After Chu Feng's words were finished, everyone was gearing up, and the grievances of going to the grassroots just now disappeared, and the most important thing was that there was not even the slightest complaint.


In the office of the Ninth Division, division commander Lan Zhiguang had a big head after hearing about the reform of the military department, because he was a little confused as a division commander, and the merger of the two brigade headquarters levels made him, a young brigade commander, rush to the shelves.

In fact, the above has been considered, Lan Zhiguang's troops are special combat teams, and the armored brigade of the Ninth Brigade just complement each other, so he was given such a chance to perform, and he himself knew that if he didn't do it well, it would be ugly.

With the current pattern of the military department, he is likely to be sent down again, so he must make some achievements, but after he racked his brains and thought about it, he didn't find a way.

After all, there are too many people, and the 9th Brigade is an armored brigade, and the training method is completely different from theirs.

Now that the two brigades are training together, Lan Zhiguang is really a bag.

But very wide, he thought of one person, that was Chu Feng, so he wanted to go to the Dragon Soul Brigade to find Chu Feng to help him with this matter.

As a result, today he received great good news, for the reform of the military headquarters, and his brigade was upgraded to a division headquarters in this reform.

Therefore, it was decided to give them a training, with all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade, personally training, and the general person in charge of this training was Chu Feng, after hearing this news, not to mention how happy Lan Zhiguang was.

With the help of the boss, training this group of recruits will be completely fine.

At this time, Lan Zhiguang called Chu Feng and asked him what he wanted to prepare.

Chu Feng replied very thoroughly, that is, to select a team as a special combat team, and then this special combat team was personally trained by the Dragon Soul Brigade.

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Lan Zhiguang didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly called his subordinate Yang Junning, who was the commander of the special operations battalion of the Ninth Division, and it could be said that he was already a very remarkable figure.

He has always admired Chu Feng very much, and Ba Chufeng is the object of his pursuit, but unfortunately, there is no chance to fight with Chu Feng, he has always thought that he is not much different from Chu Feng, although he is not Chu Feng's opponent, but the book will not be ugly.

This time, Chu Feng came to the division headquarters to guide the work, and just seized this opportunity to compete with Chu Feng, otherwise his recent training camp would be in vain, so Yang Zhenning was extremely excited, he felt that this was a good opportunity for him, and he might even be selected into the Dragon Soul Brigade.

But he will not slack off on the characters of his superiors, and instruct his subordinates to quickly select good seedlings, to be able to fight, people with strong individual ability, if the strength is not enough, don't go up and be embarrassed.

Soon Yang Junning jumped out of a group of people, including Bingwang Niu's efforts, as well as Zhang Energy, Yu Dalei and others.

These are the young people in the Ninth Division, Yang Junning must be full of cards this time, even if the Dragon Soul Brigade comes, what can he do, it's not a little, he must let the Dragon Soul Brigade take a look, this Ninth Division is definitely not a soft persimmon.

And although Yang Zhenning is not even as good as Chu Feng, the Dragon Soul Brigade is also very strong, but that is because the Dragon Soul Brigade gathers the best of the entire army, and Chu Feng is only one of them, so there is nothing to fear at all.

So on the morning of welcoming Chu Feng, the elite personnel of the special operations battalion stood in the first row, very confident, and waited for the arrival of the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

But the person who was scheduled to be in place at six o'clock never came, Lan Zhiguang and Yang Zhenning looked at each other, Lan Zhiguang wanted to call Chu Feng, but did he think that Chu Feng might have encountered something urgent?

But no, Chu Feng will definitely notify himself in advance even if he encounters an emergency, and no matter how bad it is, the military department will call, but why is there no movement today?

Could it be that he forgot, that is even more impossible, what kind of character is Chu Feng Lan Zhiguang knows that he will not release pigeons like this, there must be his reasons, just wait without thinking about it.

Half past six, seven o'clock, half past seven, eight o'clock...

Until half past eight, Chu Feng and the people from the Dragon Soul Brigade had not yet come, everyone was a little impatient, and some soldiers actually began to complain, saying that the Dragon Soul Brigade was not even punctual.

At this moment, a puff of smoke and dust appeared on the training ground in the distance, and looking at this posture, there were not many vehicles running with the tank at full strength.

A few people looked in that direction and found that it seemed to be two military jeeps, because the training ground was made of yellow sand, so there was so much dust.

Damn, is this two cars racing? Several people complained.

But when they saw the two cars breaking into their training ground, there was no relaxation, they were still moving at full speed, they didn't feel good, as if they were about to be loaded, 50 meters...

If you don't slow down, it's 40 meters, and if you don't slow down, it's too late for 30 meters if you don't slow down.

Fuck running, that dog's car, racing at the training ground.

All the soldiers were silent, even Lan Zhiguang and Yang Junning were no exception, but when all the special combat teams jumped and jumped, the speed of the two non-pool cars did not decrease, but one flicked their tails, changed their routes, and then threw out a few people from the back seat of each car, and all of them rolled around on the ground, and then stood still on the ground.

There was also a person who did not release so much force by rolling around, but flew straight to Yang Zhenning's location, Yang Zhenning felt that this person was crazy, or had a sick brain, why are you flying directly to me, are you playing smashed, but just when he was about to dodge, that person actually stood on the ground with both feet.


stood firmly on the ground, it was simply incredible, it seemed that human beings couldn't do it.

Yang Junning looked at the distance that the man flew over, and it was more than ten meters away, this was simply a small mortar.

Who is this man, he has such a strong strength, and soon he thought of a person who only that person can do, and that is Chu Feng.

A cold sweat appeared on the top of Yang Zhenning's head, if Chu Feng had such a strong strength, he would still despise him, and the inertia of a car with such a strong face could be thrown off by him, so if you want to get rid of yourself, isn't it a matter of three fists and two feet?

So it's better to be obedient and obey orders.

I saw that Chu Feng only said one sentence after landing: "One by one, standing or not standing, sitting or not sitting, what bullshit!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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