, he pushed the hound, and the hound also borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, jumped out directly from the broken place on the soundproof wall, and after landing, he stumbled and fell.

After that, a few brothers who had the good fortune to run out with him followed, and several of them quickly moved, and the hound remembered that there seemed to be an uninhabited demolition area nearby, which could hide from the police.

He ran in front, and a few brothers in the back followed, and the hound scolded his mother in his heart, what are you doing with Lao Tzu, get out of the way and attract firepower to me!

Damn it! Damn it!

These damn bunches are as damn as the black cats.

Thinking of the black cat and hound, he gritted his teeth, and he was betrayed by the person he trusted the most.

In front of the development zone is the area to be demolished, the hound dodged and turned into the house, and the brothers behind found that their boss was missing, and they were a little panicked.

And at this moment, the police in Huaxia had already caught up, and the tactical flashlight illuminated the area without street lights.

"Brothers! Buy time for Brother Dog, we fought with the Huaxia police! "

"Yes, fight with them," said several people, holding firearms that were not very handy, and began to shoot at the Huaxia police.

But a photo became a corpse on the ground, and the armed police officers and soldiers bypassed their corpses and continued to search forward.

The hound was actually hiding behind a low wall not far away, and of course he knew what was going on here, and he was still taunting the Huaxia police.

"Hahahaha! This group of idiots, I don't know if I've been sold, thank you for the time you bought me. The Huaxia police are also stupid, and I was right under their noses, and I didn't even notice it. "

Then the hound thought of the damned black cat again, and he scolded, "Black cat! Lao Tzu wants to share the sky with you. "

Who knew that at this time, a series of hurried footsteps stayed outside his courtyard, and the sound of several buzzing propellers in the sky attracted his attention.

When he looked up, he didn't find a helicopter, but several UFOs attracted him to his realization, which turned out to be drones.

At this time, he realized how ridiculous he was, and when he scolded others for abandoning his brother, he abandoned his most trusted brother.

When he was mocking the Huaxia police, he was monitored by them with a small drone.

And he was originally a wealthy and a group of subordinates who trusted him, but now he can only survive in this simple house.

It was even more ridiculous that he confronted dozens of heavily armed Huaxia policemen with the only remaining gun in his hand.

"Listen to the people inside, lay down your weapons, you have no chance of escaping!" An icy ultimatum came from the policeman's loudspeaker.

The Hound went completely insane.

"Black cat! Lao Tzu will not let you go! The hound neighed.


In the end, he raised his gun, kicked open the door of the small courtyard with a mortal heart, and rushed towards the Huaxia police outside the door. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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