As soon as he returned to the Dragon Soul Brigade, Gao Gang called Chu Feng with a phone call.

"Chu Feng, aren't you really going to come over?"

Chu Feng really didn't know when, Gao Gang also became so grinding and chirping, and just about to hang up the phone, Gao Gang continued: "Chu Feng, you will participate in the three-month competition of the big army, right?"

When Chu Feng heard this, his hand paused, and he whispered "um".

"Then if that's really the case, you have to step up the training of the Dragon Soul Brigade, you have to know that if you win the competition, it will be the supreme glory..."

Gao Gang wanted to continue, but Chu Feng didn't say a word, hung up the phone directly, yawned and went back to sleep.

Listening to the sound of the phone hanging up, Gao Gang didn't mention how complicated it was, what he wanted to say was, "If you win, it will definitely be the strongest team, and Chu Feng can also be promoted to an equal position with the leader." "


At five o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng got up from the bed and pressed the emergency assembly button, revealing a lazy atmosphere.

As soon as the team heard the siren, they hurriedly got up and dressed, and they didn't have time to care about their image.

Chu Feng was already standing in the training ground waiting for everyone at this time, and Chu Feng didn't raise his head, just kept looking at the clock on his wrist.

Four minutes had passed, and after Yang Rui saw that everyone had arrived, he counted the number of people and hurriedly reported to Chu Feng.

"Report, all hands are here, please instruct. "

The time had just passed for five minutes, which was already a good time, but Chu Feng was not so satisfied.

"Next time, try to shorten the time by one minute, do you feel unhappy when you get up so early?"

Chu Feng yawned and asked lazily, there was no sound below, who dared to say that he had complaints?

Seeing that no one was talking, Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, "Okay, very good, then if you all have no opinion, see you on the mountain road, this time all of you will carry ten catties of weight for me, and walk five gongs"

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he went directly back to his office and continued to rest.

Gu Shun looked at Chu Feng's departing back, with an incredulous expression, "Yang Shen, hurry up and pinch me, let me know that this is not true, do you think I haven't woken up yet?"

When Yang Rui saw Gu Shun say this, he naturally stepped forward and pinched him fiercely, and he was really ruthless, not to mention how cool it was.

Chu Feng returned to his office, and then remembered that he had forgotten to tell those people in the Dragon Soul Brigade about something, so he took out his mobile phone and called Yang Rui.

Because Chu Feng usually contacts Yang Rui directly when he has something, Yang Rui is allowed to bring his mobile phone with him, Yang Rui looked at the vibrating mobile phone, picked it up and saw that it was a call from Chu Feng, but he hesitated to pick it up.

Gu Shun, who was watching from the sidelines, directly helped Yang Rui press the answer button.

"By the way, Yang Rui, I'm too sleepy, so I forgot to tell you something just now, haven't you always wanted to challenge me? Now give you this opportunity, the top five people who reach the finish line have the right to challenge me. "

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he hung up the phone and rested on the sofa.

Yang Rui couldn't believe his ears, his hands were clenched into fists, you must know that Chu Feng is like a king-like existence, even if he fights with him, he can gain a lot from it.

Yang Rui hurriedly gathered everyone and informed him of this matter, and after listening to Yang Rui's words, there were still many people who were depressed.

"Yang Shen, this opportunity is still left to the elite five of you, your strength is far above us, we can't even defeat you, let alone delusional to challenge the boss. "

As soon as the team member's words fell, the door of the head was hit hard by the cow.

"What kind of stupid thing are you talking about? You know you can't do it without trying it? Let me tell you, if you have this kind of idea in the future, we are the elite five, and you will challenge them one by one. "

After listening to Niu Dili's words, the team members' legs trembled, and they quickly nodded to show that they understood.

And the team members who watched this scene on the side couldn't help but shudder, and the elite five challenged it, even if it was really fatal.

"Why are you still stunned? Why don't you hurry up and move for me? Waiting for me to invite you?"

As soon as Yang Rui's words came out, the team members who were still standing in place stupidly immediately moved towards their destination, because Chu Feng did not arrange a vehicle for them, so they could only walk over.

And this hike is six or seven kilometers away from the destination...

And at this time on the other side of the women's brigade.

"Have you really thought about it, you have to know that the Dragon Soul Brigade is not accepted by everyone, if you really want to remember, then you will definitely have to pass the assessment. The person in charge of the women's brigade said worriedly. _

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