Since Chen Yan came, the results of the Sixth Company have plummeted, even if Wang Yanbing later entered

the Sixth Company, he did not save the average score that was pulled down by him, and the Sixth Company was almost at the bottom of the entire regiment.

And he, Chen Yan, has always been the tail of the crane at the bottom of the six-lian.

On the surface, these comrades-in-arms just ignored him, but in fact, they all looked down on him in their hearts.

Lin Qingguo is at a critical moment this year, if Chen Yansheng can't continue to serve, presumably the Sixth Company will hate him.

"Yo! Chen Yan was the first to arrive today, which is good. Lin Qingguo's eyes were full of approval.

"Go ahead, stand at the end.

Lin Qingguo pointed to the position of the tail end of the sixth company and motioned for Chen Yan to go over.

Chen Yan didn't move, his eyes were blazing, he looked at Lin Qingguo, and plucked up the courage to say seriously: "Squad

leader, I will definitely not embarrass you again!"

Lin Qingguo was stunned, but the squad leader next to him suddenly sneered.

"The kid doesn't have a lot of ability, but he has a big breath, and if you are not at the bottom of your class this year, I feel that the sun is coming out of the west. "

Chen Yan knows him, that

is the squad leader of the second squad of the third company, and there are several top soldiers under his hands, although it is not as good as the fourth company, but

in front of other companies, it can be said to be one of the best.

He didn't refute, turned his head and walked in the direction that Lin Qingguo was pointing.

Lin Qingguo's voice sounded behind him.

"What are you talking about, old man, Chen Yan is a good boy!"

"Am I wrong?"


Chen Yan listened to it in his ears, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

At 8 o'clock in the morning

, the entire regiment was assembled and waited for the inspection of the leaders in the school field, the entire sixth company was at the end of the team, and Chen Yan's squad was at the end of the sixth company.

The people of the Sixth Company would more or less feel that they couldn't raise their heads

, but they still stubbornly accepted the sympathetic eyes of the other companies, and they all had some opinions on Chen Yan.

However, this situation did not last long, and Conley soon arrived

, followed by a few guards and company commanders, and walked to the front of the line.

"All of them, take a break, stand up!" The

uniform movements of more than a thousand fighters of the Iron Fist Regiment were very pleasing to the eye, and Kang Lei nodded.

And on the main/table behind him, I don't know when, there was already a lieutenant general, and behind the lieutenant general

, there were several officers standing, too far away, Chen Yan couldn't see clearly

, only vaguely felt that one of the officers was very kind, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"The head of

the Iron Fist Regiment, Kang Lei, reports to the chief/chief! All the fighters of the Iron Fist Regiment have been assembled, please give further instructions!" Kang

Lei's voice resounded almost throughout the school field, and

even the soldiers standing in the back row like Chen Yan were very clear.

"Good!" Lieutenant General is also full of energy.

"All the fighters of the Iron Fist Regiment, hello, I am Tang Yun, presumably you are all seeing me for the first time......"

Lieutenant General Tang Yun first made a series of passionate speeches, and then he got to the point.

"I've always heard that the Iron Fist Regiment has a Shen Q hand company, and I want to see it today. Captain Kang!"

"Here!" Kang Lei replied loudly, then turned to the entire Iron Fist Regiment.

Then he gave the order: "Fourth Company, all of them! Turn left! Run and walk!"

Chen Yan was a little excited when he heard this, after all, He Chenguang, the protagonist of the special forces, was in the Fourth Company.

He hadn't seen He Chenguang since he came here! Chen Yan wanted to see it.

"Chen Yan!"

His movements were a little abrupt in the neat and uniform team, as if copying and pasting

, Lin Qingguo sweated on his forehead, and reminded in a low voice.

And his small move was also clearly seen by Tang Yun on the host/table.

"That soldier!"

Tang Yun frowned, obviously a little unhappy.

When he made a sound, everyone looked at Chen Yan, Chen Yan froze, and some couldn't cry or laugh.

He didn't need to look at it to know that the whole regiment must be muttering in his heart now.

"Here!Chief/Chief!" Chen

Yan stepped forward and responded loudly.

Tang Yun asked, "Which class are you from?"

"Sixth Company 3rd class." Chen Yan straightened his back.

"What were you looking at just now?" Tang Yun obviously wanted to ask the teacher for his guilt.

Chen Yan replied: "Report to the chief/chief! Look at Shen Q Lian!" Kang

Lei couldn't help sweating on his forehead, he knew that this Chen Yan was a change

, even if his grades were always at the bottom, he couldn't keep up with his physical fitness, and

Lin Qingguo's military career might be lost to him this year.

"Come forward!" Tang

Yun gave instructions, and Chen Yan trotted forward and stood steadily beside Shen Q Company.

"What is Shen Q even doing?" Tang Yun obviously hated the soldiers who destroyed the chances

, his two brows were almost twisted together, and his face was full of seriousness.

"Report to the chief/chief!I'm looking to see what my future opponents look like!" As

soon as Chen Yan said this, no one in the Iron Fist Regiment who knew him could hold back his laughter.

"Shut up, what are you laughing at!" Conley immediately shouted at him.

This aroused Tang Yun's curiosity.

"Kang Lei, what's going on?"

"Ahem, chief/chief, this is the famous bottom king of our regiment, since he entered the regiment, the

penultimate position has been occupied by him for a long time.

Conley was a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, just for this?" Tang Yun's face softened, and he turned to ask Chen Yan, "Boy, what's your name?" "Chen Yan


Tang Yun turned to the other fighters.

"You soldiers! Chen Yan has the courage to say it, but what about you? Laugh behind your back!

Give me a good job and do ideological work!"


-A bright light suddenly flashed in Chen Yan's mind, and then the voice of the system followed.

"Please PK the host with four consecutive and get the first result, reward: physical fitness +30,

accurate shooting +20, system repair time -10 days. "

Shorten ten days!" Chen Yan's eyes lit up.

"Chen Yan, you are very ambitious, don't care what others say, work hard yourself!"

After saying that, Tang Yun wanted him to return to the team, and Kang Lei was also relieved.

After all, Chen Yan is at the bottom of the Iron Fist Regiment

, if he is reviewed, it will really lose

his old face, and Fan Yunlei behind Tang Yun is his old comrade-in-arms, and if he brings out such a soldier, Fan Yunlei's

big teeth will laugh off.

"Report to the chief!" Chen Yan didn't move, but shouted again.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yun was good-tempered and didn't bother with Chen Yan.

"Chief/Chief, I want to compete with Shen Q for four consecutive times!" As

soon as Chen Yan said this, the audience fell silent.

A crane tail, and a sharp one, is there any room for comparison? There is no doubt that Chen Yan will definitely lose!

Tang Yun is also full of doubts.

"I want to prove to everyone that I'm not a waste

!" "Chen Yan, are you crazy, go back!" Kang Lei suddenly became nervous.

This kid must have been ostracized because of his bad grades, full of resentment, and wanted revenge!

On the contrary, Tang Yun laughed out loud after a moment of silence.

"Hahahaha, okay!Boy, let's try it!".

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