Leng Feng also sensed that something was wrong, and soon found out that they were caught in the encirclement, his face turned black in an instant, and he said that he always had a feeling of uneasiness along the way, this turned out to be the case.

Long Xiaoyun remained calm and glanced at Leng Feng beside him, "Big brother, what should we do now?" We are completely surrounded, and if I am not mistaken, there are about seven or eight hundred people who surround us. "

Long Xiaoyun's voice was not quiet, and even if she didn't say it, these elves in the Wolf Warrior Squadron would definitely find out when they got to the back.

But the Wolf Warrior Squadron has also experienced strong winds and rains, so how can they be worried and afraid?

Leng Feng glanced at Long Xiaoyun and wanted to know what she thought, so he asked.

Long Xiaoyun pondered for a while, and said: "I think we will each lead a force to break through separately, if we stay, we will definitely die, and we must ask for help, this is not the time for us to be rash, no matter how powerful the wolf warrior squadron is, it can't withstand so many people." "

Leng Feng and Long Xiaoyun's thoughts are also similar, and so far they can only do this.

Leng Feng and Long Xiaoyun quickly divided the people into two groups of people, Leng Feng signaled Long Xiaoyun to take the people first, and he walked behind, but Long Xiaoyun was not happy, until Leng Feng's face darkened, Long Xiaoyun took the people to act quickly according to the plan.

Leng Feng and his party also covered Long Xiaoyun and the others, Leng Feng saw that the time was almost up, and asked for help before leaving, and then acted as planned.

The military region also soon received the news of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and they didn't expect that those drug dealers had been waiting for the Wolf Warrior Squadron for a long time, and the drug dealers could learn the news, which means that there are definitely internal ghosts in them.

After receiving the news, the people from the military region immediately contacted Gao Gang and asked him to contact Chu Feng, except for Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade, they really couldn't think of any other team that could let the Wolf Warrior Squadron get out of this difficulty.

Gao Gang thought that Chu Feng hadn't replied to him for so long, the black lines on his forehead were rising, and he called Chu Feng hard.

Chu Feng saw that it was Gao Gang's call and answered it.

Gao Gang didn't expect this call to happen, but he was so excited that Gao Gang hurriedly told Chu Feng about the Wolf Warrior Squadron.

Chu Feng didn't expect the drug dealer to be so ruthless this time, it seems that he really died to the end.

"So I guess you already know what that means, right? They asked you to lead the Dragon Soul Brigade and rush to the backup. "

Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense, he directly picked up the clothes on the chair, and said in an arrogant tone, "This matter is handed over to my Dragon Soul Brigade, which can only show that the leader is still very discerning, don't worry, I promise to bring people back safely." "

Listening to Chu Feng's arrogant words, Gao Gang didn't know what else he could say, but Chu Feng had this strength, he could be so arrogant, even if he was dissatisfied, he could only hold back.

After Chu Feng hung up the phone, he quickly gathered, and Chu Feng also told everyone the general situation, but the Dragon Soul Brigade doubted that his ears had heard it wrong.

"When did the Wolf Warrior Squadron become so good?

Gu Shun didn't care too much, and he said the words as soon as his mind was hot, and the others were silently thinking in their hearts, listening to Gu Shun say what they were thinking in their hearts, with admiration on their faces.

With Gu Shun taking the lead, the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade also talked about it one by one.

"Besides, those people in the Wolf Warrior Squadron are so proud, how can they ask for help?"


Chu Feng rubbed his temples, this group of rabbit cubs is really swollen now, but he doesn't have much to say, after all, they also have such an inflated capital, Chu Feng can only pretend that he didn't hear what Gu Shun just said.

Again, if the operation fails, I believe you should know what awaits you. "

As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, the corners of his mouth brought an evil smile, and the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade looked at it and immediately recalled those demonic trainings in their minds, and instantly lowered their heads.

"Also, I'll go with you this time, and if any of you don't live up to my standards or what I expect from you, I'm sure you should know what the consequences are. "

The threatening attitude in Chu Feng's words was very strong, and the people in the team couldn't say anything, so they had to pray in their hearts that Chu Feng wouldn't pay too much attention to himself.

After Chu Feng finished speaking, the helicopter also stopped at the Dragon Soul Brigade, and the well-trained group went up one after another.

On the other side, the situation of the team led by Long Xiaoyun was not so good, she also knew that Leng Feng had asked for help from above, and had been looking forward to the arrival of helpers, and finally before Chu Feng came, Leng Feng led people to break through, but the people led by Long Xiaoyun were surrounded by groups. _

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