Chu Feng said with a helpless expression: "Wife, you are not mistaken, use black pepper steak to appetize, I am basically full of this piece." "

An Ran said with an unhappy face: "You taste it first!" "

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, then picked up the knife and fork, and very gentlemanly cut a piece of steak in his mouth, and then his expression froze.

Then Chu Feng showed that it was very natural, but he struggled very much in his heart, but he still swallowed the piece, he raised his head and looked at An Ran and asked, "Wife, is this a black pepper steak?" It's still a black charred steak. "

An Ran wondered: "Is there a difference?" "

Chu Feng hurriedly shook his head and said, "There is no difference, there is no difference." "

An Ran looked unhappy and said, "Eat it quickly if it doesn't matter." "

Chu Feng ate most of the steak hard, and finally he couldn't eat it anymore, so he said, "Wife, I'm full." "

An Ran was puzzled: "It's not delicious to eat so quickly." "

Chu Feng thought about it, but he still couldn't dampen An Ran's enthusiasm and said, "It's okay, it's pretty good, but there is still something to be improved viciously." "

An Ran was very happy after hearing this, and said, "Really! Then I'll cook now, I'll take care of tonight's dinner! "

As soon as he heard this, Chu Feng was immediately a little scared, he was really afraid of poisoning his brothers to death, this group of people are all the pillars of the motherland, the core elite of the army.

So Chu Feng hurriedly said, "Don't don't, don't don't!" Wife, I'll cook tonight's dinner, you're resting, you're tired all day, come and come, sit on the sofa, I'll cook it myself. "

Chu Feng has been cooking since he was a child, and his cooking skills are very good, but today An Ran refused to let him go, seeing Chu Feng rushing to cook, An Ran's beautiful big eyes glared.

Li Se said: "Go back and sit, I'm going to cook tonight, what, do you want to use the rank to press me?" "

When Chu Feng heard this, it was over, if he persisted, he probably wouldn't want to go to bed tonight, so he said: "No, no, no, I'm not afraid that you will be tired from cooking for the first time?" "

Then An Ran turned around and walked into the extravagant kitchen.

Several brothers were watching the excitement on the side, and when they saw An Ran leaving, they hurriedly teased.

"Oops! Boss, the king of Huaxia soldiers, the head of the family, the wife will go back first, buy vegetables and cook, and you don't have to stretch out your hand at all. "

"Yes, I really envy my words in the barracks and pampered at home."

"But no, if I had so..."


The family status of Chu Feng, who is yin and yang, heard it in his ears, and did not react, at this time, he looked at a few people and sneered in his heart, okay, he actually started to ridicule Lao Tzu now, and made you turn against the sky?

So Chu Feng changed his face and said: "Brothers, the first time I cook, to be honest, it's not unpalatable, but I don't have a good grasp of the heat and lack of experience, and no one can drop the chain for me when the time comes."

No matter how much you sister-in-law makes, you show me a very delicious appearance, and then eat it all, if anyone doesn't buy it, don't blame me for opening a small stove for him! "

Seeing Chu Feng's face, everyone Chu Feng really loves An Ran, otherwise it would be impossible to coax and scare them to cooperate, so they all said that they would definitely buy it.

Of course, Chu Feng said that if anyone doesn't buy it, they will open a small stove for whomever they want, that is absolutely serious, they understand, boss Chu Feng, be careful, if you open a small stove for anyone, you will definitely let that guy die and come back to life, see Fang Cunxin.

A girl fainted directly from dehydration, and she was so cruel to women, if it was for a group of big men like them, everyone would not dare to imagine what would happen at that time.

It didn't take long for An Ran to come out of the kitchen with all kinds of plates, large and small.

When you look at it, wow, it's colorful, and it looks very attractive.

Erniu said: "Hey, sister-in-law made eggplant, it's delicious when you look at it." "

An Ran said suspiciously: "Eggplant? Is there a cucumber on that plate in front of you? "


Everyone looked at it suspiciously, the black thing on the plate, and the vegetables in it were already almost liquid were cucumbers?

Then Wang Yanbing pointed to the plate in front of him suspiciously and said, "What is this thing in front of me that looks like an armored car?" "

An Ran said: "Butter hairy crab, but I make it with king crab." "


Silence, silence.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Your sister-in-law's heart, eat quickly, this table of dishes, all kinds, color, flavor, and flavor, everyone eat quickly, don't forget what I just said, your sister-in-law is cooking for the first time, and the heat is a little uncontrollable, so you have to take care of it more." "

Everyone begged to look at Chu Feng, begging the boss not to mess with them like this.

Chu Feng looked back with a sharp look, and made a threatening move behind An Ran's back.

Everyone pinched their noses and put food in their mouths, and while eating, they stayed and cried and said: "Sister-in-law, you are so virtuous, the boss can marry you, it must be a blessing from the previous life." "

An Ran said suspiciously: "Erniu, can you eat it, why are you still crying." "

Li Erniu said: "I was moved, my sister-in-law made it so delicious." "

When An Ran heard this, he was very happy and said, "Really? Then I'll make a little for you, you guys are big and coarse, you eat a lot, and you won't be allowed to give me any leftovers when the time comes. "

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly said no.

At this time, Chu Feng stood up and continued to arch the fire: "Eat more if it's delicious, don't waste your sister-in-law's hard work, these ingredients are very expensive, and you can only train for strength when you are full."

The word training was extremely important, and An Ran didn't feel it, and the brothers felt that the boss was murderous in those two words.

So he didn't dare to refuse, and hurriedly picked up the rice in his mouth.

Damn, isn't it just eating, when Lao Tzu was in the field before, in order to train to survive in the wild, he ate beef raw.

In everyone's hearts, they couldn't help but think of the training of the devil class in the past, and now the devil on the training ground and the devil in the kitchen turned out to be a family, or their own top boss, this day, this has to be... No way!

It was not easy for everyone to finish the food on the plate in front of them, and An Ran saw that several people ate so quickly and so fragrantly.

So he said, "You have finished eating so quickly, haven't you eaten enough, I have done a little less, I will go and add food to you." "

When you hear it, it's a long life.

Hurriedly grabbed An Ran and said, "Sister-in-law, no need, we are full, you haven't eaten yet, let's go cook for you, rest assured, this is our thank you." "

With that, he hurriedly rushed into the kitchen and locked it up. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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