The recruits also did not expect that the veterans would arrive at this time.

The recruits couldn't help but panic, and Chu Feng, who had been watching this scene through the drone, was curious about what these recruits were going to do next.

Niu Chuan couldn't help but fall into deep thought, now the position in front of him has not been captured, and at this time, there are veterans chasing behind, and now he can only give it a go.

"Now in this situation, why don't we give up?"

A recruit cautiously spoke, and Niu Lili's anger rose instantly, "Give up? Are you planning to let our hard work for so long be ruined? Are you a person who came out of the Eight Great Armies?"

Niu tried to speak without mercy, which inevitably embarrassed the recruits.

The recruit clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of momentum of not admitting defeat, and Niu Chuan tried to see this, so he nodded with satisfaction.

If they give up now, they really give up.

But there are still many people who think it's better to give up, after all, they are now about to be cornered, and the other party is an experienced veteran, and the chances of winning are simply slim.

"But if we don't give up, we may not win in the end. "

"That's it. "


Yang Rui listened to these people one by one, and his mood was extremely irritable, in his dictionary, there was no word "give up", of course he didn't want to give up so easily, he was born in Jiaolong, that is the best special forces in the navy.

Even if he left Jiaolong now, his Jiaolong's momentum and spirit did not leave with him.

Yang Rui looked at the people who were whispering around him and clenched his fists.

"You are all the best people selected from the eight armies, are you so willing to give up? Where is your never-give-up spirit?"

Yang Rui yelled around, and the person who was still muttering in a low voice instantly fell silent.

"Are the best of the eight armies the same kind of people who want to retreat when they encounter difficulties? Even if we lose, we will have the courage to lose, and now that the difficulties are in front of us, shouldn't we rise to the occasion? Shouldn't we persevere in doing things to the end?"

Yang Rui's words successfully encouraged everyone, and everyone ignited their enthusiasm at one time.

"Yang Rui is right, the outstanding talents in our various armies can't choose to give up because of such a small obstacle, I want to continue fighting!"

"I want it too! I'm not a bastard!"

"Add me one!"


The surrounding voices came and went, Yang Rui showed a relieved smile, and Niu Lian came to Yang Rui's side when he saw this, and hugged him with his arm on his shoulder.

"Brother, you're so good. "

Yang Rui and Niu Li glanced at each other, and their horns unconsciously raised slightly.

"Now the urgency of the delay is to arrange a battle plan, I think about dividing the manpower to deal with the veterans in the back, and the others continue to attack the position according to the original plan, what do you think?"

After Yang Rui finished speaking, he looked at Niu Endeavor with an expectant expression, Niu Endeavor listened to Yang Rui's thoughts, and was slightly shocked, he didn't expect Yang Rui to think of it with him.

Niu nodded in agreement, "Just do as you say, I have exactly the same idea as you." "

Yang Rui glanced at Niu Lili and patted the left side of his shoulder, "Dili, you lead the brothers to rush forward first, and I will take everyone here to stop them." "

Niu shook his head and refused, saying that he also wanted to stay, and Yang Rui's face changed instantly.

"At this time, there must be a leader to lead people to rush forward, you are the most suitable, now bring people, rush forward!

After Yang Rui shouted these words, Niu Li was stunned, and then his eyes gradually became firm, and his heart ignited a fighting spirit.


As soon as Niu Dili's voice fell, he quickly organized the people, rushed forward with the people, and looked at the back of the person who rushed forward with everyone, Yang Rui also had a relieved smile on his face.

Yang Rui originally wanted Li Understand to go with Niu Effort, but he didn't have to think about it, Li Understand would never agree, so he had to give up the thoughts in his heart.

"Yang Shen, what should I do next?"

Yang Rui glanced at Li Zhi, and the corners of his mouth hooked up.

"The strong are invincible," Yang Rui yelled at Jiaolong's slogan: "If we can come to participate in this selection, we are all strong." Even if we fight to the end, we will never give up. "

Listening to Yang Rui's unwavering voice tone, everyone was moved by him.

Although they are newcomers, half of them are from the special operations brigades of various regiments, and they are also the best special forces.

Yang Rui glanced at Li Zhi, who was looking at him with a look of adoration beside him, "Next, you have to give full play to your due strength, don't embarrass me, don't embarrass Jiaolong!"

As soon as Yang Rui's words came out, Li Dong burned with fighting spirit, and everyone also exerted their strength for a long time and gradually grasped the initiative.

Yang Rui and Li understood the tacit understanding of cooperation, blocking the veterans while launching a fierce attack on the position.

Although there were countless casualties among the people who blocked it, Wang Yanbing and the others were actually blocked.

Yang Rui saw that the time was almost now, and it was time to get what belonged to them.

"Li understands, Xu Hong, are you ready?"

Li understand, Xu Hong and the two glanced at each other, and shouted tacitly: "Always be ready!"

Niu Lianli saw that Yang Rui personally brought Li Dong and Xu Hong, who were born in Jiaolong, to come, and a smile of victory appeared on his face.

"You three come in quickly, and we'll cover you. "

Yang Rui and Niu Li glanced at each other, and nodded to each other in tacit understanding.

Under the cover of their comrades, the three successfully rushed into the position and found the target map they wanted.

But after searching everywhere and not finding the map they were looking for, Li understood that he couldn't help but be a little impatient.

Yang Rui pondered, "Xu Hong, if it were you, where would you hide the map?"

Yang Rui looked not far away, and already had the answer in his heart, but Xu Hong was a little puzzled, and he was also thinking about where he would hide the map if it was him.

Xu Hong looked around, and instantly had an answer in his heart, "I guess things should be buried under that tree, right?"

"Clever. "

As soon as Yang Rui's voice fell, he walked over with the two of them, and Yang Rui squatted down, and as soon as he dug up, he saw a map showing a corner.

"Sure enough, it's here. "

Li understands and Xu Hong looked at Yang Rui excitedly, Yang Rui held the map dug out of the soil in the palm of his hand and held the map high.

The excitement on his face couldn't be hidden, and he shouted excitedly: "Win! We won!"

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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