Chu Feng hated iron a little, but it didn't matter, maybe this was Li Erniu, and it could only be the Li Erniu they knew.

Because he can know that Li Erniu likes Cuifen from the bottom of his heart, he can only bless them like this.

Song Kaifei's side is very simple and rude, unlike other people who are shy and ashamed to be younger daughters-in-law than little daughters-in-law, and they don't want to have language talent like Lei Zhan, let alone have routines like Wang Yanbing.

He came and went, and said directly to his sister, can we talk about it alone?

The girl agreed directly, and Chu Feng was very satisfied with this.

However, some people are difficult, such as Xu Tianlong, who has no state in the state of so many girls, just like a little quail, shrinking his neck and not knowing what to do.

I wanted to enlighten him, but I found that there was no way at all, because I didn't open my mind!

This guy really doesn't know anything about dealing with women.

So Chu Feng was a little anxious for this group of brothers.

Soon this blind date meeting ended like this, Chu Feng left with his brothers, many people were still looking at the beauties with reluctance, and some of them were secretly laughing, such as Wang Yanbing, who ran to a place where no one was over as soon as he finished calling Liu Yang just now.

Chu Feng said: "Wait a minute, Wang Yanbing is back, you can find an excuse to beat him." "

Brothers, when you hear this, good fellow, there is a holy decree, you must hammer this kid well.

But there are still a few people who haven't found the girl they like, Chu Feng hated iron and said with hatred: "You guys, why are you usually so thick-skinned in the dormitory, why are you twisting and pinching in front of girls?"

After speaking, Chu Feng pointed at Song Kaifei and said, "It's really not good, you can learn from him, go up directly and tell my sister, I like you." "

Song Kaifei hurriedly shook his head: "How could I say that, I just asked the girl for a phone." "

Chu Feng said: "Yes, I want a phone, that look is no worse than a hungry wolf seeing a little sheep, if I were that girl, I would call the police directly." "

The crowd laughed.

Chu Feng continued: "But don't be discouraged, this kind of activity is estimated to be organized in the future, you are the most elite group of people in all of China, personal problems, the military department will consider." "

Then someone objected: "Boss, the military department has already set an example, what about you? You can't just say nothing, right?" "

When Chu Feng heard this: "Hey, you want to, come back to my house, your sister-in-law has become addicted to cooking, and our kitchen has become her arsenal, when the time comes, I will let your sister-in-law cook and invite you to dinner." "

When everyone heard it, they were scared enough, Bi Ran's cooking skills, that is really not a cover, and the appearance of being able to burn cucumbers into eggplants is estimated to be the only one in the world.

An Ran didn't know where to come out of nowhere at this time and said, "What about talking about me again? What's the matter, do you want to eat the dishes I cooked with my own hands? Then go to my house tonight!"

"Oh! No, no, no, no, we said we had training to do, and our bodies were rusty during this time, so we went to train. "Everyone is really climbing, and it's not like eating Anron roast anymore when you recognize it.

Chu Feng asked at this time, "Is the house divided by our Dragon Soul Brigade a little smaller?" "

An Ran said: "It's not small, according to the regulations of the army, it is more spacious than a single apartment, it can be said that it is just right for these guys, after all, they will not train in the room." "

Chu Feng said: "I asked if it is not enough for them to live, what I want to ask, if they want to get married, is it a bit crowded to live for two people." "

An Ran pondered for a while, and finally said: "It's really a bit crowded, but there is no way, the conditions of our troops are already very superior, but this is the East China Sea, where every inch of land is valuable, and the leaders of the troops are also treated the same, if you want to live in the compound and be closer to the barracks, the conditions can only be a little harder."

If you get married and have children, you can only move out on your own, but by that time most people have already been promoted or changed jobs. "

Chu Feng nodded, this is exactly what he wants to solve, after all, the brothers have reached the age when it is time to talk about girlfriends, get married and have children, and there are many people who are not young, but it is really not good for a family of three to be crammed into a single apartment.

Therefore, Chu Feng wants to give each of his brothers a house, but if he wants to send a house, he must have money, and an ordinary two-bedroom apartment in the center of the East China Sea costs nearly 10 million, and if he wants to get a house for each of his brothers, he has to empty Chu Feng's Chu family.

Therefore, Chu Feng's idea was to build a family building for the brothers, or build a family area next to the barracks, which could not only improve the housing problem of the brothers, but also help reduce the pressure on the barracks.

After all, welfare housing is not like commercial housing, if the welfare housing is moved out, it will be recycled by the military camp, and then issued to those who need it, and the family building belongs to commercial housing, this kind of house is to be transferred by grade, and he as the captain issued a house when his brother got married, which sounds reliable.

But now the problem is the money and procedures for building the family building.

Let's not talk about whether Chu Feng can afford this money, just saying that this part of the procedures is very complicated, and it requires the relevant departments to agree to release the bid, and then wait for the notice, and then Chu Feng needs to find a design company with sufficient strength to make a complete set of designs.

Immediately afterwards, find another construction company to make the corresponding bid, and then Chu Feng took the bid to bid, and waited until the bid was won before the construction could be carried out.

The complexity of this set of procedures is beyond people's imagination, not to mention that Chu Feng still lacks a very important thing, that is, money.

Thinking about it, Chu Feng couldn't think of a way, and suddenly he thought that he seemed to have forgotten a very important matter.

Doesn't he still have an identity, isn't that the head of the Chu family?

The number one family in the entire Huaxia, the identity of the Chu family's family is not small, Chu Feng feels that with his cheekiness, he is going out to find some sponsorship, looking for some relationships, and if he wants to win a piece of land, there should be no problem.

As for the design and construction, it's all trivial, as long as the money is in place, the glass is all broken

Dad Ma said that as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem.

This just poked at his weakness, but although he had no money, he was thick-skinned, so he went out to solicit sponsorship.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng was very satisfied, and felt that he must be a genius.

As for who to find to solicit sponsorship, it's not simple, isn't there a group of old guys in the capital who have promised to themselves, can you mention anything to them? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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