"The last 5 seconds. Chen Shanming looked at his watch and prompted.

This means that if these soldiers don't cross the barrier made of fire, they will have no chance with the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade.

"Come here!" shouted several people who had already crossed the fire barrier.

After so many efforts had been made before, it was just this last fire barrier, and if they didn't cross it, all the previous efforts would be in vain!

Several people hesitated, their eyes full of burning flames, and the fire had succeeded in burning the last trace of courage in their chests.


Chen Shanming reported the time.

"Send them back to the original unit. "

He doesn't have any pity, he has any hesitation now, and when he gets to the battlefield, he will retreat in the face of more difficult things.

These men were silent, and the fear of facing the flames was imprinted in their hearts. It can't be dispersed for a long time.

"Okay, you've all seen it too! Only the best soldiers can enter the wolf's teeth!" Fan Tianlei said solemnly.

Except for Chen Yan, the people felt that this screening was so cruel, and once there was a moment of hesitation, they would be sent back mercilessly, and now everyone had to face it with a twelve-point spirit.

"All of them, in line. Chen Shanming received Fan Tianlei's eyes and immediately shouted to everyone.

Everyone lined up with Chen Yan as the head of the team.

Fan Tianlei swept the faces of these more than ten people, within three days, there were more than a hundred elites left, and his wolf tooth special combat brigade only needed the most sophisticated soldiers!

"Follow me, run...... Let's go!"

Chen Shanming's voice was very high, but Chen Yan couldn't help but shudder when he thought of what he was going to experience next, and looked at He Chenguang and the others sympathetically.

He Chenguang and the others: "?"

No one understood why Chen Yan looked at them with such eyes.

"Alright, here we go. Chen Shanming smiled very chicken thief.

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong moved their noses, and their faces turned white in an instant, especially He Chenguang, who had just come out of the hospital and was very familiar with the smell of alcohol. The two looked at Chen Yan with doubts.

As soon as the expressions of the two changed, Chen Yan knew that the two of them understood, and nodded, confirming their thoughts.

Xu Tianlong patted his head, revealing a painful expression.

"Four Eyes, what are you doing?" Song

Kaifei gently touched him with his arm and asked.

"I said, pilot, can you not have so many questions?

He frowned, wondering how he was going to get through the pain.

"Okay, after going in, listen to Miao Wolf's command.

Chen Shanming smiled again, and everyone stopped in front of this square room and looked at each other, unable to figure it out.

It wasn't until they stepped into the room in a neat line that their faces changed in an instant.

The alcohol

pool was as big as a swimming pool!

Everyone was stunned.

They had just run all the way from the stone field, and needless to say, there must be wounds on their feet! Wouldn't that kill them when they went down into the alcohol pool! Ten fingers connected to the heart! Ten toes were connected to the heart! How much it hurt!

Miao Wolf saw the faces of the group of rookies in front of him, and showed a smile, which seemed to be the smile of the devil in the eyes of everyone.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take it off, line up!"

His understatement seemed to make everyone feel that Taishan was pressing on their bodies! No one dared to take it off first, this alcohol has a disinfecting effect, but it hurts so much that people grin!

Miao Wolf was not in a hurry, so he looked at everyone for a long time.

"What are you afraid of! Take it off!" Chen Yan didn't have many wounds under his feet, and after 3 kilometers, he was running with the skills of an iron cloth shirt, and there was at most a little abrasion under his feet.

Take off your clothes and shoes first.

The others were different, there were bloodstained wounds under their feet, and this one in the alcohol pool was no different from a sheep entering the tiger's mouth!

But with Chen Yan taking the lead, Xu Tianlong and He Chenguang also took off.

Everyone no longer hesitated.

When they took off their formal clothes, their hands were shaking.

Xu Tianlong and He Chenguang stood beside Chen Yan, and they couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva in the face of such a large alcohol pool.


was already a slight tingling sensation under the feet of the two of them, which was caused by the stinging/stimulation of the alcohol scattered outside the alcohol pool, and the two of them were about to jump in pain almost at the same time.

Standing on this stone slab hurts so much, what kind of miserable situation should it be to really get into the alcohol pool!

The two jumped to their feet, but they were not surprised when they saw Chen Yan, although they were naked, they were still so indifferent.

They looked at Chen Yan's feet.

Could this be the gap! Chen Yan has a pair of iron feet, and there is only a slight bruise! The

two of them couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

The rest of the soldiers stepped on this alcohol-stained slate and reacted like He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong, although they all bared their teeth and grinned, but no one shouted pain as a real man.

The faces of the people were hideous, and they exchanged their feet on the ground left and right.

"Go down!" Miao Wolf saw the reaction of this group of rookies, and wanted to laugh but didn't laugh.

Of course, Chen Yan's reaction was not what he expected, and even Chen Yan's feet were not as hideous as others' was completely unexpected.

After all, anyone wearing those formal leather shoes and stepping on sharp stones will have some kind of wounds, especially just now he saw that many rookie socks have been stained with blood on their feet, but Chen Yan seems to be completely unaffected.

Miao Wolf gave an order, and all the rookies looked at each other, no one wanted to be the first bird, just when everyone kept jumping to their feet, Chen Yan suddenly stood up, strode into the alcohol pool, and then soaked the whole person in.

There was a brief stinging pain from the abrasion on the soles of his feet, and then he couldn't feel anything.

"It's pretty comfortable, you guys try it too. His face was expressionless, as if he were just taking a bath.

Other people looked at him and kept complaining.

You're not injured on Chen Yan's feet, and we're all injured! You can't die of pain this time! Everyone's

eyes were burning, as if they were about to order this alcohol pool.

"Someone is in the lead, which of you still wants to go down? Let me warn you first, those who don't go down will be eliminated. Miao Wolf still understated it, with a full face of watching the play.

Xu Tianlong and He Chenguang made eye contact.

He Chenguang: Yes?

Xu Tianlong: You go first.

He Chenguang

gritted his teeth and staggered towards the alcohol pool with the determination to die, his stiff legs were like two stiff bamboo poles, and he was so painful that he had no strength to bend at all.

Xu Tianlong praised He Chenguang as a warrior in his heart, and then he trembled/trembled and walked towards the alcohol pool.

Everyone looked at each other.

If you go, it hurts! If you don't go, you will be eliminated.

Gritting their teeth, they all walked towards the alcohol pool.

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