East China Sea Sea Resort.

The black cat was embedding the resort from Xiaoyang Village with K2's mercenaries, just behind a hidden bush, the black cat signaled the whole team to stop, at this time the hummingbird rushed over, and the black cat asked him: "How are the several bases of the hounds, have the police checked it?" "

The hummingbird said calmly, "The police have surrounded that side, and several dens have been eliminated,"

The black cat fox said suspiciously: "Cut off? Are you sure, what about our people? "

Feng Nian swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "All of them were eliminated by the police, and some were arrested." "

The black cat was furious and asked, "What about the bomb, did it detonate?" Be sure to cause as much harm to the Huaxia police and military as possible. "

The hummingbird was a little timid when he saw the black cat that was about to erupt, but he still said 1510: "I don't know, the brother we sent out to inquire about intelligence said that the Huaxia military took a lot of EOD experts in the past, and it is estimated that they are now defusing bombs." "

The black cat's face became more and more calm, but the hummingbird knew that the calmer the black cat, the more terrifying, and it was likely to do something unimaginable.

The more angry he became, the clearer the black cat's mind became, he looked at the situation in the resort, and then thought about it again, the movement of the hounds on the East Side overpass, plus the EOD experts.

The black cat gathered everyone together and said, "Listen to me! The response of the Huaxia police was much faster than I expected, but we can also judge that the current Donghai urban area, the Huaxia police are likely to have taken care of themselves.

So now is the best time for us to act, have you remembered all the information I gave you before?"

All the mercenaries nodded in unison, indicating that they had already taken it to heart.

This is the quality of professional mercenaries, they may be heinous, they may be full of evil, and some even have a lot of vices and quirks, but for their own goals, as long as they look at it, they will not forget.

The black cat nodded and said, "Very good, then let's go now, go and capture the target hostage, remember to keep as alive as possible!" The more alive we are, the greater the bargaining chips we will have in negotiations with Huaxia. Do you understand? "

The mercenaries nodded in unison, and then the black cat waved his hand, signaling everyone to move.


Just above everyone's heads, the family was silent and could only hover in mid-air, and then under the cover of night.

The high-definition camera and the enhanced sensor collected all the conversations and action plans of the cat and others, and sent them to the command hall of the Donghai City Police Department, and Wen Wen, who got the information in the hall, immediately contacted Chu Feng, who was on the front line.

"Chu Feng, we have mastered the whereabouts of K2 and the black cat, and we are looking to go into our encirclement." Wen Changlin was very satisfied with his arrangement, he was completely convinced of the inference of the wind, so at the beginning, when he caught the hunting dogs, he secretly dispatched most of his energy to the resort, which allowed him to wipe out the K2 organization in one go.

Thinking of this, Wen Changlin Ji said: "I think we can completely narrow the encirclement, grasp their whereabouts through drone positioning, and ambush them while they are moving, so that we can capture them with the lowest losses." "

After listening to Wen Changlin's words, he frowned tightly, and said, "You want to arrest them through the strength of the armed police officers and soldiers?" "

Wen Changlin nodded, and he said: "That's right, if you can catch the black cat alive, it will definitely be an unprecedented event in the history of international counter-terrorism, and I believe that when the time comes, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world, don't you say." "

Chu Feng shook his head, and he hurriedly said, "Old Wen, let me ask you, what is the strength of the mercenaries of the 2 organizations, can you deal with it by ordinary policemen?" "

Wen Changlin suddenly looked embarrassed, he really hadn't thought about this question, but he thought about it and said, "They are only more than a hundred people, and we can win by numbers." "

Chu Feng said sharply: "Old Wen." Even if we can rely on numbers to win, but we can't do that, this group of people has long been outlaws who put life and death on the line, the more desperate they face, the more powerful their counterattack will be, if we want to rely on numbers to surround them, then our losses are unimaginable. "

After Chu Feng's words, Wen Changlin fell into deep thought, and finally he asked, "Then what do you say?" "

Chu Feng said resolutely: "Pull out all the ordinary policemen and soldiers, leave the elite and special forces, kill them all in the resort, and don't give them a chance to fight back!" "

Although it was through radio contact, although Wen Changlin could only hear Chu Feng's voice, between the lines, the killing intent and determination that were sprinkled made Wen Changlin shiver.

Wen Changlin thought for a moment and then made up his mind and said, "Okay! It's up to you, do what you say, and at this time, Chu Feng, the command of the front line will be handed over to you, and you will be fully responsible. "

Chu Feng took the order, and he said: "Lao Wen, don't be idle anymore, now start checking all the venues of all the World Youth Games, as well as all the places that can be done."

In this city, there are still many agents and eyeliners of the K2 organization, and they are all pulled out during this time, including preparing for the aftermath, and how to explain it to the media in the future, you also have to start preparing. "

When it came to the aftermath and explaining to the media, Wen Changlin was big for a while, after all, this World Youth Games is a world-class event, and it is really difficult to explain such a big movement, including the shootout on the overpass, and now he is still cleaning up the corpses on the bridge.

Wen Changlin said: "Okay! I see, you have to hurry up and act too! "

Chu Feng replied firmly: "Yes!" Guaranteed completion of the mission, for the safety of the city, for the people! For the country! "

After saying that, Chu Feng hung up the phone, he glanced behind him, he only brought three brothers with him, and the rest were on standby at the pigeon post, Chu Feng took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Brothers, start working, this time let's do a big one!" "

The brothers have long been eager to try it and have said: "Boss! I can't wait for a long time, after so many years of dealing with K2's group of grandchildren, it's time to make a break with them. "

Chu Feng nodded, what he wanted was this kind of momentum that would give up on me.

He took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention units, please pay attention to all units, all actions are now commanded by me, and now all actions are commanded by me!"

Now all the troops and police forces of the resort are not allowed to act without authorization, and all of them are withdrawn from the encirclement! Don't startle the snake! Again, evacuate them all, don't startle the snake! "

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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