After listening to everyone's answers, Chu Feng was very satisfied with him and said, "This is still like a soldier." "

Then Chu Feng said leisurely: "The game we are here to play is very simple, you have a battalion of people here, about five hundred people, and the Dragon Soul Brigade I brought is only 11 people, I don't do it, only other poets participate."

When you get to the designated location, you run towards a marker pole in the depths of the training ground, and then in the next ten hours, you have to return from your destination, which is about eighty kilometers long, and my soldiers are cats of cat and mouse, and they will randomly appear in your path and shoot you.

Of course, the color bullet used this time will not hurt your life, but it may be painful, and the person who is hit will be eliminated, so you have to be careful, if I am not wrong, the five hundred people you have here may not even have a two-thirds pass rate. "

Arrogant, too arrogant, this hateful Chu Feng is so arrogant that he openly mocks and looks down on whom!

You must know that this group of people is also the best in the military department, just let your Dragon Soul Brigade call itself a special force, do you really treat them as dry food?

But this emotion can only be expressed on the face, and no one will say it directly.

Chu Fengjian didn't speak, so he waved his hand directly, asking everyone to get into the car quickly, and he took everyone to the designated training ground.

This time, Chu Feng and Yang Junning and Lan Zhiguang were in a car, and the car was Lan Zhiguang's, Yang Junning was a little angry in the car, and Chu Feng said: "Battalion Commander Yang, if you have anything to say, just say goodbye, don't suffocate yourself." "

Yang Junning really wanted to say, but he was choked by Chu Feng's words, but he felt that he still didn't vomit unpleasantly, he said: "Why do you want to eliminate people, they are already very good seedlings, they are all elites, and your Dragon Soul Brigade is the king of soldiers among the king of soldiers, how can my people fight with you, although you only have ten people involved, but eliminating one or two hundred people is a very simple matter." "

Chu Feng said, "One or two hundred, is it enough? There are still only one or two hundred left." "

"You!" Yang Junning was choked again, but this time before Yang Junning could make any movement, he heard Chu Feng say: "First of all, I advise you to test the strength of the diseases under your hands, not more soldiers but more refinement, the second special forces are not emotional, you must do it, fair and strict."

And as for you, actually..."

Chu Feng decided to change the topic halfway through his words: "I advise you not to dictate to training, otherwise I will let the military department dismiss you, after all, I am the commander-in-chief here, and even Lan Zhiguang has no right to interfere with how I train." "

Yang Zhenning almost fought with Chu Feng together, after all, Chu Feng actually spoke in front of a division commander and a brigade commander, and he didn't even give the division commander face, which was too much.

Yang Junning looked at Lan Zhiguang and said, "!"

Lan Zhiguang nodded and said, "Don't say it, Captain Yichu will do it, if you want to participate, you can also train together." "

As soon as this sentence came out, it could be said that the coffin was closed, Chu Feng had a swollen stomach on the training ground, and he and Lan Zhiguang were both arranged by this guy, and the two of them could only be set aside, how boring it was at home.

Lan Zhiguang just blessed Chu Feng: "It's okay in your hands, try not to put their lives in danger." "


The soldiers came to the designated place all the way, they have all been to this training ground, there are hundreds of such training grounds in the entire Southeast Military Headquarters, and some adjacent training grounds can be spliced.

It's simply an art, the art of fighting.

The reason why Chu Feng chose this venue was that they were completely defeated by Wang Yanbing and them in the environment they were most familiar with, and completely made them lose their original arrogance, this was Chu Feng's intention, and at this time, someone had already driven the car into the designated position, and then everyone decided to get out of the car.

Because Chu Feng had already said at the beginning that the test rules for this exam are 80 kilometers of endurance running, but you have to go to the designated place to punch in, otherwise the results will not be entered, or even eliminated.

But just as they were about to get out of the car, they heard a bang, and their withdrawal was turned upside down, and all of them turned in the sky one by one, and then when they landed, they had a close contact with the ground.

Then they were directly eliminated, Chu Feng, Yang Junning and Lan Zhiguang were in the car through the picture fed back by the drone, looking at the situation at the scene.

Chu Feng said: "This is your disease, you don't check the vehicle before getting into the car?" If I'm not mistaken, not to mention the regulations of the army, even ordinary people know that there is such a question in the driving school when they take the driver's license, don't the special forces know?"

This sentence made a brigade commander and a division commander blush, originally thinking that he was just putting on a show, but he didn't expect it to be a genuine loaded gun.

Lan Zhiguang just said: "Don't make trouble, you can toss the rest." "

Chu Feng nodded. As soon as it came up, it directly eliminated a whole car of people, and also destroyed a car, if the explosion of Standard Chartered was a little bigger, it would be a matter of car destruction and death, Chu Feng eliminated more than a dozen people as soon as he came up, it was really ruthless.

This is the picture of a group of people hiding in a bush, with four people around her, that is, they are a car of people Niu looked hard at his watch and said, "Everyone is right on time!"

After everyone was on time, Niu tried to say, "Let's go to the destination together now." "

"We can drive there, and with the car, this is a power route that can be completed in an hour. "One person proposed.

Niu thought about it hard, if the target is too big to drive, but there are many people here, even if they meet the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade, they can get out with all their might.

So Niu tried to think that this method was good, and was about to get into the car, who knew that they were not happy too soon, and all kinds of changes began to rain with cannonballs.

Shells from all over the sky fell like rain and landed on the training ground.

At this time, many military trucks that had gone out were also hit, after all, the target of the military truck was too large. But wouldn't such a large bombing zone be a little too harsh.

What if the soldiers were bombed, if someone died, they would not be able to eat and walk around.

Chu Feng said: "I won't blame myself for someone's life, but I don't think I will feel any guilt, because this is the path of their new move." "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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