He Chenguang couldn't know the truth too early, otherwise his emotions would only ruin the plan.

"Yes, that's right......" He Chenguang didn't notice that Chen Yan's expression was wrong just now.

Lin Xiaoxiao's background is not simple, it is not ruled out that the other party is for wealth or to force He Chenguang to kidnap her, and it

may also be Wang Yadong's enemy. Chief Qi said.

He Chenguang is a soldier/person, or a special soldier, it cannot be ruled out that the other party kidnapped Lin Xiaoxiao for He Chenguang,

and this possibility is the biggest among all possibilities.

And Lin Xiaoxiao has recently gotten close to Wang Yadong, which makes it reasonable for people to misunderstand that she is Wang Yadong's girlfriend.

Chen Yan nodded and raised his eyes to look at Section Chief Qi.

This is also an old fox, and he has grasped the key to everything without saying a few words.

Now the most likely thing to kidnap Lin Xiaoxiao is the scorpion, and it is possible for the scorpion to run for Wang Yadong or He Chenguang, so it is impossible to say.

According to the character of the scorpion, there must be a complex reason behind his troubles, and it must not be as simple as a whim.

If it is said that he wants He Chenguang to know him, the enemy who killed his father, then kidnapping Lin Xiaoxiao is a big detour.

If he wanted Wang Yadong to re-enter the gang, then the scorpion's movement was a little too big!

As smart as Chen Yan, he didn't see through what the scorpion was for.

"That's right, but that's all we have. Chen Yan put his finger on several pictures of the surveillance footage on the table, and said with a frown.

Everyone in the office was staring at a few pictures on the desktop, and their minds were constantly analyzing them.

"I can't see anything in these pictures alone, does the cinema provide a complete surveillance video?" He Chenguang said.

He looked left and right, but he didn't read more information from Lin Xiaoxiao's expression, which could only show that Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy when he saw something, and

showed a happy expression when he was happy.

But it wasn't her friends who met her, nor was it ...... Wang Yadong. What did she see that made her so happy?

It became a mystery that haunted everyone's mind.

Even Chen Yan couldn't guess it.


Isn't it!

"Congratulations to the host for opening the chain of quests, this quest is divided into multiple stages, please take it seriously. The

sound of the system's machinery came.

"Serial mission?" these words seemed to explode in Chen Yan's mind.

"Yes, if a task fails at any one of these stages, the entire task will fail. All stages must be successful in order to be considered a mission success

, and in contrast, the rewards of this task are rich, so please take the host seriously. "Again, the system stresses the need to take it seriously.

Chen Yanchang sighed, everything is here, what else can I do, in order to be the king of soldiers, this task can only be accepted!"

"In the first stage, please ask the host to find Lin Xiaoxiao, and during the search for Lin Xiaoxiao, all skills will be closed, but the host's backpack function will not be locked. "

What the hell, why lock his skills!Doesn't that mean you can't use the plug-in!

" Because the host hasn't carefully checked all the items in the backpack, this is a special condition. The system said.

"If the host does not fully understand all the functions of the system, then the host can only be forced to understand. This system is designed to assist

the host to become the king of soldiers, and if this system cannot be used effectively, the matter of the host becoming the king of soldiers will become very long. Chen

Yan: "......

what a mess! Didn't he just open his backpack a few times! He actually had to do this task!

Chen Yan almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

"But please rest assured that the task of the first stage is only to make the host unable to use skills, and the host's body value will not be reduced because of this [laughs]. "

What's the matter with that bracket laugh! It's not funny at all, okay!"

Chen Yan complained weakly.

However, everything is complained about, and it doesn't hurt at all for the system.

"If the host has any dissatisfaction with this system, you can raise it at any time, but this system will not adopt it,

and it will lock the skill value of the host~ Please treat the host with kindness. Rao

is Chen Yan, even if he knows this, he can only swallow his anger and bow his head, after all, it is the system, and everything he has now is given by the system.

"Okay, okay, I see. Chen Yan softened his mouth, but he still took a sip of the system in his heart.

I really can't bear this thing, and it's hard to say if I put up with it, so I can't get used to it.

"The mission has begun~" the system reminded.

Chen Yan's gaze returned to the picture in front of him.

Everything Lin Xiaoxiao did was unreasonable, if it was said that he saw the kidnappers, it should be a panic.

"The full surveillance video is here. It

turned out that within a few minutes of Chen Yan receiving the task, Section Chief Qi had already issued the task of taking the original video.

The surveillance video was played on the big screen, and everyone was attentive to it.

Lin Xiaoxiao above arrived in the morning, and Lin Xiaoxiao could only be seen from a distance in the surveillance

, and the angle of the surveillance video could only capture her calf, and everyone obviously saw that her footsteps paused slightly at first, and then walked towards the location of the movie theater.

Her whole body appears in the surveillance video, with no strange people following her, and nothing extra on her

, just standing at the door of the movie theater with a backpack on her back, no different from the other students.

She just stood quietly for about ten minutes, and then beckoned to the front, just so that the monitoring angle couldn't shoot what was on the other side

, which made He Chenguang anxious, pacing back and forth, scratching his ears and cheeks.

Lin Xiaoxiao's picture ended here, everyone watched back and forth a few times and didn't see anything strange, and the clue was really broken.

"Let's go and investigate the field first. Ziko said.

Maybe there's something you can't see in the video.

About an hour or so, the police officers who had gone to the field to investigate returned.

"There is nothing strange before and after, even the early morning picture we checked, and there is nothing strange in the place where she is standing or even nearby. Everything

was in a stalemate, and the kidnappers didn't make any phone calls.

He Chenguang called Lin's mother again and asked Lin Xiaoxiao if she would go home, and the answer was no.

Mother Lin was keenly aware of something, and he vaguely passed it, but this suspicion could not be eliminated together, and Mother Lin would find out about Lin Xiaoxiao's disappearance sooner or later.

Everyone sighed a little, but Chen Yan was the only one who was still looking back and forth at the surveillance video just now, and his face gradually became clearer.

"There's a clue! Start investigating from here!" Chen Yanxi couldn't hide his joy, put his fingertips on Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, and said.

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