Chen Yan was cautious along the way, although he was no different from a chameleon now, and

his body surface would change according to the surrounding environment, but he still had to be careful, after all, he was changing the color of his body, not invisible.

The system allowed him to infiltrate the Blue Army Headquarters and behead the Blue Army Commander-in-Chief

, and now that the first half of the mission has been completed, he just doesn't know where the Blue Army Commander-in-Chief is.

Chen Yan cautiously crawled beside the tent, and suddenly thought that he had an all-purpose system!

"System, can you find the location of the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army?" "The commander-in-chief of the Blue Army is the target of the mission, please find it by the host, don't think about cheating,

but this system can give the host some information about the commander-in-chief

of the Blue Army."

Chen Yangang wanted to complain that the system was irresponsible, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he became happy.

Although he can't find it all at once, he can easily find it if he knows what the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army looks like,

otherwise he will be like a headless fly.

"Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Army: Zhang Shiping。。。。。。 The system gave a detailed introduction to the commander-in-chief of the

Blue Army, and there was a photo of the vicissitudes of life but very majestic next to it, the man's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and

he was indeed a veteran who had lived on the battlefield for a long time!

Chen Yan carefully observed everyone who entered and exited the Blue Army Headquarters, but he didn't find Zhang Shiping

, I guess he must be in the command center, but there are so many tents, which one is the command center?

Seeing that the sun was slowly sinking and the night was coming, Chen Yan planned not to wait any longer.

Otherwise, if Zhang Shiping doesn't come out all the time, he can't keep waiting, right?

Fortunately, Fan Tianlei didn't know what was delayed and didn't come back, which gave Chen Yan a good chance.

Here in the Blues, at night there are groups of eight soldiers patrolling.

Avoiding the patrolmen, he lifted the curtain of one of the tents and peered in.

Kang Lei's

hand was injured and hung around his neck, but he did not have the slightest urgency to be caught

, but instead took a sip of wine, peeled out a peanut with one hand and threw it into his mouth,

while two soldiers guarded him on the left and right.

Chen Yan's luck was really not bad! He didn't want to make too much noise, so he quietly touched the curtain of the tent door.

He felt the switch of the tent light at the curtain, and the moment the only light in the tent went out,

he pulled out the dagger at his waist and quickly pressed it against the neck of one of the soldiers.

It takes only two seconds before and after.

"Soldier, you are dead. He said softly.

Only then did the other soldier realize that someone had infiltrated and quickly raised the Q.

But Chen Yan didn't want others to find out, so the dagger turned in his hand and quickly hit the soldier's neck.

"You're dead too, now sit here honestly and don't make a sound. Dead people don't speak. The

two of them had already been killed, so they could only stay on the sidelines,

curiously looking at what kind of divine could quickly kill the two special forces!

Chen Yan touched Kang Lei's side.

"Regiment Commander, I'm here to save

you!" Kang Lei heard Chen Yan's voice, and his heart was overjoyed, Chen Yan actually saved him twice in a short period of time

! "What should I do?"

"This is the Blue Army Headquarters! So many special forces are here!"

"Regiment Commander, I'll find you a car, and after you drive out of the Blue Army Headquarters, you will go towards the target ditch."

Kang Lei's mind was full of doubts.

"What about you?" he

left, so could it be difficult for Chen Yan to stay here alone?,

"I'm going to behead Fan Shen/Chief!" Chen

Yan said very confidently.

Kang Lei's brows furrowed.

Chen Yan couldn't say that he had a system, he would definitely be able to behead Fan Tianlei, right?

Immediately said, "Let's go, head of the group, time is running out!" They

had already stayed for more than a minute, and if they stayed any longer, they would attract the attention of others.

It's not that Chen Yan is afraid of these people, it's just that making too much noise is not conducive to them leaving.

Chen Yan had turned off his concealed skills at the moment, and by the faint light

, the two special forces guarding Kang Lei just now could clearly see the rank on Chen Yan's shoulder—a crutch

! "...... "

Their dignified wolf-tooth special operations brigade was actually touched into the headquarters by a new recruit

! And quietly killed the two of them! Where are you going to hang this face?

The two looked at each other, intending to act as if it had never happened.

After all, it would be a shame to say this!

Chen Yan and Kang Lei found out of the tent, and the open space where the Blue Army parked was easy to find, and there were few guards at night.

Chen Yan took out 88 snipers, first sniped a few, and

then used Bu Q to kill them without several other special forces noticing.

Fortunately, the silencer had been installed before he entered the Blues headquarters.

Kang Lei felt that Chen Yan's Q method was simply amazing!

One Q at a time, it was not accurate.

I can't help but feel proud.

This is his soldier!

"Okay, regimental commander, I'll go to the front to clear the way for you, and you will rush out all the way!"

Chen Yan helped Kang Lei open the car door, and immediately rushed into the distance.

Although Conley was single-handed, it didn't stop him from driving, and he stepped on the gas pedal and sped towards the gates of the Blues headquarters.

Unhindered all the way, when Kang Lei drove out of the Blues headquarters, he saw Chen Yan in the rearview mirror waving his hand to him.

After Chen Yan killed a small number of left-behind special forces in the base, he finally caused a commotion.

He didn't dare to stay longer, and ran towards the chimney where He Chenguang had stayed in the TV series.

Fan Tianlei also returned to the headquarters of the Blue Army at this moment, Chen Yan was climbing towards the top of the chimney at this time

, only to hear the rumbling sound of the helicopter, and he couldn't help but feel a sudden feeling in his heart, and

he had some bad premonitions, so he accelerated the speed of climbing.

"What's going on!" As

soon as Fan Tianlei returned to the headquarters, he found that it was on full alert.

The lights in Conley's tent were also turned off.

"A soldier from the Red Army broke in and rescued Regiment Commander Kang Lei!" a

special soldier gave a military salute to Fan Tianlei.

"Alone?" Miao Wolf was taken aback.

"Snow Leopard, you take someone to chase Kang Lei first! Miao Wolf, this is Tang Xinyi Tang Gong of the Special Warfare Scientific Research Center of the Military Region

, you take her to the command headquarters, and she will upgrade the equipment for us.

Chen Shanming immediately took a few soldiers and chased in the direction that Kang Lei left.

Fan Tianlei felt that this exercise was getting more and more interesting, and after counting the dead Blue Army soldiers on the side, he also entered the command headquarters.

"Okay, this kid, it's amazing to kill more than 20 of us by yourself!" Fan

Tianlei didn't have any anger at this, but laughed.

"Where is sacred?" Miao Wolf was startled.

But Gong Jian is not so powerful that one person can lay down more than 20 special forces!

Miao Wolf couldn't figure it out.

In addition to Gong Jian, he couldn't think of anything more powerful in the Iron Fist Regiment, could it be a recruit?

Which recruit can have this level of defying the sky and still stay in the Iron Fist Regiment? I didn't know where to go to that elite unit for a long time!

Fan Tianlei glanced at him, mysterious and secretive, and didn't say anything.

Instead, he asked Tang Xinyi: "Tang Gong, how long will it take for this infrared system to be installed?" "

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