Chen Yan smiled in his heart.

Now is the time for them to go their separate ways, and then use their own skills to get to the meeting point.

"Don't ask, there will be someone to connect with you when you get there. Fan Tianlei's face sank.

"Yes!" the four of them were used to staying in the army/camp, and immediately shouted subconsciously.

Full of neutrality, attracting the attention of others.

"Wait a minute, I have one more thing to say. Fan Tianlei said, "Now you are just ordinary people, don't reveal your identity, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" The four of them replied in unison.

"Go ahead. Fan Tianlei gave an order.

The four of them returned to normal and walked towards the ticket gate, Fan Tianlei smiled very thiefly.

He wants to take a good look at how these boys are going to cross the sea with eight immortals!

Fan Tianlei couldn't help laughing when he thought of the arrangements after that.

The four of them took the train to different places, and the journey was about the same.

After saying goodbye at the train station, Chen Yan got on the green train alone.

If Fan Tianlei wants to test them, they will naturally show their strongest side.

The train runs from dawn to dark.

Chen Yan walked out of the / train station and looked around for the connector.

At this moment, Chen Shanming saw Chen Yan's figure in the car on the side, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Here he is!

He took an iron box and gently placed it on the ground.

It turned out to be Chen Shanming to connect.

Chen Yan knew Chen Shanming, not only during the exercise, but also when Tang Yun was inspecting before!

This box must be Chen Yan's next destination.

But he also knew that there must still be a handful of Q in it!

Chen Yan remained silent, let go of Chen Shanming, lifted the box and immediately trotted and disappeared into the alley.

Chen Shanming just wanted to pick up his mobile phone to report Chen Yan for illegally holding Q, but turned his head to find that Chen Yan was gone.

Why did this kid run so fast!

He was a little speechless, but he still got through to the police.

After the police knew that someone at the train station had illegally armed a Q and had fled, they immediately dispatched special police to attack.

At this time, Chen Yan had already run to a deserted river, one or two kilometers away from the train station.

"How is this kid a ghost?"

Fan Tianlei was a little puzzled.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to observe the appearance of the connector first, and then go to get the box, and then open it in confusion, and this time is enough for the police to find him, and then it depends on how these rookies can avoid it.

But Chen Yan didn't play according to the routine, which made Fan Tianlei's mind full of doubts.

A team of armed police officers has also been dispatched to search the area at the railway station.

Chen Yan opened the box and took out the phone, it was a white flip phone with a bomb inside, once the lid of the phone was opened, the bomb would be activated, and it would explode after 10 seconds.

Although he already knew the contents of the text message, he still opened the lid, pretended to read the text message, and immediately threw the phone into the lake.

The lake was blown up and made a small wave, and Chen Yan took out the hand Q in the box, and just wanted to deal with it in the same way.


"Don't go, I'm not a bad person!" Chen Yan shouted weakly.

The man didn't listen to it at all, she only came here to see when she heard a small explosion on the lake just now, but she didn't expect to see Chen Yan holding the Q.

In a panic, she dropped the leash and ran ......

The dog yelled at Chen Yan, but did not dare to approach.

Chen Yan was really speechless, but he also knew that he should run, and sank the Q of his mobile phone into the lake.

Anyway, Fan Tianlei will send someone to fish it out at that time, after all, he is monitoring the entire selection all the time.

This Q will definitely not "go to the people".

He climbed the bridge with great dexterity and left.

Not long after leaving, a team of police dogs searched the area.

Looking for the scent left by Chen Yan, he continued to chase.

"Wang, Wang, Wang!" Chen

Yan heard the sound of the dog, and he felt that it was not good, he had forgotten about this stubble! The police still had a police dog!

He rushed into the night market.

There are a lot of people in the night market, and the tastes are also mixed.

"I'm sorry. Chen Yan entered the crowd of passers-by, so he slowed down and deliberately bumped into several people, leaving the smell on his body on each other's bodies.

However, this can only slow down the search speed of the police dog, and if you really want to dodge, you have to use your brain.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and Chen Yan knew that the police were chasing him, so he sped up and drilled into the depths of the night market.

"Little brother!" suddenly came a coquettish/charming voice from the alley next to the night market.

Chen Yan had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and turned his head towards the alley.

The woman was wearing a fiery red short skirt, her upper body was almost unable to hold it, and her lower body was able to cover her thighs, stepping on a pair of high heels, and shouting Chen Yan with red lips.

Chen Yan was backlit, and the woman couldn't see his face, she only felt that he looked ruthless and strong.

When Chen Yan walked to the dim light, the woman's eyes lit up, she was so handsome! There was still a kind of wildness on her body.

The woman hadn't met such a good person for a long time, and happily leaned towards Chen Yan immediately.

"Little brother, do you want to be happy?"

Chen Yan did not refuse the woman's overtures, and looked down at the woman's face with heavy makeup.

"How can you be happy?"

Chen Yan asked, but all the perceptions in his body were put elsewhere.

The police dog passed through the crowd, perhaps because the smell of other night markets was too strong, and it lost its direction for a while and spun in circles.

But Chen Yan knew that the other party would soon chase after him.

The woman was still rubbing against Chen Yan.

"That's it...... That's a lot of fun. "She's very seductive.

Chen Yan had already seen the navy blue hat, and he had also successfully changed the smell on his body.

Open the box and take out two hundred dollars from it.

"Be a good man, don't mention seeing me.

Seeing that the police dog was about to enter the alley after turning a corner, Chen Yan stuffed the money to the woman, then shook her off and ran away.

The woman's eyes saw a red book in Chen Yan's box, with a big star painted on it, and she didn't dare to speak for a while, and waited until she came back to her senses before she spoke.

"Handsome! That's a dead end...... Same ......"

The woman was surprised and just wanted to remind, but saw Chen Yanma running over the wall.

Woman: "......

" "Do you see a man!" The police saw the woman and immediately came up for questioning.

The woman is in the skin and meat business, although it is strange for her to see the police chasing a soldier/person, but Chen Yan gave her money, and she is afraid that the police will interrogate her, and when the time comes, it will not be good to hook up her illegal business.

The woman immediately shook her head, and the police dog also lost its direction at the same time, running in another direction with the police.

"This ......,"

the policeman was puzzled.

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