Seeing that the sky was already clear, Niu tried to decide that everyone should hurry as soon as possible, after all, the group of veterans would definitely follow the clues after discovering that they had disappeared without any traces.

After regaining some strength, everyone began to continue on the road, and everyone was very careful along the way, and there were special people to carry out the back, so as to collect information and eliminate the traces left by everyone's march.

In this way, another two hours passed, and in a strange rocky place, Wang Xiaoyu and two other people sent out to explore the terrain had returned, and all the special forces were now only about five kilometers away from their destination.

Wang Xiaoyu said: "Niu worked hard, if we walked normally, it would only take us an hour to reach the foot of the mountain, but from this stone forest, although the distance will be very close, but the road is too rugged, it is estimated that it will take two more hours." "

Niu Diligently pondered for a moment and asked, "Did you find an ambush on the road ahead?"

Wang Xiaoyu shook his head, indicating that the road was smooth, Niu Li said: "It is impossible to let us reach the foot of the mountain so smoothly, from the map of the mountain, there is only one way to enter the mountain, the other party should place heavy troops here to guard, and now let us in with such a swagger, there must be something strange." "

Yang Rui asked, "Will the other party still have time to arrange an ambush?" "

Li Haiyang pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose and said: "Impossible, if there are no fortifications at the foot of the mountain, then it is likely that the other party's heavy troops are halfway up the mountain, and their pursuers are coming towards our rear road, wanting to make a front and back attack." "

"What about that. Li asked clearly.

Li Haiyang said: "We can go directly through this stone forest, although it will take some more time, but we always avoid the possibility of short-term contact with the pursuers behind." "

After hearing this, everyone looked sideways at Niu Endeavor, and Niu Endeavors nodded heavily and said, "Just follow what Li Haiyang said, pass through the stone forest." "

Then he turned his head to look at Wang Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, you have the best skills here, I need you to enter the mountain as quickly as possible, see if there are any ambushes or fortifications in the mountain, remember the specific details I want, the number of people, the distance, the distribution of firepower, and even the staffing." "

Wang Xiaoyu nodded, after this battle, he was originally the most unstable person in the team, and the child who often went up in the execution of tasks became a lot calmer.

Niu tried to believe that he wouldn't spoil something big because of his impulsiveness and childishness.

Wang Xiaoyu ran out alone, and Niu Dilia led everyone to start walking through the stone forest.

This stone forest has been distributed at the foot of the mountain, with large rocks on it, and there are many human-shaped stone pillars standing in the yellow sand, which seems to have been a riverbed in ancient times, and some people built some buildings with such human-shaped stone pillars on the riverbed.

This should have been the best place to bury, after all, there are many bunkers, and for an experienced veteran like Guangwang Yanbing, he can definitely exert the strongest combat advantage.

But even the most dangerous place is the safest place, he believes in Li Haiyang's judgment, although this kind of reverse thinking is not advisable, but it can work wonders when it is critical.

Many special forces have been soaked in ice water in the river for too long, and now their bodies have reached their limits, but shuttling through this kind of stone forest simply makes their bodies worse.

Yang Rui said: "Brothers, don't give up, we finally persevered until now, we have not been eliminated by that group of veterans, but we have fallen here, we have the physical strength to support each other, get out of here, we will find a place to rest!"

Everyone started cheering each other on, and if they saw that someone couldn't hold on, they would give each other a hand.

The ruggedness of this stone forest completely exceeded that of everyone, and it was only at noon that everyone walked out of the stone forest.

Everyone was dressed heavily, and they were still soaking in the icy river water last night, and now it was a scorching sun of thirty or forty degrees.

At the beginning, I felt very warm, and relieved the typhoid fever last night, but now I am already complaining one by one, and many people have no water in the kettle, but fortunately, their companions will drink some river water to each other.

Niu Endeavor looked at his watch and felt that Wang Xiaoyu should be back soon, and sure enough, Wang Xiaoyu came back after ten minutes, and he said: "Niu Endeavour, there is a circular offensive in the mountain, just halfway up the mountain, and they are standing at a favorable terrain, and there is a very steep hillside below."

It was very unfavorable for us to charge, and there was very little cover under the ring offensive, which was very unfavorable for us to charge, and there were about fifty men in it. They are evenly distributed on the inside of the ring offensive, and most of their weapons are large-scale positional warfare weapons such as machine guns. "

Listening to Wang Xiaoyu's words, Niu Lili's face was embarrassed, and Li Haiyang said: "If we want to break through this line of defense, our casualties will be very heavy, but the group of people we are facing are all elites who have experienced a hundred battles, and someone must sacrifice to pass through here." "

Although it sounds like the number of people here is more superior, the circular offensive of fifty men is no joke, and during World War II, there is a lot of history of blood and tears telling the impact of terrain advantages on battles.

A fortress, a machine gun is likely to require hundreds or thousands of lives to break through, not to mention fifty experienced soldiers here.

Yang Rui finally made up his mind and said: "Don't think about it, I am the oldest and most experienced here, I will take a group of people to be the vanguard force, go to the pin, help you pull the space, you find a way to cooperate with us, and then Wang Xiaoyu, you take an elite unit, go around from the flank, strive to enter the inside of the ring offensive, and kill all the people in the ring offensive." "

Everyone was moved when they heard this, and Gu Shun said: "Lao Yang, you are like this..."

Yang Rui waved his hand and said: "No matter when, someone needs to sacrifice, and I, a veteran oilman, am already very satisfied to be able to come here, even if I am eliminated, I will not regret it, it is my honor to be able to fight side by side with so many excellent special forces, but if I can send you to the list of the Dragon Soul Brigade, I am even more proud." "

After speaking, he looked behind him and said: "Brothers, I need to be a large army all the time, and be a pioneer with me, who dares to go with me!"

As soon as he said this, everyone applied for points, and nearly a hundred people automatically walked to his side, ready to die with him.

Niu Chuan did not stop them, after all, this is the war, immediately make a decision, and then start to make a battle plan. _

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