As he spoke, the old doctor put his hand on the needle, Chen Yan's eyes were cold, and his body was ready to attack at any time, as long as the old doctor made a move, he was going to make a move.

At this time, there is no need to care about any discipline! The patient's life is important, and he can't let this quack doctor end a living life!

Thinking so, he immediately mobilized all his strength, intending to stop the old doctor's behavior, but at this moment, a female voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"This little brother is right, you can't pull out this needle. A

young voice came.

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from, and Chen Yan also looked over.

A woman with a messy chicken nest on her head walked out of the crowd, she was still wearing a white coat, and

she looked like she had just woken up, Chen Yan judged that she was about the same age as him.

"There's another hairy girl!," the doctor snorted, looking very upset.

Originally, he was fine to go to the clinic alone, but now that two young people who were not as old as him together were pointing fingers at him, how could he be happy?

Chen Yan looked at the other party's appearance, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have seen her somewhere, but after thinking about it, he couldn't

remember that he had ever seen such a woman.

The woman didn't seem to care about the old doctor's words, yawned, walked up to the old doctor, and stared at him condescendingly for a while.

"See what?" the old doctor was clearly on fire.

The woman sneered: "A quack, and a dead man who has been cured by quacks."

She showed no mercy in her mouth, and as soon as these words came out, Chen Yan was busy applauding in the bottom of her heart.

"Don't talk nonsense!" the old doctor pointed to the woman's nose and scolded, but the woman didn't care at all, and she

crouched down to examine the patient's wounds.

"The sharp dagger was wounded, about 12 cm, and the perpetrator was a man, and he was very strong. The woman's brow furrowed, staring at the wound.

Such a wound is difficult to treat, but fortunately, the other party only poked one position, and did not poke a few more holes for the patient, only one hole is easier to treat, as long as you don't meet quacks.

The woman pulled out a sterilization tool and a pair of surgical gloves from her pocket and put them on herself.

The patient's wound is then carefully examined.

Chen Yan stared at the woman's movements, surprised, she would even judge this! What kind of identity is she! It is not much different from his judgment!

"Fuck off, this is my patient!" The old doctor was annoyed and angry

, and finally ignored his doctor's identity, and pointed at the woman's nose and shouted.

"Oh. The woman replied nonchalantly, and she gently brushed the woman's wound open with her hand with a brand new surgical glove.

"The entrails are rotten. You can see for yourself, if you had pulled out the needle just now, these wounds would have bled at the same time, and you wouldn't have been able to stop it. The

woman revealed the truth in front of the other party, and the old doctor finally stopped talking.

"If you say you're a quack, you're still quibbling. She rolled her eyes and quickly removed her gloves.

This is not something she can handle here, and she can only wait until the nearest hospital for treatment.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and get into the ambulance and send it to the hospital?" The woman was full of momentum

, and the old doctor and several nurses were sweating on their foreheads, and they didn't dare to delay, so they immediately took action.

Chen Yan's heart suddenly sudden, the woman was too powerful, and she actually obeyed the old doctor.

At this moment, the old doctors and nurses carried the injured patients into the ambulance, and only then did they react.

Who is this woman? Why do they can't help but listen to her?

The police also arrived at the scene of the crime, and Chen Yan got up from the side with a calm face and handed the portrait he had just drawn to the policeman in charge.

"This is just me and 。。。。。。 Chen Yan paused at this point and looked at the woman with the head of the chicken nest.

"My surname is An, An Ruo, doctor, and the specific unit is inconvenient to disclose here. The

woman answered immediately.

Chen Yan nodded and continued to say to the police: "This is the portrait of the suspect that I judged together with Dr. An Ruo

, about 15 minutes have passed since the time of the crime, the suspect must not have gone far, please mobilize the surveillance to find it."

Chen Yan handed the portrait to the police.

The police looked Chen Yan up and down, An Ruo's identity was a doctor, and they naturally classified Chen Yan as a doctor, believing his words.

"Okay, we will start the search immediately, thank you for your cooperation, please cooperate with everyone present, and follow me to the police station to make a record. The

policeman turned to all the onlookers.

There was a mournful voice.

"Why, we didn't commit the crime。。。。。。

"yes, I can't sleep at night. "

What a broom star. "


The voices of grief continued, and Chen Yan frowned.

But fortunately, everyone was intimidated by the majesty of the police, and although they kept muttering, they still followed the police to the police station.

An Ruo and Chen Yan are naturally no exception.

The two walked at the end of the line, and An Ruo yawned, looking very sleepy.

Chen Yan quietly looked at the woman beside him.

An Ruo's hair was a little long, and it was so messy that it almost covered her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Chen Yan's actions were discovered, An Ruo's perception was very sensitive, and she found out almost as soon as Chen Yan looked at her.

She raised her head slightly and glanced at Chen Yan, who only felt that those eyes gave him a chilling feeling.

It had been a long, long time since she had felt it, or rather she had forgotten it.

Now that I meet it again, I still can't help but be shocked, like a terrible enemy who has disappeared before, but now stands in front of you.

Who the hell is she?

Chen Yan suddenly became curious.

But this time the system did not speak, and Chen Yan knew that the other party must not have been included in the system, and he was an unexpected person.

"Nothing, just think you're special. Chen Yan replied truthfully.

Unexpectedly, An Ruo's eyes suddenly became sharp, stabbing at Chen Yan like a knife.

"Don't talk to me. She was furious.

Chen Yan paused, a little distressed, he didn't mean that.

However, such an explanation will only get darker and darker.

Chen Yan didn't speak, but An Ruo suddenly pulled Chen Yan's body and looked at it.

"You。。。。。。 Are you。。。。。。 She was almost speechless in astonishment, as if she had discovered some shocking secret.

Chen Yan's face was blank.

An Ruo looked around and paused.

There are too many people here to say anything.

"I'll talk about it in detail later, but thank you anyway.

An Ruo's attitude changed drastically, Chen Yan became longer and longer, and the monk was confused, where did this thank you come from?

He didn't seem to know An Ruocai。。。。。。

By the time I walked out of the police station, it was already late at night.

An Ruo stood at the door of the police station, saw Chen Yan coming out, and waved his hand.

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