Everyone followed the prestige, and they saw a very majestic old man walking towards this side, it was Xiao Cheng.

Seeing Xiao Cheng's arrival, the people present were honest, and they were criticized by the number one leader, and the commanders of several military regions were like teachers like elementary school students who made mistakes.

Xiao Cheng came to the middle of several people, and said with a look of anger: "They are all high-powered leaders, they don't stand or sit, they want to beat people in the middle of the court!"

The commander of a military region said: "No, Chu Feng, this kid is too hateful, he went to our military region to borrow someone last time, but he hasn't paid it back until now, and now he wants to dig the foot of the wall." "

"Yes, the few good seedlings cultivated by our military region have been poached by him, and now we have just cultivated a few who can emerge, this guy wants to fight the autumn wind again, I firmly disagree. "

"That is, the benefits can't be taken by him alone, it's too unfair. "


Several people were gossiping, as if they wanted to sue Xiao Cheng and let Xiao Cheng punish Chu Feng well.

Chu Feng thought to himself, you old foxes are so good at borrowing a slope to get off the donkey, but I'm sorry, what is a foot high and a demon is a foot high, I have long known that you old foxes will not be so easy as I wish.

Sure enough, after Xiao Cheng listened to the words of the commanders of several military regions, his face became even more ugly.

He said: "What are you talking about? Do you understand what it means to centralize combat effectiveness? Do you understand what it means to be a Chinese soldier? When your special forces arrive at the Dragon Soul Brigade, they are not called special forces?

Aren't you a Chinese soldier?

Chu Feng has better training resources and training programs in his hands, and can conduct special training for each special soldier, can you do this? You know what you need and how to improve

Is it?

You group of people don't know at all that Chu Feng is responding to the call of the country this time to expand the Dragon Soul Brigade.

The most important thing is that the Dragon Soul Brigade will give back to the grassroots after the expansion, and it has been piloted in the Ninth Division of the Southeast Military Region, and the effect is very good, and the reason why Chu Feng came to your military region to inspect this time is to

Implement this policy!"

Then Xiao Cheng looked at Chu Feng and said, "Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng stood upright and made a look of being ready to go.

"You remember, after the end of this special forces conference, if you like a good seedling in a military region, you will go directly to transfer, if these old guys obstruct it, just tell me, I see who dares to talk to me inappropriately!


After saying that, Xiao Cheng didn't give the eight military regions a chance to refute it, and left directly.

Leaving behind a group of commanders who looked at each other and a gloating.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "I'll just say, let's Commander Xiao Cheng Xiao declares righteousness, know what I think in my heart, leaders, do I personally inspect it, or do you directly provide me with the list." "

The commanders of several major military regions hated it, after all, Chu Feng still remembered the matter of digging the foot of the wall before, and now they can't help themselves at all, who let them train the special forces easily

was poached by Chu Feng.

Originally, everyone happily came to the scene of the special forces competition, but it turned out to be leeks and could only be harvested.

Looking at Chu Feng's grinning face, several people could only snort coldly and leave.


Two days later, the special forces competition officially began, Chu Feng came to the stands with the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade, Chu Feng originally thought that the entire arena was not very big, but after entering the stands, he knew the vastness of the arena.

Its terrain is complex, its coverage is wide, and its variability is so variable, it covers almost all technical and tactical schemes.

The first day of competition is the traditional triathlon.

Triathlon are shooting, obstacle jumping and endurance running.

But the triathlon of the special forces competition is not so simple, first of all, a full 800 meters of full obstacle crossing.

This includes fires, waterways, cliffs, ruins, quagmires and swamps, and a very scary minefield.

If it is an ordinary triathlete, it is likely that he will die on the spot in this first event.

At the end of this first all-obstacle run, it turned out to be an eight-story building, and the special forces had to climb to the top of the building from the perimeter of the building, and then jump down from the other side.

This is the first stage of the race, and the second stage is a full 20-kilometer endurance run.

Special forces not only need to run the whole distance, but also need to run with 20 kilograms of military supplies, and there are very strict requirements for everyone's foot strength and endurance.

Not only that, in the second half of the endurance run, scouts composed of the scout regiment of the military headquarters will enter the race, and all the special forces present participating in the competition will be shot, dogged, and even ambushed.

In this process, the participating special forces can counterattack, but each person only has ten bullets, and after they are used up, they can only rely on their own body skills and fists and feet.

In the final leg of the competition, teams from several military districts will assemble in a building with a target signal hidden on the façade of the building.

The first place to find is the first place, the first place is worth 10 points, the second place is worth 7 points, the third place is 6 points, and so on, but the last place is not scored.

It can be said that this first game was a very cruel competition of hard power and technical tactics.

Wang Yanbing said next to Chu Feng: "Boss, for this game, do you think that military region is the most likely to win the first place." "

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "It's really hard to say, originally I thought that Yang Junning's special operations camp had a chance, but I felt a little difficult after seeing the rules of the game." "

Wang Yanbing asked, "Why?" "

Chu Feng explained: "At the beginning of this game, you can see that it is actually a competition for the hard power of special forces, but in fact, it is a test of skills and tactics, after all, there are only ten bullets in the whole game, and it seems that there are only military departments for people."

Official NPC.

But actually, you have to know that the final ranking of the competition was born in that building, that is..."

Wang Yanbing suddenly replied: "In other words, their real enemy is actually the special forces participating in the competition from several other military regions, and those ten bullets can be used to meet in the last narrow road."

Pick up. "

Chu Feng nodded, and he said: "Not only that, there are a total of seven target items in it according to the rules, so _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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