
Kang Lei was very surprised by Fan Yunlei's words, and his heart said that Chen Yan, the king of the bottom of the 10,000-year-old king,

would look at the target suspiciously.

I don't know if I don't see it, and I'm shocked when I see it.

1。。。。。 2。。。。 3。。。。

There were only six bullet holes on the target, which means that Chen Yan only hit six Qs, but he actually scored 59 points!

Kang Lei was speechless when he saw the target.

Chen Yan had a good score of 10 rings in five Qs! Of the remaining five Qs, four Qs missed

the target, and the remaining one was slightly off target and hit on the 9th ring.

This kind of achievement is really unheard of! It can be said that it is a malicious score control

! The failure of the five Q10 rings and the first Q nine rings!

"This!" Kang

Lei looked back and forth between the target and Chen Yan in disbelief.

He had to suspect that Chen Yan was teasing them. After all, this disparity is too great

! The day before it was the tail of the crane of the whole regiment, the day after it actually scored such a miraculous result!

He doubted whether this target was Chen Yan's after all.

Fan Yunlei had a smile on his face, while Kang Lei had a strange face, and his

completely different attitude successfully aroused Tang Yun's curiosity.

"Show me the target.

Kang Lei immediately handed it over, and Tang Yun's expression changed suddenly.

"Chen Yan, come here. He

could see the clues on the target at a glance.

Fan Yunlei approached Kang Lei, and whispered with his hands behind his back: "Why hasn't my brother seen it yet? This is not a target of 59 points." "

I can't see it, this kid is either teasing us

, or he is deliberate, this level is obviously 90 points, but he scored 59, but he is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Kang Lei felt a little depressed, he hadn't found out that there was such a god Q hand in the group.

"I mean, the target is 99, not 59 at all.

Fan Yunlei smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line.

Such a good seedling, if he can be pulled into the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade。。。。。。

"What are you talking about?" Fan

Yunlei is the chief of the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade, he has been in the army for many years, and

he has seen more targets than he has eaten salt, so his judgment will not be wrong.

If this is really the case, Chen Yan's strength already has the level of the four consecutive Shen Q hands.

Kang Lei's expression was complicated, and his voice couldn't help but be raised a few degrees, and everyone instantly looked at him.

Kang Lei cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment.

"Boy, your target is really beautiful, 10Q hit, only one Q missed

, beautiful 99 points, tell me, how did you do it?

As soon as Tang Yun's words came out, everyone was stunned, especially the squad leader who had just reported the score.

There are only six holes on the target, how can it be 99 points?

Unless。。。。。 He suddenly thought of a possibility, and goosebumps popped up.

If Chen Yan can really do it, then it's really a god

!" "Come, come and see, 10Q, of which 8Q has a double bullet and one hole, beautiful!"

Tang Yun's eyes were full of appreciation, and everyone gathered around.

Wang Yanbing clenched his fists.


the commotion in the front row had already spread to the back, and no one knew what was going on

, only that it was Chen Yan's target that went wrong, and Lin Qingguo couldn't help but sweat.

"It's really beautiful, it's even more beautiful if the last Q doesn't miss!" Kang

Lei didn't know what made Chen Yan progress so quickly,

but he was still relieved that there was no fault in the chief/chief review this time.

"This kid is not careless, he deliberately missed.

Fan Tianlei grinned.

"Really?" Tang Yun was puzzled.

"No, I just ended up missing.

Chen Yan scratched his head and pretended to be stupid.

He did plan to score 59 points and show Lin Qingguo his progress

, but he couldn't waste the last 4 bullets, he thought that in the original world of special forces,

He Chenguang almost deceived everyone with two bullets and one hole.

I breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of my heart, but fortunately, the system did not drop the chain.

"Hahaha, come on, boy, tell me how you got this result?"

Fan Tianlei was very interested in this, He Chenguang had hit a double bullet

and a hole at the beginning, and Chen Yan actually hit four, which was still a perfect fit!

If it weren't for Lieutenant General Tang Yun here, Fan Tianlei might have been excited to pull Chen Yan directly into the wolf's teeth.

"Nothing special, just aim as you normally would.

Fan Tianlei saw that Chen Yan had something to hide, and no longer asked, everyone has their own training methods

, he can't force Chen Yan to say it, right? Lieutenant General Tang Yun's words were passed on to the back, and Lin Qingguo knew that Chen Yan had actually scored 99 points!

Although he wondered why Chen Yan had suddenly made great progress, he still couldn't

hold back the excitement in his heart.

Fan Tianlei turned to ask, "Okay, have you ever played sniping?"

Tang Yun and Kang Lei on the side knew that he was interested when he saw a good soldier, and they couldn't cry or laugh in their hearts.

Chen Yan shook his head.

Kang Lei knew that Chen Yan hadn't even touched the sniper Q, and wanted to stop it

, but today's review was enough to make him go up and down, and he didn't want to make any more moths.

Fan Tianlei took the lead with a big wave of his hand, and asked a special soldier behind him to bring a few 88 snipers.

"He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu all came over and tried it. Fan Tianlei shouted.

Tang Yun did not stop him, and watched with interest.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing have already used snipers, only Li Erniu and Chen Yan are novices

, Li Erniu has always wanted to touch the sniper, and he was very excited when he heard it.

"Snow leopard, you go and teach the two of them.

Chen Yan felt very familiar when he heard this code name, and when he looked up, he saw Chen Shanming walking towards them.

This is the leader of the red blood cell team!"

"Here, two rookies, 88 snipers have a maximum range of 800 meters...... "

Chen Shanming patiently taught.

Fan Tianlei took care of Chen Yan and Li Erniu, and planned to let a few people hit the 600-meter head target.

Over there, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang are already more energetic.

"Report to the chief/long! 600 meters is too close, I want to hit 1500 meters!" He

Chenguang shouted.

"If you don't pretend/force you to die?" Wang Yanbing rolled his eyes.

He Chenguang still looked like he was smiling.

"Oh?" Fan Tianlei and the others' eyes lit up, "Did you hear what the snow leopard just said?

The 88 sniper has an effective range of 800 meters, and if it exceeds this number, the bullet will not know where it will go." "

Yes! I used 88 to snipe 1200 meters when I was training! I want to challenge 1400 this time!"

He Chenguang straightened his waist and was very confident, while Wang Yanbing on the side refused to admit defeat

, raised his eyebrows at He Chenguang, and said immediately.

"Report to the chief/chief!I'm going to hit

1400 too!" Fan Tianlei was a little embarrassed, after all, this 1400 was almost twice the effective

range, and even if it was 1 meter beyond the range, the direction of the bullet was already uncontrollable.

"Hahaha, okay! Arrange a 1400 head target for them!" Tang

Yun likes to see this kind of self-challenge, even if he fails in the end, he is not ashamed.

After Chen Yan and Li Erniu had a general understanding of Sniper Q, the 1400-meter shooting range had been arranged.

He Chenguang took the lead in crawling on the ground to measure ......

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