The sparks of the car ignited the leaked gasoline, and the two cars suddenly caught fire, and He Chenguang and Lida were far away, and they were not swept away by the air waves.

When they came back to their senses, the location where Chen Yan was originally hiding was already in a mess, and the fence where Chen Yan was hiding just now had already disappeared, and the

fire of the two cars was even more spreading.

"Chen Yan!" He Chenguang suddenly became anxious.

This explosion was menacing and so violent, what was the chance that Chen Yan would survive if he was so close?

Lida also panicked suddenly, looked around, but saw no trace of Chen Yan, and for a while he thought that Chen Yan must be more than lucky.

Although the two have not been together for a long time, he also deeply admires Chen Yan's ability.

What a loss it would be for such a talent to die young!

" Brother Chen!" Lida's eyes didn't know if he was blinded by the smoke of the fire, or because he thought of Chen Yan, his eyes moistened.

He Chenguang and Lida ran to the explosion point together, even if they were dead, they had to see a corpse

, and just as the two of them were getting closer and closer to the car that was on fire, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

"What are you doing here, get out of here!"

The familiar voice made the two of them shake their whole bodies, and suddenly an unconcealable joy appeared in their chests, and they turned their heads to look.

It's Chen Yan! He's all right!

Not only is it okay, but Chen Yan hasn't even torn the clothes on his body.

Lida and He Chenguang's eyes widened, no one expected that Chen Yan would be able to escape from the explosion so close to him unscathed

, and even appear behind them!

How did Chen Yan do all this?

Before he could ask carefully, the frame of the car that had just burned exploded again.

He Chenguang and Lida were startled, and their bodies reacted before their consciousness and immediately bounced to the side.

Fortunately, they contacted the traffic police, and at this moment there were no more cars coming on the national highway/, and the raging fire did not burn for long, and the firefighters came quickly.

Under the spray of high-pressure water Q, the fire of the two cars was quickly extinguished, and none of the terrorists who chased the three people were spared

, but their bodies had merged with the cars, and it would take a long time to investigate the identities of these people.

Lida looked at the charred terrorists in the car and inevitably threw up.

And although He Chenguang also felt uncomfortable, he didn't have such a big reaction as Lida, after all, he had already been trained by wolf teeth.

Lida slowed down for a while, until the three of them got into the new car provided by the traffic police, and he still had palpitations.

However, I was also shocked by Chen Yan's professional skills.

"Chen Yan, how did you do it just now!" he


"Special driving, morning light will also.

Chen Yan was faint, and He Chenguang bowed slightly, which was considered to be in response to this.

"Don't bluff me, when I went to the police academy, I practiced special driving every weekend, and I didn't see such a ...... Vigorous. Lida

didn't know the words to describe what she was seeing.

What Chen Yan showed just now is not something that can be practiced overnight.

"Chen Yan is in our team, no, I think he is one of the strongest people in the entire army, he can do anything

, he also hacked the system of your General Bureau at the beginning, so it should have been a few months ago.

He Chenguang praised.

In terms of physical fitness, resourcefulness, and technology, he can't compare to Chen Yan.

Lida's eyes were full of admiration, and he almost flashed light.

"Those more than ten locks were really strengthened by you!"

he almost exclaimed, seeing a living idol.

Chen Yan didn't answer Lida's words, he was thinking about other things.

"It's just that now I'm a little confused, is it really

the scorpion that did it?" his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a faint danger, and he couldn't believe for a moment that all this was controlled by the scorpion.

It's not that the scorpion can't do this, but he doesn't need to do it at all!

Besides, the scorpion has always been low-key, and this time it's kidnapping Lin Xiaoxiao and chasing a car on the national highway, and the movement is inevitably a bit too much.

That's a national highway!

There are cars coming and going all the time on the national highway and real-time monitoring, and the scorpion is so big, is it because he doesn't want to go back? According to Chen Yan's

understanding, with the character of a scorpion, he will never make a desperate bet.

Besides, this time the scorpion came to China and found Wang Yadong first, which means that the scorpion did not come to China to demonstrate, but only to solicit, Wang Yadong did

not return to the scorpion's side, so the scorpion's purpose was not achieved, although he regretted it, but he

would not kidnap Lin Xiaoxiao and alarm both the army/police.

But now all the clues are leading to the scorpion, although all the clues are clear, Chen Yan always feels that something is wrong

, because everything is too clear, but everything has become blurred.

"Why do you say that?" He Chenguang's brows tightened.

If it's not a scorpion, then who would it be?Chen Yan said this too strangely, everything pointed to the scorpion very clearly, didn't it?

"Yes, isn't this clue very clear?"

Lida also agreed, he didn't understand why Chen Yan said this.

"It's because everything is too clear, it seems that the whole thing is very strange, you think about it, the national highway chasing cars, this courage is also a little bigger, of course, at this time

, the courage is not enough to estimate that nothing can be done, which is also a lot of people are worried.

But why is it that there is only one car on the entire national highway during this time?" "

That's the national highway, and it's too weird to have only two cars, which can only show that the other party must have arranged it, and they are specially waiting for them here!"

Chen Yan's eyes sank, and He Chenguang was immediately connected after he reminded him, and his face was not good-looking.

"You're saying someone is deliberately playing with us with scorpions.

He Chenguang's fists clenched, if this is the case, the identity of the other party is definitely not simple, and it may even be a big organization.

Chen Yan nodded: "It's hard to say who is behind it." "

This world is no longer the original world of special forces, there are too many unexpected people, and the scorpion should be the final boss,

but now it seems that he is just a small boss.

There is another reason why Chen Yan judged that Lin Xiaoxiao's disappearance

was not a scorpion, that is, the task given to him by the system was to find Lin Xiaoxiao, not to find the scorpion! This shows that the scorpion is probably not with Lin Xiaoxiao!

Now he can only be sure that the scorpion is in the country, and whether he can be caught or not can only be taken one step at a time.

Chen Yan didn't continue, and the atmosphere of the whole car fell silent.

Lida kept tapping on the computer, as if it would ease his anxiety, and He Chenguang and Chen Yan both looked ahead

until the coastline gradually appeared in their sight......

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