After Chu Feng left, Wen Guoqiang's assistant reminded Wen Guoqiang that the police department now had no money.

Wen Guoqiang smiled and said, "He Chu Feng fights the autumn wind, we can also pull sponsorship." "

The assistant didn't understand what his leader thought, and Wen Guoqiang just smiled and didn't say anything. Then inform him if it's time for a meeting.

The assistant suddenly understood what his leaders had arranged, because it was about to be an internal briefing meeting of the Force.

And this meeting, because the time point is relatively special, the identity of the people who came to participate in the memories is also very special.

The two came to the conference room, where the leaders of the police department were sitting, as well as some local co-branded companies, and even some cooperative businesses of the police department.

For example, for the special models of the police department, manufacturers, and real estate developers, etc.

This briefing was supposed to be an annual commendation meeting, after all, not long ago, the people of the police department united with the military department and successfully destroyed all the elite members of the K2 organization, and the organizer of the K2 organization, Black Cat, was also killed.

However, in order not to cause panic, there was no announcement of the VX3 bomb, and this commendation meeting was changed from an open to a private briefing meeting.

After all, if this kind of thing is made public, it will cause social panic to some extent.

After everyone sat down, Wen Guoqiang looked at the sign-in sheet of the visitor, well, it's very good, there are so many companies here.

Then the host of the conference began to read out the important cases of the police department's contribution to society in the past year, and focused on the battle of wits and courage with the K2 organization, although the arrest work was carried out by the Dragon Soul Brigade of the military department.

But the people in their police department have also made a lot of contributions, and they have done a very good job of pacifying the masses, dealing with the aftermath, and assisting them in their actions.

Although these things seem to be small things, for today's social order, these are big and important things that are bigger than the sky.

After reading out the main content, everyone began to applaud, and then it was the popular award session, after the awards, it was supposed to make the main work arrangements for the next year to everyone, but Wen Guoqiang interrupted the topic.

Wen Guoqiang said: "Before next year's work arrangement, I would like to say a few things. "

Everyone focused on Wen Guoqiang.

Wen Guoqiang said: "This meeting is not an open meeting, everyone can be casual and don't have to be too rigid and processed. "

Then Wen Guoqiang said with a smile: "I have more or less understanding of the affairs of the K2 organization. "

Wen Guoqiang's words were addressed to those who participated in the meeting, so the people from the police department did not answer.

An entrepreneur in the secondary processing industry said: "Of course I know, as I said in the discussion just now, if it weren't for the joint efforts of the police department and the military department, we might have to go together." "

This person is very good at first glance, as soon as the guide speaks, he knows the stubble, if no one answers, how embarrassing, and he also put the police department in front of the military department in his speech, I don't know who is the person who is talking here.

Wen Guoqiang nodded and said: "That's right, if it weren't for the people from the military department braving the rain of bullets and fighting with the K organization on the front line this time, it is estimated that it would not be so easy to solve, and it is very likely that it would not even be possible to hold the World Youth Games." "

Wen Chengguang's words are actually relatively light, if things deteriorate, it is very likely that the citizens of the entire East China Sea will die.

Although those entrepreneurs don't know why Wen Guoqiang mentioned this stubble, they still wait for the following.

Wen Guoqiang continued: "Do you know who led the military and police departments to fight that battle?

Everyone shook their heads, and some people said, shouldn't it be the special forces of the military department?

Wen Guoqiang said: "It is indeed a special force, but it is an elite member of the special forces, this is a very special team, the name is Dragon Soul, and every member of the Dragon Soul is the leader of the eight military regions in the country." "

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and sure enough, if they want to deal with K2, a mercenary organization that has been at large all over the world for more than ten years, or a terrorist organization, they must have this kind of special forces with strong combat effectiveness to clean up.

"Not only these, but the Dragon Soul Brigade went deep into the center of the earthquake in the recent anti-Japanese war and rescue, risked their lives to rescue a large number of victims, and successfully opened up a road for many people to walk side by side in the entire earthquake area, making great contributions to the earthquake rescue and rescue. "

An entrepreneur said: "I have heard about this matter, my hometown is Tianchuan, and the people there say that the people in this team are very powerful, and they are approachable, without a trace of arrogance." "

Wen Guoqiang continued: "In order to commend the excellent performance of this unit in the 2 organizations and the contribution made in the earthquake relief, the military department decided to reward every member of the Dragon Soul Brigade with one person and one suite. "

"One person, one suite?" everyone was a little surprised after hearing this, the military department's hand is too big, and the housing prices in the East China Sea are not built.

"Well, one person and one suite, but the strength of the military department is limited, and it is ready to establish a family area in the East China Sea, and a separate building in it will be taken out to make a special family building for them, but unfortunately, the money to buy the house needs to be paid by themselves.

And I think that we entrepreneurs in the East China Sea should be grateful to this team to some extent, so I want to organize a donation to build the public facilities of the military department and the police department, including this family building, of course, so that the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade do not need to bear a high mortgage. "

After Wen Guoqiang's words were finished, the people below fell into silence, this is picking wool.

An entrepreneur said: "Oh, the economy is sluggish now, and it's almost the end of the year, and we have to prepare working capital for next year." "

Another entrepreneur said, "yes, hey, our competitors are driving down the price so hard that I don't have any profit now." "


As soon as everyone heard Wen Guoqiang's words, they instantly changed their tone and began to prepare to withdraw from this matter.

Wen Guoqiang looked at everyone without any expression, for an old fox like him, he still didn't understand what they meant?

Shocked him, the head of the police department, has lived in vain for decades?

He said slowly: "I know, you are all difficult, the economy has been sluggish in recent years, and the market is also relatively chaotic, each has its own difficulties, but let me remind you first, your department is our Donghai enterprise?"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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