Gao Gang sat in the command center, and after finding that all the drug dealers had gathered, the smile on the corner of his mouth became thicker, and it was at this time that he immediately told Chu Feng that he could start acting.

Chu Feng's side has already been assembled by armed helicopters, so there is no need to rush at all.

Chu Feng stretched and looked at Yang Rui and the others beside him, "Let's go, it's time for us to move our hands and feet." "

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he went up to the gunship, looking at the upright team members in the gunship, Chu Feng had a proud smile on his face.

"Very good, what you want is your state, presumably what you are going to do today, everyone must know better than me, or the old saying, you are only allowed to win, you are comfortable if you win, you have a bright face, and if you lose, not only will you lose face, but you will also become a laughing stock. "

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he divided the people into three groups of men and horses according to the old way, and the other two teams had already set off under Chu Feng's instructions, while the elite five people were left behind.

Chu Feng took out his good gun at the bottom of the box and handed it to the five people, but Gu Shun had always worn the best gun, and he originally wanted to say that he didn't need it, but seeing that Chu Feng personally handed it to him, he still accepted it.

"This operation, the five of you play a very important role, and your task is to solve those drug dealer leaders for me. "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Yang Rui couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

"Boss, are those drug bosses really coming, what if they don't?"

Chu Feng felt that the possibility that Yang Rui said did exist, but the possibility of existence was very low, and if he remembered correctly, the last time Long Xiaoyun was surrounded and disappeared, those drug dealer leaders were all there.

"Then we don't care if those drug dealer leaders will come or not, the five of you must cooperate well on the battlefield, if it doesn't meet my expectations, what will be the consequences? I guess you don't need me to say more, right?"

Five people, you take a look, I'll look at you, and nodded hurriedly.

"Let's go!"

Chu Feng also took the elite immediately, and the drug dealers at this time did not realize the danger at all, but there were still some people who couldn't bear it.

"Boss, what do you say is going on this time? Why is it so slow?

The man who was revered as the boss was also a little puzzled, but he was still able to keep his composure.

"Wait, maybe it will come in a while, if you want to do great things, you must be patient. "

The man heard what his boss said, so he had to continue to wait patiently.

At this time, the Dragon Soul Brigade was slowly approaching these people, and some of the drug dealers also noticed that something was wrong, but they couldn't say what was wrong.

The Dragon Soul Brigade stopped at a distance of only about 200 meters away from the drug dealers, and after Chu Feng saw that the two teams had also arrived, he ordered: "Your team is outflanked on the left and right, and the people sent by the police will rush up after our encirclement, and now act as planned." "

The people of the two squads carried out the tasks assigned by Chu Feng one after another, but the elite five people were a little puzzled, so what were they doing?

"Boss, what about the five of us?"

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly when he saw Gu Shun's anxious appearance, "When will you change your impatient nature?"

Gu Shun scratched his head a little embarrassed by what he said, Chu Feng left the five people behind, there must be a reason, and then quickly arranged their respective tasks.

After Gu Shun heard that Chu Feng had arranged someone for himself, he instantly understood why Chu Feng wanted to leave the five of them behind, it turned out to be such a thing.

After a while, the sound of guns rang out.

The drug dealers listened to the sound of the gun and looked at their companions who fell beside them one after another, and their legs trembled in fright.

The drug dealers also quickly realized that they might have been tricked this time, and they couldn't keep their composure at all.

Even if you want to hide, there is really nowhere to hide.

Leng Feng knew that Chu Feng had dealt a heavy blow to the drug dealers in the border area, but he was still a little uneasy, and after thinking about it, he decided to go over, regardless of whether he could catch up with them to exterminate the drug dealers, he wanted to go over and take a look, that's all.

The elite five people can be said to cooperate very well on the battlefield, and most of the people who fell were brought down by them.

Chu Feng looked at the five people who cooperated very tacitly, and he knew that he was not wrong in forming a team at the beginning, and the five of them could also be said to be the five strongest people in the Dragon Soul Brigade, and they really did not disappoint him.

Chu Feng joined this war and also eliminated a lot of people, after Chu Feng finished solving more than a dozen people, he still looked easy, which couldn't help but make everyone wonder if Chu Feng wouldn't be tired?

The members of the Dragon Soul Brigade couldn't help but admire their boss in their hearts. _

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