"We are examined. "

Glancing at his sisters and seeing that they were all nodding at him, Mengxi suddenly understood their thoughts, turned his head and nodded firmly at Chu Feng.

"In that case, then choose your opponents. "

Mengxi's choice was also expected by Chu Feng, so his face did not change, he just looked at Gu Shun and the others, nodded at Mengxi, and motioned for her to choose an opponent.

"I choose Gu Shun. "

Glancing at the four people in front of her, Mengxi lowered her head and thought about it, and finally stretched out her finger and pointed at Gu Shun.

Choosing Gu Shun was not Mengxi's impulsive decision, she carefully observed the four people opposite, according to their physical strength, Gu Shun, a person who is biased towards management and strategy, among the four people, is Mengxi's best choice.

The fact that Gu Shun's physical strength alone is the weakest of the four is enough for Mengxi to choose him, if you want to win with skills, the premise is that the other side does not completely suppress their strength, otherwise all skills will be in vain, just like Chu Feng's previous battle.

"It's indeed a good choice, Gu Shun, do you accept their challenge?"

Seeing Gu Shun who was chosen by Mengxi, Chu Feng didn't know what to say for a while, in terms of physical strength, Gu Shun was indeed the best choice, but as the smartest person among the four, Mengxi's careful thinking might not have a chance to use it.

Of course, Chu Feng will definitely not say what he thinks in his heart, besides, no matter what the result is, this is Mengxi's own choice, as the boss of the Dragon Soul Brigade, Chu Feng respects their choice, but he will never show favoritism. It's just that after all, Gu Shun is also one of the protagonists, and Chu Feng feels that it is necessary for him to ask what he thinks.

"Report to the boss, I'm up for the challenge. "

Originally, he was not happy about Mengxi and a few people entering the Dragon Soul Brigade, but now that there is a chance to prevent this from happening, how could Gu Shun be unwilling, besides, since he was the one who was selected, it means that he was underestimated, how could he miss this opportunity to prove his strength.

"Okay, since you don't have any, let's get started. "

The so-called everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, both sides expressed themselves, and Chu Feng was not willing to delay time, so he directly gave up the territory.

"Captain Gu, I'm offended. "

As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, Mengxi was difficult for a few people, and several people tacitly listed the formation, and rushed towards Gu Shun before and after.

"Small meaning. Looking at the few people rushing over, Gu Shun didn't have any waves on his face, but his body moved, caught the fist of Mengxi, who was the first to rush over, and threw her out in another direction with the help of force.

Taking advantage of Mengxi's efforts to be thrown out and turned back, Gu Shun had already taken over the moves of the other two people, taking advantage of the vacancy between the two to shoot at the last two girls.

"Be careful. To see that Gu Shun was ruthless, Mengxi hurriedly reminded him, and at the same time caught the strength of his teammates and accelerated the speed of his shot at Gu Shun.

Noticing Mengxi rushing behind him, Gu Shun had no choice but to give up one of his targets, and when he attacked another target, he dodged Mengxi's shot by the way, and with the time difference, Mengxi's other two team members also rushed towards Gu Shun, without giving Gu Shun time to react at all.

If he was hit by the two, Gu Shun might be injured, just when everyone thought that Gu Shun couldn't dodge, they saw him turn around and go directly behind Mengxi, forcing the two to stop, otherwise they would hurt Mengxi.

"Captain Gu is a little too shameless. "

I didn't expect Gu Shun to do this, seeing that her team's attack failed, Mengxi couldn't help but change her face, and missed such a good opportunity, which made her lose her calm for a while.

"I didn't throw you out to withstand their attacks, I'm already giving in. "

Answering Mengxi's words, the movements in her hands did not stop, taking advantage of Mengxi's mood fluctuations, Gu Shun had already found an opportunity to get close to her target, that is, the weakest team member among the five, which directly made her lose her ability to act.

Seeing her sister injured, Mengxi, who was already in mood swings, calmed down at this time.

"Damn. "There is already a person who has been injured, if she is impulsive again, not only will she have no chance of winning, but she will also make more sisters injured, in order to be able to stay, and in order to protect her sisters, Mengxi forced herself to calm down.

"In order to be able to stay, I fought hard. "

Glancing at the others, the four of them nodded to each other, and tacitly rushed towards Gu Shun from four angles at the same time.

was baffled by the sudden movements of the four people, Gu Shun didn't think clearly what they were thinking, but he didn't forget to fight back, because he couldn't dodge the four people at the same time, Gu Shun deliberately picked Mengxi to meet him, and at this time, the attack of the other three people was about to arrive. _

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