Because An Ran's face has really become a lot better!

There was no longer blood foaming in her mouth, but she looked tired, sweating profusely and half-leaning on Lei Zhan's body,

and her breathing was smooth.

Two minutes later, Chen Yan took off the herbs for An Ran, and his silver needle was indeed gone, and An Ran's wound had stopped bleeding.

"Hold her, I'm going to get the bullet. Chen Yan said.

Lei Zhan frowned and nodded, he also knew that if he didn't take out the bullet, An Ran would be uncomfortable.

Chen Yan took out two more golden needles.

poked Enron's wound several times, and Enron's body twitched violently again.

But this time it was just because it was too painful, and I didn't vomit blood again.

The dangerous moment of the mouth is over, and everyone knows it.

Not long after, a bullet was taken out, and Chen Yan took out his tools and sewed up An Ran's wound.

"Okay, it's just a simple treatment, and there is no danger to life, because there is a shortage of doctors and medicines here

, so you still have to go to the military/district hospital to deal with it again, and you can recuperate.

Chen Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh.

An Ran's breathing was steady, although he was sweating all over his head, but he was really rescued!

Lei Zhan's eyes were full of gratitude, if it weren't for An Ran's leaning on him at this moment, he wanted to get up and hold Chen Yan's hand to thank him.

Boss Zhou's mouth closed in surprise.

The medical helicopter soon arrived and took An Ran away, followed by Lei Zhan and Chen Yan. The old fox commanded the scene.

"Q injury, it has been dealt with simply. Before Lei Zhan sat down, he briefly explained Enron's situation.

The marching soldier/medic nodded and bent down to examine the wound.

"The bleeding has stopped, is the warhead still inside?" he

asked, seeing that Enron's wound had been sewn up.

"No, it's been taken out. Chen Yan showed him the warhead.

The warhead is specially made, the bullet is small, but several sharp claws can be seen on it.

The military/doctor was shocked and immediately examined the wound.

only to find that it was not as horrible as he imagined, the wound was treated perfectly, and the stitches were beautiful.

Judging from the depth of the wound, this bullet sank deep into An Ran's flesh

, but it was impossible

for it to be taken out so completely and without causing heavy bleeding from the wound! He had treated similar wounds before, but he did not treat them properly, causing secondary bleeding from the wound

, but fortunately, the other party was not injured in an important position, and did not hurt his life.

Enron's wound was very dangling, only a line away from his heart. Generally speaking

, it is almost impossible to remove a bullet in its entirety, even in a well-equipped operating room,

let alone to achieve this level of processing in such a situation.

The eyes of the military/doctor changed suddenly.

"Did you do it?" he

looked at Chen Yan suspiciously.

Chen Yan nodded truthfully, and Lei Zhan saw that the eyes of the military/doctor had changed, worried that something had changed.

"What's wrong?" the

military/doctor waved his hand, signaling Lei Zhan not to interrupt.

"Are you from the medical corps?" he asked Chen Yan instead.

Because he is wearing civilian clothes now, he can't judge Chen Yan's rank.

"No, I am the leader of the red blood cell team of the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade, and this time I was specially sent by Tang Xinyi Tang Instructor to assist the Thunderbolt Assault Team.

Chen Yan said.

There is a lot of information in this paragraph, and the military/doctor is stunned.

This wolf's tooth

is a special force, Tang Xinyi is from a military/district laboratory, and the lightning assault team belongs to a mobile force, and a special soldier is invited by a technical job to assist the mobile force?

This is not an ordinary thing, there is only one possibility, that is, the man in front of him is very good!

Seeing that Chen Yan was no more than twenty years old, the military/doctor immediately smiled and praised: "The future is immeasurable!"

Your medical knowledge is not bad, who did you learn from, Fan Tianlei doesn't know this. "

He knew Fan Tianlei, Fan Tianlei's eyes were still given by his teacher

, if Fan Tianlei had such a strong medical knowledge, at least his eyes would not have been lost!"

Chen Yan said.

The military/doctor knew it, and there were no more doubts in his heart.

No wonder this wound was treated so well!

Lei Zhan on the side breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was okay. Plus the comatose Enron.

Suddenly, there was silence in the cabin.

Unlike this silence, a white light suddenly flashed in Chen Yan's mind.

"Ding—Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The mechanical sound of the system was heard, and a bunch of rewards were sent in an instant.

Here it is! Side rewards!

Chen Yan couldn't bear to be excited, but the current situation was not suitable for such emotions

, so Chen Yan drank his eyes, pretended to close his eyes and recuperate, and went to check the reward.

His rewards for completing the main quest have not yet been viewed.

Chen Yan first checked his various values.

In addition to the few items that had already been added a lot, he found that he also had an extra medical value.

There is even a level written under the medical value, and now it is lv1, unlike others, the medical value is actually an experience bar!

"What is this medical level?" Chen Yan was curious.

"Report to the host, there are four levels of this medical level, lv1 is primary, the host

can increase experience by collecting herbs, lv2 is intermediate, lv3 is advanced, and lv4 is

special. Because medical treatment is an added value, it is not mandatory for the host to complete it, and it usually comes in the form of side quests. Chen

Yan knew that it was up to him whether the medical level would be upgraded or not, and

the level of the medical level would not affect whether Chen Yan would become the king of soldiers.

He nodded, determined to study it slowly, closing the stats interface and opening the backpack instead, which

was simply dazzling to the array of things.

What kind of energy potions, satiety pills, etc., stuffed into his backpack as if he didn't need money.

Chen Yan was overjoyed, continued to flip through, and found a mysterious box with the icon "?"

Could it be some kind of mysterious reward?

He reached out and took the initiative to click on the mysterious box, and his mood was excited, as if he had opened Pandora's box.

"Drop- Escalating, please don't be impatient.

Glancing at the upgrade progress bar, it took 5 hours, which made Chen Yan a little bored for a while.

"What is this?" Chen Yan raised his eyebrows and asked the system.

"Randomly appears, and the system doesn't know about it. The

system replied.

That's not just a blind box!

For now, we can only wait.

The helicopter stopped on the tarmac on the roof of the hospital, and several nurses anxiously lifted An Ran onto a stretcher and rushed into the elevator for transfer.

An Ran had to be sent to first aid, although Chen Yan's wound had been treated, but there was a lack of medical treatment, and

he still had to be treated systematically to be completely relieved.

Chen Yan and Lei Zhan strode to the door of the emergency room.

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