"There is never a shortage of perverts in this world, but this is the first time I've heard of such a boring pervert. "

After listening to Leng Feng's words, Chu Feng didn't know what to say, after all, it was the first time Chu Feng had heard of a person like this who deliberately studied medicine in order to torture people, and it seemed that his learning results were quite good.

"Don't talk about you, if I hadn't personally brought someone to investigate, I wouldn't have believed you. "

Hearing Chu Feng's exclamation, Leng Feng shook his head, indicating that he was just as surprised.

"Okay, no matter what his identity is, we will definitely get the antidote. "

Looking at Leng Feng, who had a heavy face, Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder, and his tone was very firm.

"If there is no result after half a month, you can go back with your people first. "

To Chu Feng's surprise, Leng Feng listened to his words, and instead of agreeing, he shook his head.

Chu Feng was able to lend someone to him at such a critical juncture, Leng Feng was very moved in his heart, if Chu Feng hadn't come over in person this time, he might not have realized how much he owed Chu Feng, the more this time, the more he had to think about Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart, and I'll talk about it when the time comes. By the way, you tell me about the distribution of underworld forces in R City, and we'll see what to do next. "

Knowing what Leng Feng was thinking, Chu Feng did not continue on this issue, and took the initiative to change the topic.

"According to our current investigation, the strength of the underworld forces in R City is not even, the Zuo family basically occupies the general sphere of influence of the underworld, and the number of arms in their hands can be said to be more than all the other underworld forces combined, and it is precisely because of this that they have occupied the power of the first family of the underworld in R City for many years. "

Speaking of business, Leng Feng's expression suddenly became serious, and he said all the information he knew.

"Except for the Zuo family, are the others some small forces that can't be ranked, or are there some more prominent ones? "

Frowning, Chu Feng's face was a little unsightly, if there were several big forces in a place and they were holding each other down, it would be much easier to solve one of the forces, but this kind of situation of one dominant family, if you want to break it, and attack the prince of other people, it is indeed a big problem.

"Yes, there are, there are five big forces in R City that can be regarded as other than the Zuo family, namely the Wang family, the Yang family, the Li family, the Yuan family, and the Gongsun family. "

Although he didn't understand what Chu Feng's intention was by asking, Leng Feng still answered his question very seriously.

In other words, the combined victories of these five families are not comparable to those of the Zuo family? In addition, we must also count other large and small scattered forces. "

Hearing that there were other forces, Chu Feng couldn't understand why they would let the Zuo family dominate.

"I've understood this before, unlike other underworld forces, the forces of the other five major families basically belong to the family inheritance, just because someone in the family started from the underworld, so it slowly continued, resulting in people from other families are not as radical as other underworld elements, as long as they don't offend them, they generally won't take the initiative to provoke others. "

Speaking of which, even Leng Feng was a little incredible, obviously he was in contact with such an underworld force for the first time.

It is precisely because of their reluctance to provoke right and wrong that they have given the Zuo family the opportunity to develop rapidly, but the strange thing is that no matter how excessive the Zuo family is, they will never commit the crime on the heads of the five of them. "

didn't hide his doubts, Leng Feng himself wondered.

Therefore, the two sides can say that the well water does not interfere with the river water, but they don't know whether the Zuo family is unwilling to provoke the old forces, or whether they will put a long line and catch big fish, and wait until the other small forces are almost swallowed, and then move towards the rest. "

After listening to Leng Feng's explanation, Chu Feng subconsciously analyzed. If the Zuo family is really as competitive as Leng Feng said, grabbing land everywhere, then they will not allow several other families to exist in R City and pose a threat to their dominance.

"You have a point, but I haven't found out what their purpose is?"

With Chu Feng's reminder, Leng Feng had a flash of inspiration, and after thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that Chu Feng's words were more likely.

"That's it, Yang Rui, you take a few people, find a way to check what I just said, it's best to start with that doctor first, I want to know all the information he can find, as well as his daily life trajectory, as for the rest, little by little. "

Thinking about the battle between the eight armies in half a month, Chu Feng had to admit that time was tight, and if he had an eyebrow in his mind, he had to hurry up and act, only in this way could he save time to the greatest extent.

"I'll go with Yang Rui. "

To see Yang Rui leave immediately, Leng Feng hurriedly spoke.

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